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Hawthorne Press Tribune Herald Publications - El Segundo, Hawthorne, Lawndale & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 60, No. 47 - November 22, 2018 Inside This Issue Calendar of Events.............3 Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................6 Entertainment......................2 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Lawndale..............................4 Letters...................................3 Legals.................................2,7 Pets........................................8 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 65˚/57˚ Saturday Sunny 66˚/55˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 68˚/53˚ The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Operation Gobble at City Hall Operation Gobble was hosted by Councilmember Angie Reyes English and was held at City Hall on Nov. 16. Turkeys were given away to the community for Thanksgiving. Photo: City of Hawthorne. Flu Season Is Off to a Slow Start  By Rob McCarthy Another flu season has arrived and health officials are counting on a new flu vaccine and greater public awareness to reduce the number of deaths and visits to local emergency rooms.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reported this week that California was among 35 states experiencing low flu activity. Flu season begins in September and runs through March. Cases of influenza began increasing last year in November, according to health officials. Even in states where flu cases are showing up, health officials say the seasonal illness is well under control.  Despite the slow start to the flu season, residents who haven’t been vaccinated yet are encouraged to have a flu shot before the illness starts making the rounds. Aware that last year’s flu shot was ineffective against the spread of influenza A, CDC researchers have changed this year’s vaccine.  The composition of U.S. flu vaccines is reviewed annually and updated as needed to match circulating flu viruses. This year’s flu vaccine protects against four strains of the flu: The Michigan and Singapore viruses that are influenza A types and the Colorado and Phuket viruses that are classified as B types. Vaccinations can be administered as a shot or in a nasal spray. There was a concern in past years that the nasal spray flu vaccine wasn’t effective enough against certain types of flu. However, CDC doctors expect the nasal spray to be more effective in the current flu season. The spray vaccine is approved for people between 2 and 49 years old. The South Bay had 53 flu-related deaths during last year’s flu season, according to Los Angeles County health officials. Nationwide, the death toll topped 80,000 from flu, the CDC estimates. Young children, seniors and people undergoing chemotherapy or with weak immune systems are considered most at risk of catching the flu, according to federal officials. Chronic conditions that put people at a higher risk from the flu are asthma, cancer, pulmonary disease, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and kidney or liver disease. Obesity is a risk factor for becoming seriously ill from seasonal flu viruses, according to CDC literature. It’s not too late to get a flu shot, public health officials stressed. Free vaccinations are available this year at pharmacies and flu clinics or by visiting a doctor or pediatrician’s office. The CDC recommends flu shots for everyone 6 months and older. Recent studies done by the CDC show that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40 and 60 percent among the U.S. population during seasons when the flu viruses are well-matched to the flu vaccine. There is a separate vaccine available for seniors and pregnant women.  It takes two weeks to build immunity after receiving a flu shot. It’s usually best for people in the United States to get their flu vaccine by the end of October. However, you can still protect yourself against late flu outbreaks if you get the vaccine in February or later, the CDC doctors advise. Influenza is a respiratory infection that “can cause serious complications, particularly to young children, older adults and people with certain medical conditions,” according to doctors at The Mayo Clinic. “Influenza vaccines — though not 100 percent effective — are the best way to prevent the misery of the flu and its complications.” While health professionals dispute that a flu shot can give a person the flu, they admit it can trigger minor reactions that mimic flu symptoms. People have reported feeling ill with achy muscles and a fever that last a day or two. The discomfort can actually mean the flu shot is building up the body’s immunity.  “So you may think you have the flu when you don’t,” says the Mayo Clinic website. Even when the vaccine doesn’t completely prevent the flu, it may lessen the severity of the illness and the risk of serious complications.  A growing number of parents are choosing not to have their children vaccinated for the flu this season. One-third of parents who participated in an online poll said they are skipping the kids’ vaccinations, it was reported this week. Doubts about vaccine safety was a reason some parents gave for their decision. Some said they were too busy, while others worried the vaccination wasn’t effective against the seasonal viruses. Their kids’ doctors didn’t strongly recommend the shot, a smaller group said. For those people who don’t get a flu shot, health officials advise washing their hands well with soap and water, and using a hand sanitizer if soap and water aren’t available. Also, avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth and avoid crowds during a flu outbreak. Stay home until flu symptoms and fever are gone at least 24 hours, the CDC recommends. Travelers are cautioned not to fly if they have any flu-like symptoms. A fever, cough or sore throat are reasons to cancel a trip rather than risk catching pneumonia and being hospitalized. Flu vaccines expire in June each year, so anyone vaccinated since Jan. 1 will still need to receive an updated flu shot. Health officials expect it will be more effective than last year’s. •

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