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Page 8 February 11, 2021 Cedar live-in playmate that can keep up with him! Cedar is an adorable, loving kitty who will continue to head butt your hand until you give him the loving that he so richly deserves. Cedar can be shy at first as he is a sensitive guy and changes rock his world for a bit. But once he knows he can trust you, Cedar will show you how super attentive he can be. He is soft and has the biggest puddy tat eyes. Cedar is better in an adult household because little ones are unpredictable to him and may cause him to retreat. He is great with other cats and has a few buddies at the adoption center where he lives. While Cedar can be an only cat, we believe he would come to trust his new family quicker if he had a cat friend with him. These cats and kittens are available for adoption through Kitten Rescue, one of the largest cat rescue groups in Southern California.   All our kitties are spayed/neutered, microchipped, tested for FeLV and FIV, dewormed and current on their vaccinations. Temporarily, adoption events are suspended. For additional information and to see these or our other kittens and cats, please check our website or email us at With our city and state shut down, we are faced with the delicate balance to protect our fellow humans from the spread of COVID-19, while continuing our mission of saving the most vulnerable victims of the homeless cat crisis. We know that these are hard times for everyone. If you can give a little, it will go a long way. They are still counting on us during these difficult times. Your tax-deductible donations for the rescue and care of our cats and kittens can be made through our website or by sending a check payable to Kitten Rescue, 914 Westwood Blvd. #583, Los Angeles, CA 90024. Saving one animal won’t change the world, but the world will surely change for that animal. • Purrrfect Companions Why are there so many kittens and cats out there to save? An unspayed kitten can begin to have babies at as young as 5-6 months of age. With kittens themselves having kittens in a season that lasts for at least seven months, the birth rate in just one year is explosive. We will never run out of kittens; what we fight so hard to end is the unnecessary suffering and death of those mamma cats and babies born on the streets. Please spay and neuter your pets; assistance is available! Along with spay and neutering, if just 2% of the pet-owning households in America fostered one pet a year, we could stop euthanizing healthy pets in shelters.. Minnie is a cute tortoiseshell kitten who will be the first one to come sit on your lap in the morning after her breakfast. She has beautiful golden eyes and an interesting half divided dark side and lighter side face. Minnie will do better without young children as she prefers to stay away from the rambunctious, noisy play that children sometimes enjoy. This loving girl has would do well with adults, older children and another kitty in her new home. Cooper is a great looking guy. He must know he is too, which would explain why he thinks he can get away with being a pain in the neck sometimes. Cooper likes getting his way and being told he’s a handsome boy. Cooper would prefer to be an solo kitty and would be best placed with an experienced cat person. Modine and Phillip are brothers from another mother! They found each other and formed a bond which we love and will keep them together forever. Modine is a fluffy gray and white kitty who is a former bottle baby. He loves people but can be a little mouthy so watch him around small children. Phillip, a beautiful orange tabby, was rescued as a young kitten and has learned to trust people after a scary start on the streets. Both boys are great at cuddling and will want to share your bed. Playtime is an event to be seen with these two. They love to chase the wand toy and will jump, flip and soar in the air to catch it. The bond between these two boys is great so please do not ask that they be split up. Forrest is the sassiest boy his fosters have ever met. Full of personality, Forrest will play hide and swipe as you walk past the bed or by his kitty condo. Giving a playful little “Boop!”, Forrest will let you know he is around and ready to play! He is still learning to cuddle for long periods of time but thoroughly enjoys being scooped up and held. This boy is highly observant and talkative. He will tell you about his day with happy “meows” and sets boundaries with gentle nibbles. Forrest loves the smaller kittens in his foster home and would love to have a Minnie Cooper Modine and Phillip Happy Tails Pooh is the sweet four-year-old boy who for reasons unknown was surrendered to East Valley Shelter at the beginning of November 2020. We learned on Giving Tuesday that although Pooh sadly had already been at the shelter for a month, he was taking it in stride as the gentle giant he is! Pooh spent a few days at our sanctuary and then went to a Kitten Rescue foster. Happy New Beginnings for Pooh and his new family. Forrest Pooh, now living the good life he deserves in his fur-ever home!! Adoptions like these spark so much joy and energize us to save more and more and....more! Have the best life, Pooh! When you adopt a “pet without a partner”, you will forever make a difference in their life and they are sure to make a difference in yours. •

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