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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - November 19, 2015 Hawthorne Veterans’ Day Event Patrick Carey of Hawthorne and Bob Chiota of Torrance share a laugh and exchange contact information during this year’s Veterans’ Day celebration at the Hawthorne Memorial Center. The day’s celebration was attended by local elected officials, state representatives and Congresswoman Maxine Waters. The celebration also served to introduce the community to the newly formed Veterans Affairs Commission, which meets the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at City Council Chambers located at 4455 W. 126th St. at 3:15 p.m. Photo by Cristian Vasquez. City Gathers to Honor Veterans By Cristian Vasquez someone who might have interest and whom COL (R) Neil Gafney we don’t know now, the census form will The Veterans Affair Commission is only help us with that.” six months old and meets the second and The website has a tab “ask the commissioner” fourth Wednesday at City Council Chambers through which the commission can located at 4455 W. 126th St. at 3:15 p.m. reply. Granted, since the commission is “It was a variety of city council people filled with volunteers answers will not be but I belive it was Olivia Valentine. She had immediately provided but it is a good way been talking about it for a couple oftyears. I to establish contact. think as I got to know her thorgh my civic There is also a resource of links on the duties and my community, she realized that website that are being assembled to direct with my military backforung and other things veterans to more resources. that maybe I would be a good candidate. A commission was formed and I was asked to particpaite and we assembled four othercomissioners during the ladder part of last year. We all came together in January as a group and we began to look at what we wanetd to do.” Once the leadership position for the commission were established, the froup “Anybody can come; the meetings are began analysising what the commission was open to the public. There is anb open period to accomplish and how to help veterans. where anyone in the audience can come up “We wanted to focus on doing things and speak. The first speaker we had was the for veterans and making them aware that chief from the Jr. ROTC from Hawthorne we are out there. We want to make them High, came to tell us what they do.” aware that we can help with education, Congresswoman Maxine Waters medical referneces, jobs, housing. It is a very Spoke of the impoirtance of not just ambitious agenda but it’s what we started thanking veterans for thjeir service through with as a direction to go and this event we recognition ceremonies but stressed the felt would help create awareness.” resposniblity to take care of the veterans They had a census to identify veterans in when they town and what needs they are currently not “There is not enough that we can do to having met. With the compiled feedback the honor your service to this country,” the commission will have the ability to reach Congresswoman told the veterans in the out to the veteran community in the form crowd. “We are appreciative for all the you of available resources or references. have done and the sacrifices that you have “We are getting s lot thorugh the veterans made and we have a responsibility to make services organizatioins a few times a week sure that we assist you in every way upon about things such as jobs and free haircuts. your return.” The idea of being able to publsuh this to The Congresswoman has been a long-time advocate of providing proper healthcare, housing and education for veterans shared her concern with regards to the rise in homelessness among veterans, despite an overall drop in those numbers nationwide. “We must ensure that veterans have the support and access to mental healthcare after they serve our country. The statistics are alarming: 22 veterans die each day as a result of suicide. Which is more than 8,000 vets per year. Even one is one too many. Our Congress passed legislation requiring the VA to establish a 24 hour therapy sucide hotline.” When Woodrow Wilson declared 11 November a holiday, the primary intention was to have a day to reflect on the sacrifices of those who had served in the military during World War I. Observation of the holiday through parades and meetings was envisioned. Today, many Americans observe the day by attending ceremonies and parades that are dedicated to honoring the troops for their service. These often allow veterans to speak about their time in the service and give Americans the opportunity to personally thank veterans for their sacrifice. November 11 was chosen as the official date for Veterans Day in reference to the ending of World War I. Germany signed an armistice with the Allies that signaled the end of the war on at 11 a.m. on 11 November 1918. The VA also has its military crisis line, 1-800-273-8255, where veterans and military service members can call at any hour, any day. Thompson said that the military crisis hotline has received 1.8 million calls since the program started in 2007, answering about 1,000 calls a day. Veterans can text this number, 838255, for help as well as visit https://www. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................3 Film Review..........................5 Food.......................................8 Legals............................2, 6-7 Looking Up...........................2 Police Reports.....................3 Sports....................................4 Seniors..................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 79˚/57˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 77˚/55˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 73˚/57˚ “We wanted to focus on doing things for veterans and making them aware that we are out there.”

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