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July 24, 2014 Page 7 Hawthorne Happenings News for the ‘City of Good Neighbors’ From City Clerk Norb Huber Good Neighbors Day The 4th Annual Good Neighbors Day turned out to be a really enjoyable event for those who attended last Saturday. Those crazy car show guys started to show up around 6 a.m. for the event that is advertised to start at 9 a.m. They love to try to be the first ones in line to park their cars. They love to hang out and take in all of the activities throughout the day. Over forty good lookin’ cars entered the show. Trophies were awarded to the winners in six different categories. There was a good variety of vendors offering information and raffling off prizes. From the veterans groups to healthy eating to church groups to historical groups, the tables looked like they stayed busy most of the day. We thank the SWAT team, K9 squad and the county fire department for bringing their vehicles over. But, the best part was the music. Jim Osborne brought his Lawndale Blues Band to kick off the show. Zeha’s Nsession was a big hit with their jazz numbers. The water melon eating contest was the time filler while Chris Montez’s band got set up on stage. By 2 p.m. the large crowd gathered to listen to the free hour-long concert put on by our very own Chris Montez. The hits kept coming and climaxed with “Let’s Dance” which brought Chris down to the street level to dance with the crowd. One of the many who got a chance to dance with Chris himself was 95 year old Frances Stiglich. It was one fun time. The clouds kept the temperatures cool, but the music was even cooler. Hawthorne’s First Hall of Fame Last Friday’s “Celebrate Hawthorne” Hall of Fame banquet was also a very successful event. It was held under a large tent in front of the old police station. The “good neighbors” theme could be felt throughout the night. Current residents, along with former residents, returned to give special honor to the five who were inducted. Special video presentations were produced for each of the five. The one thing that each of the five had in common was their genuine concern and love for their community and others. The five, 2014 Hall of Fame inductees include: Adolph Leuzinger, Jack Northrop, Chris Montez, and Hal Chauncey. The small business recognized was Hawthorne Nursery which has been owned and operated for 87 years by the Nakai family. All five of these honorees have contributed to the community in their special way. Hal Chauncey was not only a winning football coach at Hawthorne High School, but was the Parks and Recreation director for the city for many years. He helped to start the Hawthorne Youth Camp up in Wrightwood. He was the director of the youth club that met at the “Gunga Din” in the 40’s through 60’s. There were family members that attended the banquet from both the Leuzinger family and the Northrop family. All of the honorees were very appreciative of receiving recognition for their community involvement. Now, the Historical Society has the task of selecting next year’s inductees. There was a family named the Wilsons that had three sons that had a dramatic affect on not only Hawthorne but America and worldwide. One of these boys certainly would have to be considered for our Hawthorne Hall for 2015. National Night Out Tuesday, August 5 is the annual “National Night Out” event for Hawthorne. This year it will be held at the civic center in front of city hall from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Food and lively program will include presentations from the police and fire. Several of the homeowners associations will be sponsoring the event. So, come out and enjoy the fact that we can be out at night in Hawthorne. McDonald’s Ribbon Cutting The new McDonald’s on Rosecrans has been open for over a month but the official city ribbon cutting ceremony will be held this Saturday, July 26 beginning at 9 a.m. The restaurant is located at 3571 W. Rosecrans. • Follow Us on Twitter @heraldpub Century Blvd Bridge Demolition Plan ahead to avoid delays. A full weekend closure of the intersection at Century Blvd and Aviation Blvd is scheduled from 9pm on Friday, July 25 to 6am on Monday, July 28, 2014. The closure will allow demolition of the Century Blvd bridge to construct a new aerial station for the Crenshaw/LAX Transit Project. Please plan ahead if you are traveling in this area, as it is a major thoroughfare to the airport. Expect heavy tra;c congestion on approach to the closure at Aviation Blvd and Century Blvd. Use alternate routes to avoid delays. Local access to businesses will be maintained. Construction may result in changes to bus routes or stop locations. Metro will post signs at a=ected stops to advise of alternative boarding locations. More information is available at or 323.go.metro. Pedestrian access will be restricted at the Century/Aviation Blvd intersection. july 25 - 28 213.922.2736 @crenshawrail crenshawrail “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time .” - thomas a. edison

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