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November 22, 2018 Page 3 Letters Wiseburn School Board Views Calendar of Events See Calendar of Events, page 7 A Thanksgiving Message Thanksgiving is coming! I am excited and feel grateful for being able to celebrate this special day with my family. I am an immigrant a woman of color and a Muslim. So I feel I have triple minorities. Often I feel I don’t belong to anything, because of so many injustices happening. But as a Muslim, my religion Islam teaches me to always feel grateful for all good things I have. Realistically, we live in ‘real’ world not Disneyland so it is impossible if we all live ‘perfect.’ Conflict always exists and it is part of human being. Islam teaches me I do not have to select one day to be thankful because I can express my gratitude every moment in my life. So it is like having thanksgiving every day but minus the fancy home cooked meals. This year Thanksgiving, I want to remind myself and fellow readers that the real spirit of this celebration is to be thankful for all good things we have. Bad things make us stronger because we can choose the best solution on how to solve problems. Remember that everyday, we always have beautiful moment with beautiful people and it taste so sweet like that last piece of pumpkin pie! Happy Thanksgiving my beloved Americans! – Khalida Jamilah Reading Intervention Presentation By Duane Plank With Thanksgiving break currently in progress, the Wiseburn School Board members met twice in the past two weeks to discuss key issues as they focus on the final month of instruction for 2018. On Nov. 8, in closed session, the Board and administration met for nearly four hours. Wiseburn Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Blake Silvers said that the meeting was productive. “This was a really good opportunity for the Board to talk about evaluations, our goals, and share visions moving forward,” he said. “It is all interrelated because I get evaluated on my goals. Great chance for folks to see the areas that are targets for us. We have heard a lot from the greater community, in areas that they want us to ‘touch,’ in areas such as communication, curriculum evaluation and learning. Regarding the aquatics center, Silvers said, “[It] looks beautiful. We are continuing to solidify our joint-use-agreement with the City of El Segundo.” Said agreement was initially listed for approval on the Thursday agenda, but got pulled by the Board as the document continues to be fine-tuned. “I welcome the partnership with El Segundo,” Silvers said.” He called the partnership arrangement with the City of El Segundo and El Segundo Unified School District unprecedented, saying that “it is only going to make the relationships stronger, setting the foundation for what is to come. This is a great opportunity to expand our sports programs.” The only special presentation on Thursday evening was made by Wiseburn Intervention Coordinator Sarah Nitsos. Entitled “Reading is the Gateway to Success,” Nitsos pulled together research-based data that the District is utilizing to support students in the classroom at all levels. Nitsos’ presentation noted, “As a district, we have prided ourselves on helping all our students succeed. However, despite the best instruction, some students continue to struggle in specific academic areas. The WUSD reading intervention program is based on three guiding practices: Use of research-based resources and teaching practices; alignment of intervention practices to student skill gaps as identified in both the class- room and via intervention screening skills; and the engaging of qualified staff in teaching intervention lessons using research-based practices.” Nitsos pointed out that the components of the Strategic Intervention Program include use of universal screening tools to help identify at-risk students in conjunction with teacher input; and use of a secondary screening tool to determine student skill gaps and match services Deadline for Calendar items is the prior Thursday by noon. Calendar items are $1 per word. Email listings to marketing@heraldpublications. com. We take Visa and MasterCard. ** A Notice this Holiday Season: Please be EXTRA careful around crosswalks and watch out for children crossing, please slow down & enjoy this holiday time of year!! ** THURSDAY, NOV. 22 • HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! • ALL South Bay Public Libraries CLOSED for Thanksgiving FRIDAY, NOV. 23 • ALL South Bay Public Libraries CLOSED for Thanksgiving SATURDAY, NOV. 24 • Family Story Time – Saturdays, 1:00 PM. – 1:45 PM., free, Inglewood Public Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380. • Board Games Day, 11:30 AM. – 12:30 PM., Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea Ave., Hawthorne, Call: 310-679-8193. MONDAY, NOV. 26 • Baby Story Time, 10:30 AM., for ages 0-18 mos., Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403. • Toddler Story Time, 11:30 AM., for ages 18 mos. to 3 yrs., Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310- 412-5403. • STEAM, 3:00 PM., free, ages 4-12, Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403. • Monday Mania, 4:00 PM. – 5:00 PM., free, Inglewood Public Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380. TUESDAY, NOV. 27 • Brick Building, 3:30 PM., free, Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403. • Hawthorne City Council Meeting, 6:00 PM., Hawthorne City Hall, 4455 W. 126th Street. • Chess for Adults, 6:00 PM., free, Inglewood Public Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380. • Healthy Ever After, 5:00 PM. – 6:00 PM., Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea Ave., Hawthorne, Call: 310-679-8193. • Pajama Story Time, 6:30 PM. – 7:30 PM., all ages welcome, free, Inglewood Public Library, 101 W. Manchester Blvd., Call: 310-412-5380. WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28 • Building Bricks/Board Games, 4:00 PM., free, Crenshaw Imperial Branch Library, 11141 Crenshaw Blvd., Call: 310-412-5403. • Smarty Pants Story Time, 10:30 Am. – 11:00 AM., space is limited, registration required, Hawthorne Library, 12700 Grevillea Ave., Hawthorne, Call: 310-679-8193. • Inglewood Visionaries Toastmasters Club #4404 Meeting, 6:00 PM., Inglewood Center for Spiritual Living, 525 No. Market St., For more info: www.ing4404. • Children’s Chess Club, 5:00 PM., children 18 & below, free, Inglewood Public Library, 101 Torrance Coyote Management Plan My name is Cecilia Duarte-Ruiz and I am a Hawthorne, CA resident, as well as, an animal welfare advocate. It has come to my attention that on November 27th the Torrance City Council will be considering revising the Coyote Management Plan. I am writing to inform you on that I oppose the indiscriminate and lethal control of coyotes. Coyotes have an important role in our ecosystem. There is no evidence that shows that arbitrarily killing coyotes serves any effective wildlife management function. By contrast, there are years of studies that shows that they limit mesocarnivore populations, increase bird diversity and abundance. Residents have coyotes to thank for the benefits of a cleaner environment and disease transmission control. I support moving forward with a humane, nonlethal coyote management program. We need a proactive approach to coexisting with coyotes and other wild life. Our approach needs to emphasize public education, reducing attractants, and hazing when necessary for habituated coyotes. I encourage all readers, if available, to appear in person at the Torrance City Council meeting to voice your support for continuing with a humane, nonlethal coyote management plan. You can also contact the Torrance City council members to voice your support. I hope this information is helpful. – Cecilia Duarte-Ruiz • See Wiseburn, page 7 Hawthorne Happenings News for the City of Good Neighbors from an Old Guy Named Norb Huber Wildfire Update As I mentioned last week, I was able to travel up to Chico and conduct a pancake breakfast fundraiser for the families affected by the Camp Fire that wiped the city of Paradise off the map. The event gave those people in Chico an opportunity to show their support for their neighbors and make a donation to the fire fund. Many people are hurting. They lost everything they owned. The recovery is going to take years. People are deciding on whether to return and rebuild or move on. There is a lack of housing in the whole region. Displaced people are looking for any housing to rent for the time being. They do not know when they will be allowed to return to even look at the ruins. Redeemer Lutheran Church in Chico has become one of several relief centers where people can come in for food, clothing, gift cards and some monetary support to get them through this. The outpouring of support from outside of the area has been tremendous. Our prayers continue to go to all of the families affected. Thanks for your support. Histor ical Society to Hold Elections The Hawthorne Historical Society will be conducting their final 2018 general meeting on Monday, December 3 starting at 6:30 p.m. Members of the community are invited to participate. This being the last meeting of the year, elections for members of the HHS Board will take place. The Historical Society is a great group of people who love Hawthorne. By participating in their activities you get to know your neighbors and other like-minded residents who share your same belief in making Hawthorne the best it can be. Make plans to attend on December 3. New City Council Members and City Clerk to be Sworn In Alex Monteiro and Olivia Valentine will be sworn in as City Council members on Tuesday, December 11 at 6 p.m. in the City Council chambers. Dr. Paul Jimenez and David Patterson will take their oaths to perform their duties as City Clerk and City Treasurer at that same meeting. Winter Wonderland Make plans to attend one of the most fun events in Hawthorne all year. The Parks and Recreation and Community Services Department of the City of Hawthorne started something really good last year at Christmas time. The Winter Wonderland had snow, games, gifts, food, fun and a real Santa and Ms. Claus. The turnout for the event was more than expected. This year it most likely will be even bigger. The Winter carnival will be held over at the Memorial Center on December 19th. Mark your calendars now for this super event. Kiwanis Club Seniors Luncheon The Kiwanis Club of Hawthorne will host their annual Seniors luncheon for all of us older folks on December 7th, Pearl Harbor Day. Syndicated? I’ve been asked to share my ramblings with the local newspaper up here in Orangevale, CA. The OV Times is published twice a month but is sent out to every residential mailing address in the community. Wow! That is scary. Going from 18 or 19 loyal readers of the Hawthorne Happenings to 15,000 potential readers. I’m not sure if I’m ready for that. Like anyone you meet for the first time or two, you just never know how they are perceiving you. It took eight, long years for 18 of you to warm up to my writing style. I better cool my comments to start with during the early stages of my relationship building. It’s like dating, never play all of your cards on the first date. I better clean up my act. I will stop referring to my writings as crap and to my dear wife as the ol’ lady. I may have to go into a long detailed explanation of what I mean when I tell them to relax, have a cold one, and let God love them. They may really think I’m stupid. I will let you know how it goes. Sometimes blind dates turn out to be dudes. It is a different world up here, different scenery, different stores and restaurants, different problems to solve. But, the one thing that doesn’t change is God’s love. No matter where I am and what circumstances I find myself in, I know that God is there to love and care for me. What do you think I should call my NorCal column? Orangevale Happenings just doesn’t have that same ring to it like Hawthorne Happenings. It will be difficult to replicate the same vibe. Maybe Hawthorne Happenings – NorCal edition. Let me have a cold one and think about it. Relax, I’m not leaving you, I’m just going to be a two-timer, play the field, sow some wild oats elsewhere. Are you okay with sharing me with others? – Email norb at • Have a wonderful T hanksgiving. Herald Publications will be Closed on Thursday, November 22 and Friday, November 23.

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