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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - October 9, 2014 Sergeant Wins Warrior Games Gold Gunnery Sgt. P. Ernesto Aquino, a native of Hawthorne, received the gold medal for the 50-meter freestyle event at the 2014 Warrior Games on Sept. 30, 2014. The Marine team is comprised of both active duty and veteran wounded, ill and injured Marines who are attached to or supported by the Wounded Warrior Regiment, the official unit of the Marine Corps charged with providing comprehensive non-medical recovery care to wounded, ill and injured Marines. The Warrior Games are a Paralympic-style competition for more than 200 wounded, ill and injured service members and took place Sept. 28 to Oct. 4 at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Photo by Cpl. Jessica Quezada. Inside This Issue Briefs.....................................3 Calendar...............................3 Classifieds............................3 Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Food.......................................8 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 5-7 Police Reports.....................3 Seniors..................................4 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Mostly Sunny 75˚/62˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 78˚/64˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 80˚/63˚ Lawndale Council Rejects Increase in Garage/Yard Sale Permits By Nancy Peters The request for a consulting agreement for The Lawndale City Council heard a staff limited volunteer services from Otis Ginoza report on Monday, October 6, at the City within the redevelopment sector was approved. Council meeting, presenting an increase of the Street improvements will be bid for portions permit fees for a garage or yard sale from the of 169th Street, 171st Street, Burin, Condon, current $3 per sale permit to a proposed $8 fee Firmona, and Freeman Avenues. for a weekend permit effective immediately, The 2014 Residential and Commercial with a proposed additional increase to $15 Property Development on Traffic Congestion that would be effective on July 1, 2015. It was Local Report was approved by the City also pointed out that no increase in fees for Council allowing therefore for the Metropolitan a yard sale permit have occurred since 1995. Transportation Authority (MTA) to issue grants A public hearing was held after the and authorize the use of gas tax funds for presentation with several citizens voicing improving traffic congestion when property their opinions that any increase could be the development warrants such needs to be fulfilled. cause for garage or yard sales to be held by The City Council will join with the residents without obtaining a permit, risking League of California Cities in opposing the a Code Enforcement citation. November 4 ballot measure proposed by the The staff noted that permits in surrounding California Legislature, known as Proposition cities range from $5 to as high as $30, although 47, which could mandate the lessening of some cities only allow two sales per calendar penalties and punishment for certain crimes, year, while Lawndale allows two sales per currently classified as felonies, to be treated as year with permits and then during the two misdemeanors. These crimes are Grand Theft scheduled clean-up weeks each year a yard when the theft of property is less than $950 in sale may be held without permit, thereby value; shoplifting would be considered a petty permitting four garage or yard sales per year theft if less than $950 in value; writing “bad” for any address in Lawndale. checks or check forgery, again when the value The City Council weighed the staff report, is less than $950. Additionally, the possession the public hearing comments, and offered their of any illegal drugs, such as cocaine or heroin, own views of the proposal to increase fees would be reduced to a misdemeanor and no stating unanimously that the increase seemed longer considered a felony. These reductions drastic. The proposed resolution failed for lack in classification of these crimes would result of a motion to consider a vote. in a shorter sentence, possibly no jail time but The Consent Calendar, approved by a vote community service under supervision, and those of 5-0, included updating the employee salary already jailed for these types of crimes would tables for the Management Team to reflect have their sentence reduced and conviction the allowed Management Team to replace classified down to a misdemeanor as well. The the recently retired Deputy City Manager guise of this proposition is under the name with the position of Director of Community of “Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Fund” Development, with a commensurate salary with the public being told that the savings to range for directors. The position of Deputy City the state for reduced sentences (fewer in the Manager is eliminated by this action. The Parks, jails/prisons to be cared for with state funds) Recreation, and Social Services Commission would benefit the schools and mental health is authorized to purchase decorations for the and drug treatment services. However, jail holiday season to be installed along Hawthorne sentences could mean continual overcrowding Boulevard within the city of Lawndale limits. at the county jail level if state prisons have fewer inmates The City Council approved a proposed change to policies and a first reading of a new ordinance which will redefine absences of members of commissions or committees as appointed by the mayor and City Council to mean any three absences from scheduled meetings will mean removal from their position. In addition, the new policy no longer will allow a spouse or relative of a city employee to be appointed to a commission or committee; a spouse or relative of one member may not serve simultaneously on the same commission or committee; and members of the commissions and committees will establish a quorum as the legal definition or a majority in order for a meeting to be held. All appointees of commissions and committees must attend Ethics training. There will no longer be reimbursement of expenses for commission or committee members although they will continue to receive a stipend per the policy when they attend a meeting. When a member resigns the appointment to a commission or committee, there will no longer be a requirement to continue service until a replacement appointment is confirmed. The Youth Advisory Committee will no longer be subject to a background check as they are all under the age of 18. The term of the Youth Advisory Committee member will be for two years. An Open House will be held at the Harold E. Hofmann Lawndale Community Center on October 16 beginning at 3:30 p.m. and the theme will emphasize Safety against Hazards in the Community. Residents are encouraged to attend, as there will information for Hallowe’en safety measures. The last day to register to vote on November 4, 2014 is October 20. Registration can be done online at the Los Angeles County Registrar’s website. The next meeting of the City Council will be held on Monday, October 19 at 6:30 p.m. •

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