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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - November 5, 2015 Pups Destress Passengers at LAX PUP (Pets Unstressing Passengers) volunteers were in a variety of fun costumes at LAX’s Tom Bradley International Terminal, passing out Halloween treats to passengers. The popular therapy dogs are used to de-stress travelers in the terminals, and were dressed as a traveling gnome, a dragon, a taco, a chef, etc. Photo courtesy of LAX. Hawthorne School Board Approves Agreement With UCLA Center X By Cristian Vasquez to met the needs of students and the current Members of the Hawthorne School Board goals of their schools and communities,” unanimously approved an agreement with indicate supporting documents presented to UCLA Center X for professional services in the Hawthorne School District by UCLA. the area of social justice leadership practices “Center X serves as a local and national for the district and school leadership programs resource for professional development and during the 2015-2016, 2016-2017 and 2017- is home to thirteen programs, projects, and 2018 school years. affiliates, the Teacher Education Program, and The three-year contract is not expected to the Principal Leadership Institute.” surpass a cost of $120,000 and will allow the Center X team to provide support for district and school leadership teams by “facilitating critical conversations about equity and outcomes for students and providing on-site coaching expertise,” states the staff report. Since 1994, Center X has connected UCLA, public schools, as well as the many diverse communities that make up the greater Los Angeles area in order to demonstrate that The work scope for the Hawthorne “schools for low-income minority children School District will focus on supporting and can become rich, rigorous, socially just, developing school leadership that will stride and caring learning communities where all toward achieving equity, while building and children learn extraordinarily well and reach promoting the type inclusive leadership that their full potential.” creates a “culture of care” throughout the The Center X at UCLA’s Graduate School school district. of Education and Information Studies is where “To work towards this end, Hawthorne research and practice join for the benefit of is in a position to develop not just school urban school professionals. A large part of the leaders, but social justice leaders who are Center’s research and practices are focused on committed to developing a culture in schools teacher learning and an ongoing professional focused on equity,” state the supporting development. Through the use of various documents attached to the agenda. “We are intellectual resources available to the UCLA committed to working with Hawthorne through faculty and students, as well as the California comprehensive and targeted professional Subject Matter Projects, Center X is constantly development to support and build collective working to develop and implement new teacher expertise and mechanisms for social justice learning strategies, school leadership as well leadership growth and sustainability.” as professional development. Supporting documents presented to “Our approach involves supporting teachers the school board indicate that part of the and future school leaders both to develop professional development plan for each school practices that lead to student learning and also will focus on shifting awareness, attitudes to understand the principled ideas and theories and actions around social justice leadership. driving those practices so that educators can Furthermore, Center X will help leaders continue to learn and adapt their practices “sustain the work of equity” by making it part of every schools’ culture. The three-year time agreement sets goals for each year through a professional development timeline. The first year of professional development calls for building a foundation for learning: year two of professional development aims to assist leaders in creating a “theory of action” plan and work in order to infuse the work into schools. By the third and final year professional development will focus on sustainability. “Our aims are to document the activities and interactions during the professional development sessions, understand stakeholders’ ideas (both initial and evolving) around the characteristics of social justice leadership, and to examine the ways in which stakeholders enact social justice leadership principals,” state the supporting documents presented to the board. “Part of the collaborative planning process with the requesting organization is to determine what might be the most appropriate forms of evidence to demonstrate goal/outcome achievement and to best support their overall professional learning.” The professional development framework will engage school leaders in: critical consciousness [Why Culture and Race Matter? Culturally Responsive Leadership], knowledge [Journey To Responsiveness Part 1: A Focus on Culture and the Instructional Benefits, Journey To Responsiveness Part 2: A Focus on Language and Culturally Responsive Mathematics and Science to promote equity], skill [Efficacy in Culturally Responsive Leadership]. “Leadership teams from each school will participate in a convening that will allow schools to collaborate and share their work around equity,” state the supporting documents attached to the agenda,” state the documents attached to the agenda. “They will discuss effective and authentic tools and strategies that push the work further and deeper as they prepare for the next year.” • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................8 Classifieds............................3 Election Results..................3 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................2, 6-7 Real Estate...........................8 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 77˚/52˚ Saturday Sunny 75˚/54˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 73˚/54˚ “Schools for low-income minority children can become rich, rigorous, socially just, and caring learning communities where all children learn extraordinarily well and reach their full potential.”

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