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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - August 11, 2016 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................8 Classifieds............................2 Community Briefs...............2 Film Review..........................2 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals.............................4,6-7 Pets........................................8 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 73˚/65˚ Saturday Sunny 75˚/66˚ Sunday Sunny 79˚/68˚ Los Angeles Children Experience Thrill of First Roller Coaster Ride On Aug. 8, leading hotel loyalty program Wyndham Rewards provided 35 pairs of LA-based Big Brothers, Big Sisters and their respective Littles with an unforgettable day at Six Flags Magic Mountain. The complimentary day passes, parking passes and $60 in-park cash is part of a one-day, nationwide initiative made possible by Wyndham Rewards newly formed partnership with Six Flags. Photo courtesy of Wyndham Rewards. City Honors WWII Veteran While Mayor, Councilman Michelin Clash By Derrick Deane While the first City Council meeting of August may have been light in content, it was certainly without a bit of contention between councilmembers. While the meeting began by recognizing the latest Veteran of the Quarter honoree, it also featured a contentious dialogue between Mayor Alex Vargas and Councilman Nilo Michelin. The clash came in the latter part of the meeting as Michelin sought to ask questions regarding a motion that would appoint City Manager Arnie Shadbehr as Hawthorne’s real estate property negotiator in regards to a sale of a vacant residential parcel located at 14115 Cordary Avenue. The open session portion of the vote was only to appoint Shadbehr as the negotiator with a closed session meeting to follow later in the evening. Vargas and Councilwoman Olivia Valentine voted to approve Shadbehr as the negotiator while Michelin voted against it. While Shadbehr, Vargas, and City Attorney Russell Miyahara repeatedly stated that the vote for the motion would only be to appoint Shadbehr, Michelin was persistent in wanting to ask a couple of questions regarding a footnoted “recommended motion” that made mention of the potential buyer, West Hollywood Development before going in to the closed session meeting. “I’m being denied,” Michelin repeatedly stated when the trio sought to move forward with the vote and the meeting, to which Vargas repeatedly replied that he wasn’t. “I think your questions would most appropriately be done right after the closed session and before you vote on the item,” Miyahara said. “Tonight, you’re not actually approving anything. You’re just doing the prerequisites to giving direction to the real property negotiator. Nothing is being approved according to the Cordary property.” “Can I still ask questions to the speaker about this?” Michelin replied. “I just have a few minor questions.” After Miyahara reiterated what he had initially said to Michelin, the councilman said that it would affect his decision because,” it mentions West Hollywood Development here,” but followed that, “If you’re saying that I can’t ask any questions, then that’s fine.” Shadbehr added that the item would come back after the closed session for the council to vote on and, “at that time, you are actually directing to move forward with negotiations. This item tonight has nothing to do with moving forward with negotiations. This is just my appointment, that’s all.” Still seeking to ask questions regarding the matter, Michelin replied that, “It’s your appointment, but it’s also saying that you’re going to be negotiating with West Hollywood Development,” to which Shadbehr quickly stated that, “if after the closed session you don’t vote on it, ‘it doesn’t fly’.” “It’s not asking you to vote on the sale to specific bidders,” Vargas added. “You’re not denied anything. If you want to break with what your City Attorney is recommending, you can go ahead and do so, but you’re putting the city’s position at risk for whatever position we take.” Michelin quickly fired back to Miyahara, “Am I putting the city’s position at risk?” to which Miyahara replied, “No, it’s just apples and oranges. You want to keep the subjects related. The subject of the item doesn’t relate to what is discussed afterwards.” After being validated by Miyahara, Michelin pressed again saying that, “If it’s not putting the city at risk, I would like to ask some questions,” to which Vargas replied, “We’re going to have the closed session and you’re going to speak all you want after that, once we go through that process,” and then proceeded to move forward with a vote. Michelin cut in quickly saying, “I’m being denied?” to which Vargas quickly replied, “You’re not being denied.” Back and forth they went with Vargas adding that, “you can go ahead and break protocol, you can do whatever you want, but we’re just recommending as your council colleagues that we ask the questions at the appropriate time. You’re not being denied. Please don’t use those words when we’re not denying you. We’re suggesting.” Michelin came back quickly, “Well, I would like to ask some questions, if it’s a suggestion.” Clearly not looking to pursue the seesaw disagreement any further, Vargas looked to Miyahara who had nothing to say. After another brief exchange, Vargas pushed the motion through to a vote. Afterward, Vargas asked for Miyahara to clarify for residents what exactly was voted on, to which the city attorney repeated that it was only to establish Shadbehr as the real property negotiator before entering in to the closed session. Things weren’t as contentious earlier as the Council honored their latest Veteran of the Quarter, Jerry Nibel, a 53-year resident of the city who has since moved to an assisted living facility in Torrance. Nibel served in the Army during World War II with distinction until his discharge in 1945. “During his deployment in the European Theater, he participated in the D-Day invasion of Normandy where he was recognized for saving the crew of a British tank,” Commissioner Neil Gafney said. “He was subsequently awarded the British Military Medal, one of their highest awards for acts of gallantry and devotion to duty under fire and was presented by Queen Elizabeth.” Nibel’s United States awards include the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. Nibel was a member of the famed 743rd Tank Battallion, which landed on Omaha Beach in support of the 1st, 29th, and 30th infantry divisions as well as the 3rd Army Division. “Actions of the 743rd are known throughout the history of World War II with nine of the 13 Distinguished Service Crosses awarded to the battalion during the war,” Gafney said. “The Distinguished Cross is the nation’s second highest award for heroism.” •

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