Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 3, No. 30 - July 29, 2021
This Issue
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Hawthorne Press Tribune
Featuring the Weekly Newspapers of Hawthorne, Inglewood and Lawndale
Man Who Survived COVID-19
Urges Others to Get Vaccinated
A year ago, Centinela Hospital Medical Center discharged one of their first COVID-19 patients after a 93-day hospitalization. It was a joyous time, and they celebrated this patient’s life and were hopeful for
his full recovery. Although several staff have been in touch with Michael Orantes throughout this past year, they were delighted and surprised when Michael and the Orantes family returned to the hospital
to thank his care team for the herculean efforts made to nurse Michael back to health. This moment ... this is why Centinela Hospital dedicates themself to others, often making heartbreaking sacrifices.
This makes everything worth it, through the pain and struggle we heal. With his strength and resilience, Michael made it through the storm and he is healthy and well. And as he told the hospital, we are
family now! Sending much love to the Orantes family and those who have supported them during this time. To their COVID miracle, we tip our hat to you, sir. Photo courtesy Centinela Hospital Medical Center.
Eric Chan Plans a Vibrant
Future for the South Bay
By Kiersten Vannest
to attracting bigger businesses to base their
“I can see it in a decade, maybe call it
headquarters here to working with the city
the 2028 Olympics, where people would
government to help push city campaigns,
actually want to stay here in El Segundo,
ideas, and improvements.
and live here in El Segundo, and eat here
Chan himself was approached by El Segundo
in El Segundo. And El Segundo becomes a
Mayor Drew Boyles and City Manager Scott
brand name when people think about LA
Mitnick about two years ago. They told Chan
places to visit.”
that ‘the time is now that this city needs a
In local city government, some cities choose
true, unbiased, third-party nonprofit institution
to have an economic committee consisting
focused on getting the largest businesses
of local business people to advise the mayor,
involved and their voices heard.’ In order
city manager, and city council on economic
to have macro conversations about where
policies and decisions. For the past twenty
the city is going and how it needs to pivot,
years or so, El Segundo has had such a
the group would have to be separate from
council of sorts operating under the purview
local politics, allowing the conversation to
of the local government.
flow without the stoppages of bureaucracy.
Recently, under the leadership of Clippers
Chan got right to work and began connecting
CFO Eric Chan, a new, independent and
with other executives from companies like
unbiased entity has been formed separately
Beyond Meat, Boeing, Mattel, Chevron, and
from the local government to help push
the LA Times.
forward economic development for the
“I felt like this was an opportunity where
city. It is called the El Segundo Economic
if we could get the CEOs of all the largest
Development Corporation (ESEDC), and it
corporations here in El Segundo speaking as
is comprised of high-level executives from
one voice… imagine the power that we would
some of the biggest companies that call El
have to really move the needle within the
Segundo home.
city,” says Chan. Where before the economic
“These economic matters span the gamut,”
council was comprised of largely middle
says Chan, describing what sort of issues
management people who were invested in the
the corporation may discuss. The topics
community but didn’t always have the power
range from connecting current businesses
behind them to engage with city growth in a
Eric Chan
meaningful way, this development corporation
could back city issues with the entirety
of a corporation.
Chan spent about nine months meeting up
with leaders of the most successful companies
around the city, convincing them to join a
roster of their peers and participate in city
engagements. Though the larger businesses
had never expressed an interest in getting
involved with the city in this way, Chan
was able to build a high-functioning panel
of participants willing to work with the city
and see change through.
See Eric Chan, page 7