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Page 8 February 4, 2021 Featured Pets of the Week Provided by Hannah Collett, spcaLA Woof! The name is Chato, a 5 year old male pit bull mix. I am a little shy, but I am optimistic that I can find a gentle friend that is perfect for me! I know I will make a warm and (obviously) handsome partner. Some yummy treats and ear scratches really get my tail going. Come see me! https://spcala. com/adoptable/pet/?ss=20-02810 Hello friends. My name is Cletus and I am a 13 year old domestic short hair fellow… looking for a Friend for Life. I was left in a carrier by the front door of the shelter. As an elder and overweight cat, I need a sweet human who will love and care for me. Adopt me today! Chato Happy Tails Bobo is a 2 year old Pit mix who came to spcaLA South Bay Pet Adoption Center as a lost dog in November. No one claimed him, so he has been in adoptions ever since. Not only was he a large dog, but he also needed to go to an adult home, which was a challenge until this guy came along. He saw Bobo on the spcaLA website and knew he was the dog for him. He came to adoptable/pet/?ss=21-01401 Hello! My name is Nacho. I am a 3 year old male pit bull mix. The trainers say I am intelligent and am food motivated, which will come in handy when we train. I will do best in a home where I am the only dog. I am a cautious pup looking for a patient Friend for Life! pet/?ss=21-01442 My tail is always wagging because I’m so happy! I’m Izzy, a beautiful and sweet 6 yearo old pit bull mix girl who loves to be pet and spend time with my human companions. The staff here say I am very smart. I would do best in a home without other dogs. https:// • Cletus Izzy Nacho pick Bobo up with a new leash, collar and ID Tags and had a new heated bed waiting for Bobo in his new home. He even had the forethought to bring a bag of dog treats with him so he could gain Bobo’s trust from the start. What a great start for Bobo! It is inspiring when someone takes extra steps to ensure the success of a new pet in the home. Congratulations, Bobo! • Congratulations to Bobo and his new family.

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