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Page 6 December 17, 2015 PUBLIC NOTICES ORDINANCE NO. 2105 AN INTERIM URGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF HAWTHORNE, CALIFORNIA, EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM ON MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENTS IN ANY ZONE FOR AN ADDITIONAL 12 MONTHS WHEREAS, on January 1, 2015, Senate Bill 731 (“SB 731”), which was adopted by the Legislature and signed by the Governor in 2008, sunset. SB 731, which enacted Business and Professions Code Section 4600 et seq., preempted many local government controls relating to massage establishments; WHEREAS, The Legislature’s adoption of Assembly Bill 619 (“AB 619”) and Senate Bill 1238 (“SB 1238”) in 2011 and 2012 respectively amended various provisions of Section 4600 et seq. of the Business and Professions Code, further limiting local governments’ abilities to regulate massage establishments; WHEREAS, The Legislature’s adoption of SB 731, AB 619 and SB 1238 resulted in the unintended consequence of a proliferation of massage establishments throughout California, many of which were or are believed to be fronts for prostitution or human trafficking; WHEREAS, in September of 2014, the Governor signed into law Assembly Bill 1147 (“AB 1147”), which returned the authority to more strictly regulate massage establishments to local governments. SB 1147 took effect on January 1, 2015 and authorizes local cities and counties to enforce their zoning requirements on massage establishments, even if the same requirements do not apply to other professional service providers, which was expressly prohibited by SB 731; WHEREAS, on December 16, 2014, the City Council of the City of Hawthorne unanimously adopted Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2084, which imposed an initial 45-day moratorium on the issuance of any business license, use permit or any applications for massage establishments in any zone, effective January 1, 2015 and expiring, unless further extended, on February 14, 2015; WHEREAS, on December 16, 2014, the City Council of the City of Hawthorne further directed City staff to study appropriate modifications to the City’s massage establishment and zoning ordinances, consistent with the provisions of AB 1147, to reduce and mitigate negative secondary effects created by the number, location and unlawful use of massage establishments and make recommendations to this City Council regarding the expansion, development or operation of new and existing massage establishments in all commercial zones within the City; WHEREAS, as required, a written report describing the measures taken to alleviate the conditions which led to the adoption of the aforementioned Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2084 was issued by the City Council on January 27, 2015, which was at least ten (10) days prior to expiration of the Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2084, in compliance with State law; WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65090, a public hearing was conducted on January 27, 2015, notice issued at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing, at which time the City Council considered extension of the Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2084, a 45-day moratorium on massage establishments, for an additional 10 months and 15 days; WHEREAS, on January 27, 2015, the City Council the City Council of the City of Hawthorne considered the written and oral testimony provided at the public hearing and extended the moratorium on massage establishments for an additional 10 months and 15 days, to expire December 29, 2015; WHEREAS, Government Code Section 65858(a) provide that, after notice pursuant to Government Code Section 65090 and a public hearing, the City Council may extend the interim ordinance for up to one additional year, if necessary; WHEREAS, pursuant to Government Code Section 65090, a public hearing was conducted on December 8, 2015, notice issued at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the hearing, to consider extension of the moratorium for an additional one year; WHEREAS, the City Council finds that there is a continued need to study existing and potential land uses within the City to assure compatibility between the location of massage establishments and surrounding properties, and to consider revisions to the City’s zoning ordinance, consistent with the City’s General Plan, that adopt new regulations designed and intended to ensure that an appropriate mix of businesses are established in the City’s commercial zones; WHEREAS, the Council desires to extend the moratorium expiring on December 29, 2015, to December 30, 2016, . NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Hawthorne does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION 1. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. SECTION 2. Findings. The findings contained in Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2085 continue to exist and are hereby incorporated herein by this reference. The City of Hawthorne further expressly finds that: A. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65858(a), this Interim Urgency Ordinance No. XXXX shall be adopted by not less than a four-fifths vote of the City Council and shall be in effect for one year from expiration of the 10 month and 15 day moratorium adopted by Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2085. The moratorium adopted by Ordinance No. 2085 shall expire on December 29, 2015. B. Based upon the findings incorporated by reference in Section 2 of this Ordinance, the City Council finds and determines that there continues to be a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, or welfare, and the establishment of additional or expanded massage establishments in the City after the effective date of AB 1147 will result in a continued threat to public health, safety or welfare in the City. This Ordinance is therefore necessary for the immediate preservation of public health, safety and welfare pending the completion of studies and the adoption of an ordinance that establishes appropriate operational and zoning regulations for massage establishments in the City. SECTION 3. Extension of Moratorium. The City Council of the City of Hawthorne hereby extends the moratorium on the establishment of new massage establishments or expansion of existing massage establishments in all zones within the City for an additional one year, to take effect immediately after the expiration of the 10 month and 15 day moratorium, which expires December 29, 2015, to December 30, 2016. SECTION 4. Moratorium Defined. Notwithstanding any other ordinance or provision of the Hawthorne Municipal Code, no person shall establish a massage establishment, as such use is defined herein, and no application for a business license, expansion of a business, building permit, development plan, conditional use permit or any other entitlement for the establishment of a massage establishment shall be approved during the term of the moratorium established in Section 3 of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Definitions. For purposes of this Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2105, the following terms shall have the following meanings: A. “Massage” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.58.010 (“Definitions”) of Chapter 5.58 (“Massage Establishments”) of Division II (“Business Regulated”) of Title 5 (“Business Regulation and Licenses”) of the Hawthorne Municipal Code. B. “Massage establishment” shall have the meaning set forth in Section 5.58.010 (“Definitions”) of Chapter 5.58 (“Massage Establishments”) of Division II (“Business Regulated”) of Title 5 (“Business Regulation and Licenses”) of the Hawthorne Municipal Code. SECTION 6. Term of Moratorium. The term of the moratorium shall commence on December 30, 2015 and shall terminate December 30, 2016, which is one year from the date of expiration of Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2085. SECTION 7. Existing Massage Establishments. During the term of this moratorium, the provisions of Chapter 5.58 (“Massage Establishments”) of Division II (“Business Regulated”) of Title 5 (“Business Regulation and Licenses”) of the Hawthorne Municipal Code shall remain in full force and effect with respect to existing, non-expanded massage establishments. SECTION 8. Penalty. A violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall constitute a misdemeanor and shall be punishable by a fine not to exceed $1,000 or by imprisonment for a period not to exceed 6 months, or by both fine and imprisonment. Each and every day such a violation exists shall constitute a separate and distinct violation of this Ordinance. In addition to the foregoing, any violation of this Ordinance shall constitute a public nuisance and be subject to abatement as provided by all applicable provisions of law. SECTION 9. CEQA Finding. The City Council hereby declares that this Interim Urgency Ordinance No. 2085 is also exempt from CEQA based on the following findings: A. This Ordinance is not a “project” within the meaning of Section 15378 of the State CEQA Guidelines, because it has no potential to result in a direct physical change in the environment, and it has no potential to result in any reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. The Ordinance will impose greater limitations on development in the City because the moratorium will temporarily halt the opening of any new massage establishments and the Ordinance will thereby serve to reduce potentially significant adverse environmental impacts. B. This Ordinance is also categorically exempt from CEQA under Section 15308 of the State CEQA Guidelines, because this Ordinance is a regulatory action taken by the City in accordance with California Government Code Section 65858 to assure maintenance and protection of the environment pending completion of contemplated revisions of the massage establishment and zoning ordinances. C. This Ordinance is also covered by the general rule that CEQA applies only to projects that have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. For the reasons set forth in Subsections (A) and (B) of this Section 2, it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that this Ordinance will have a significant effect on the environment, and therefore, this Ordinance is not subject to CEQA. The Ordinance is therefore exempt from CEQA review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the State CEQA Guidelines. SECTION 10. Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance, or any part thereof, is for any reason held to be unlawful, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase be declared unlawful. SECTION 11. Posting of Ordinance. This Ordinance shall be posted and published by the City Clerk in accordance with State law and applicable City regulations. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED this 8th day of December, 2015. CHRIS BROWN, MAYOR City of Hawthorne, California ATTEST: NORBERT HUBER, CITY CLERK City of Hawthorne, California APPROVED AS TO FORM: RUSSELL I. MIYAHIRA, CITY ATTORNEY City of Hawthorne, California I, Monica Dicrisci, the duly appointed Deputy City Clerk of the City of Hawthorne, California, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance, No. 2105 was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Hawthorne, at their regular meeting of the City Council held December 8, 2015 and that it was adopted by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmembers Michelin, Valentine, Vargas, Mayor Brown. NOES: None. ABSTAIN: None. ABSENT: Councilmember Reyes English. Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 12/17/15 HH-24942 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING VESTING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP (VTTM) 66206 PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on Vesting Tentative Tract Map 66206 in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act related to a subdivision of land as follows: Planning Commission Day: Wednesday Date: January 6, 2016 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: City Council Chambers 4455 West 126th Street Hawthorne, CA 90250 Project Title: Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTTM) 66206 Project Location: 13429-31 Kornblum Ave. (APN 4050-021-005) Project Description: An application for the approval of VTTM 66206 for the creation of a 7 lot subdivision – Planned Unit Development 2006PD02 was approved in August of 2006 for the development of 6 detached single family residences. PURSUANT TO the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, the applications are categorically exempt from the requirements for preparation of a Negative Declaration or Environmental Impact Report. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that any interested person may appear at the meeting and submit oral or written comments relative to the Zoning Code Amendments or submit oral or written information relevant thereto to the Planning Department, 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne, California 90250 prior to the date of this hearing. PLEASE NOTE that pursuant to Government Code Section 65009: In an action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul a finding, determination or decision of the Planning Commission or City Council, the issues raised shall be limited to those raised at the public hearing in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission or City Council at or prior to the public hearing. Maria G. Majcherek Planning & Community Development Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 12/17/15 HH-24943 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FIFTH AMENDMENT TO CENTURY BUSINESS CENTER SPECIFIC PLAN PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a public hearing will be held on a proposed fifth amendment to the Century Business Center Specific Plan (CBCSP) as follows: Planning Commission Date: Wednesday, January 6, 2016 Time: 6:00 p.m. Place: City Council Chambers 4455 West 126th Street Hawthorne, CA 90250 Project Title: Fifth Amendment to Century Business Center Specific Plan Project Location: The project site is 1 Jack Northrop Avenue, City of Hawthorne, Los Angeles County. The property encompasses approximately 86 acres bounded by Crenshaw Boulevard to the east, Broadway Avenue to the south, Prairie Avenue to the west and the Hawthorne Municipal Airport to the north. Project Description: Fifth Amendment to Century Business Center Specific Plan, pertaining to Section 4.2 (Permitted Uses) to amend the permitted uses to include day care facilities. PURSUANT TO the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, an Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS) was prepared for this project, which included the amendment proposal. FURTHER NOTICE is hereby given that any interested person may appear at the meeting and submit oral or written comments relative to the Century Business Center Specific Plan Amendment or submit oral or written information relevant thereto to the Planning Department, 4455 West 126th Street, Hawthorne, California 90250 prior to the date of this hearing. PLEASE NOTE that pursuant to Government Code Section 65009: In an action or proceeding to attack, review, set aside, void, or annul a finding, determination or decision of the Planning Commission or City Council, the issues raised shall be limited to those raised at the public hearing in this notice or in written correspondence delivered to the Planning Commission or City Council at or prior to the public hearing. Maria G. Majcherek Associate Planner Hawthorne Press Tribune Pub. 12/17/15 HH-24946 CITY OF INGLEWOOD INVITATION TO SUBMIT BID (Specifications and Conditions Governing Bid Award) Project Subject to Bid: Center Park Improvement Project: CB-16-01 The City of Inglewood, California hereby extends an invitation to submit a proposal in accordance with this bid, to provide labor and materials and/ or completing the above designated project. The City makes no representation that any agreement will be awarded to any firm/company responding to this request. A mandatory pre-bid conference and walk thru for interested bidders will be conducted on Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 3:30 PM at Center Park. Center Park is located at 111th Place and 111th Street between Doty Avenue and Yukon Ave at City of Inglewood, California, 90303. Call Boytrese Osias (Senior Engineer) or Kenrick Sanderlin (Associate Engineer), at (310) 412-5333 should you require further information. Each bid to be considered must be delivered to and received by the City Clerk no later than 11:00 AM on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at the Office of the City Clerk, Inglewood City Hall, One Manchester Boulevard, Inglewood, CA 90301. Each bid shall be submitted and completed in all particulars using the form entitled, “Bidder’s Proposal and Statement” attached hereto. The submittal bid must be enclosed, together with the requisite bid security, in a sealed envelope addressed to the City Clerk with the designation of the project: Center Park Improvement Project: CB-16-01 appearing thereon. Each bid shall state the unit price of each item if called for on the Bidder’s Proposal and Statement form. In the event alternative bids are called for in said form, each alternative bid shall be completed. Bids will be opened in public in the City Clerk’s Office and will be announced to all persons present. Specifications and other bid documents for the project are on file in the Public Works Department, and may be obtained upon request. Each bid must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of cash, a cashier’s or certified check made payable to the City of Inglewood, or a bid bond, for an amount of not less than ten percent (10%) of the aggregate of the bid. This is a guarantee that the successful bidder will, within the time specified, enter into an agreement as provided in the bid document. Bidder shall furnish bonds when required in the Special Provisions: One for faithful performance in the amount of the contract sum, and another for contractor’s labor and materials in the amount of the contract sum. The City Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any irregularities in any bid, and to take bids under advisement for a period not to exceed sixty (60) calendar days from and after the date bids are opened and announced. Attention is directed to the provisions of Labor Code § 1725.5: No contractor or subcontractor may be listed on a bid proposal for a public works project (submitted on or after March 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations (with limited exceptions for this requirement for bid purposes only under Labor Code Section 1771.1a). No contractor or subcontractor may be awarded a contract for public work on a public works project (awarded on or after April 1, 2015) unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations. All contractors and subcontractors must furnish electronic certified payroll records to the Labor Commissioner for all new projects awarded on or after April 1, 2015. The Labor Commissioner may excuse contractors and subcontractors on a project that is under the jurisdiction of one of the four legacy DIR-approved labor compliance programs (Caltrans, City of Los Angeles, Los Angeles Unified School District and County of Sacramento) or that is covered by a qualified project labor agreement. This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations. Attention is directed to the provisions of Sections 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under them. The Contractor or any subcontractor shall comply with the requirements of said sections in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards and administration of the apprenticeship program may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, San Francisco, California, or the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. Notice is hereby given that the City Council has ascertained the prevailing rates of per diem wages in the locality in which the work is to be performed for each craft or type of workman or mechanic needed to execute the contract in accordance with the provisions of Section 1770, et. seq. of the Labor Code. Said prevailing rates are on file in the Office of the City Clerk and are incorporated herein by reference. Copies shall be made available to any interested party on request. Attention is directed to the provisions of California Public Contract Code Section 10164 concerning Contractor’s licensing laws. This contract requires at least a valid California State Contractors License with a classification of “A” at the time of the bid. The successful bidder must obtain and maintain a current Inglewood City Business License until completion of the project. This notice is given by order of the City Manager of the City of Inglewood, California, and is dated this 17 day of December , 2015. Artie Fields, City Manager City of Inglewood, California Inglewood News Pub. 12/17/15 HI-24944 NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF BULK SALE (UCC Sec. 6105) Escrow No. 15313-HY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a bulk sale is about to be made. The name(s), business address(es) to the Seller(s) are: PYOKYU CHOI AND DOEGSOON CHOI, 2 VALENTE, IRVINE, CA 92602 Doing Business as: LAUNDERLAND COIN OP LAUNDRY All other business name(s) and address(es) used by the Seller(s) within three years, as stated by the Seller(s), is/are: The name(s) and address of the Buyer(s) is/ are: SC INVESTMENTS CORPORATION, C/O PWS, INC, 6500 FLOTILLA ST, LOS ANGELES, CA 90040 The assets being sold are described in general as: FURNITURE, FIXTURES, EQUIPMENT, TRADE NAME, MACHINERY, GOODWILL, LEASE, LEASEHOLD IMPROVEMENTS AND COVENANT NOT TO COMPETE, SUPPLIES, TELEPHONE NUMBERS and is located at: 1102 S LA BREA AVE, INGLEWOOD, CA 90301 The bulk sale is intended to be consummated at the office of: NEW CENTURY ESCROW, INC, 18253 COLIMA RD STE 202, ROWLAND HEIGHTS, CA 91748 and the anticipated sale date is JANUARY 6, 2016 The bulk sale is subject to California Uniform Commercial Code Section 6106.2. The name and address of the person with whom claims may be filed is: NEW CENTURY ESCROW, INC, 18253 COLIMA RD STE 202, ROWLAND HEIGHTS, CA 91748 and the last day for filing claims shall be JANUARY 5, 2016, which is the business day before the sale date specified above. Dated: DECEMBER 9, 2015 BUYER: SC INVESTMENTS CORPORATION LA1612065 INGLEWOOD NEWS 12/17/15 Inglewood News Pub. 12/17/15 HI-24945 Every Visit our Website issue always available online! New Issues/Old Issues • Out-of-town? Read the Herald newspapers online • Interested in an article from a prior date? See it online • Excited about an ad, photo, or article? Refer your friends, family and associates to the website, so they can see it too • Want to read the Torrance Tribune or other Herald newspapers not in your area? All available on our website! Check it out!

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