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Hawthorne Press Tribune Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - December 25, 2014 Happy and Safe Holidays to All South Bay Santa wishes everyone in Hawthorne, Inglewood, and Lawndale a Merry Christmas! Photo by Marcy Dugan. Inglewood City Establishes Public Hearings for Beginning of the Year By Cristian Vasquez the building interior. Per a request from the Economic and The staff report says that on Nov. 26 the Community Development Department the planning division received a letter of appeal Inglewood City Council has set a public and fee from Sandoval. Based on Municipal hearing for Jan. 13, 2015 to consider an appeal Code 12-96.9 the appeal must be heard by by the planning commission conditional of the city council during one of its regular approval for a special use permit that would meetings within 55 days of having received allow for the installation of a roof-mounted the letter of appeal. The 55-day requirement telecommunications facility. would make Jan. 20, 2015 the last possible The special use permit in question, No. date in which the council can host the public 1209 [SP-1209], needs approval of a special hearing to consider the matter at hand. use permit for the installation of wireless The council also set a separate public hearing telecommunications facilities. The staff to take place on the same Jan. 13, 2015 date to report indicates that on Nov. 5 the Planning receive public input and consider an ordinance Commission hosted a public hearing in order that would amend Inglewood Municipal Code to consider a request that was made by Verizon in order to establish the Regent Circle Permit Wireless representative Albert Sandoval for Parking District. Special Use Permit-1209. With the special According to the staff report, there use permit in question being approved, the are currently 12 permit parking districts installation of a telecommunications facility, throughout the City of Inglewood, with 11 which would be designed as “an architectural of those permit districts enforcing parking feature on a rooftop of a C-2A [Airport restrictions in residential zones and in one Commercial] zoned property” states the staff lone commercial zone. report. So far the criteria and procedures that would Based on the public testimony that took allow for the authorization of permit parking place at that hearing and after deliberating the at the Regent Circle District that are set by commission approved a special use permit, but Inglewood Municipal Section 3-76 have not under the condition that it met 14 points of been met. Regent Circle, which is tucked to approval. The new public hearing is the result the north of East Regent Street between North of the applicant petitioning what is listed as Prairie Avenue and North Hillcrest Boulevard. Condition No. 4 of the 14 established. By establishing a permit parking district on Condition No. 4 states that “the rooftop this residential street, access to street parking wireless facility shall be constructed per the would be limited to the residents in the area revised design presented to the Planning that without the permit requirement would Commission which includes three options for have a hardship finding parking on their own the location of the supporting equipment.” Those residential street. The staff report goes on to three options include: locate the equipment state that “the lack of adequate on-street parking within the proposed antenna enclosure on the is attributable to the traffic congestion and upper roof; move the equipment eastward on reduction in parking occasioned by the presence the lower roof to a location where it cannot of vehicles owned or operated by employees be seen from Prairie Avenue or the residential and/or customers patronizing entertainment, are to the east and will not require enclosing commercial or industrial facilities in the area.” an arch; lastly, locate the equipment within While the staff report confirms that Resolution No. 14-01, which was adopted by the Parking and Traffic Commission on Nov. 19, is in compliance with all of the requirements on IMC Section-376 the staff is requesting a public hearing in order to hear public input with regards to the intent to amend the ordinance. Hazardous Waste Disposal Collection for Inglewood Residents to be Hosted at Nearby Marina Del Rey Organized by the County of Los Angeles and presented by the Department of Public Works and the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County in cooperation with the cities of Inglewood, Culver City, El Segundo, Los Angeles, and the community of Marina del Rey, a Too Toxic to Trash event will be hosted on Saturday, Feb. 21 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The even will take place at Dock 52 Parking Lot, located on Fiji Way in Marina Del Rey. Items such as brake fluid, paint, paint thinner, cleaners with acid or lye, pesticides or herbicides, household batteries and car batteries, pool chemicals, motor oil, oil filters, expired pharmaceuticals, anti-freeze, and fluorescent light bulbs will be collected and properly disposed of by County officials. Items also accepted are household electronic waste including: computer monitors, televisions, computer CPUs, keyboards, printers and cell phones. All items should be taken in a sturdy box, preferably in their original labeled containers. People are asked to not mix the items together. There is a limit of 15 gallons or 125 pounds of hazardous waste per trip and people should be prepared to leave containers and boxes; they should also remove all other items from their trunk. More information at: 1(888) CLEAN-LA, 1(800) 238-0172 or by visiting www.cleanla. com or • Inside This Issue Classifieds............................3 Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Finance..................................2 Food.......................................5 Legals................................ 6-7 Looking Up...........................4 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................3 Politically Speaking............6 Seniors..................................7 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 65˚/45˚ Saturday Mostly Sunny 65˚/48˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 61˚/47˚ The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne

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