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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - June 22, 2017 Lundquists Make $32 Million Gift to Torrance Memorial Craig Leach, President and CEO, Torrance Memorial Medical Center; Melanie Lundquist; Richard Lundquist; Mark Lurie, MD, Cardiology; and Barbara Demming Lurie celebrate the Lundquists’ latest gift of $32 million to the medical center. This brings the Lundquists’ total donations to a historic $100 million. In conjunction with the gift announcement, Melanie and Richard Lundquist announced the renaming of the Torrance Memorial’s Lundquist Cardiovascular Institute to the Lundquist Lurie Cardiovascular Institute. (Photo Provided by Torrance Memorial Medical Center) Inglewood Enters ENA for Potential Deal with NBA Team By Cristian Vasquez Mayor James T. Butts and members of the Inglewood City Council last week approved an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement with Murphy’s Bowl LLC (Developer) and set the stage for a possible agreement with the Los Angeles Clippers for a new stadium in the city. “This is like a promise ring that we believe will lead to an engagement, that we believe will lead to a marriage,” said Mayor Butts. “We have a pretty good track record of consummating a marriage, so I feel good about it.” The agreement is the result of Murphy’s Bowl LLC negotiation request for purchasing several parcels of property within the city. This would be the first step in facilitating the development of a “premier and state-of-theart National Basketball Association” arena with the capacity for 18,000-20,000 seats. Based on the ENA, the properties in question are located on the north side of Century Boulevard, Prairie Avenue on the west side, Yukon Avenue to the east and 104th Street to the south. Both properties, located to the west of Prairie, are estimated to total 2.76 acres and 3.12 acres--one of which has been empty for several years. “This city has seized and controlled its destiny. There is no city in the United States of America that has done more for its residents, that has done more to improve the living conditions for its citizens than the City of Inglewood,” Butts said. After a canceled regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, this special meeting was set for Thursday at 10 a.m.--an unusual day and time that didn’t sit well with one of the residents present. In front of more reporters than members of the community, Inglewood resident Diane Sambrano vocalized her displeasure with the City moving around meetings. “I find it absolutely abhorrent that you have chosen to have a special meeting today when the residents of this community can not possibly come,” Sambrano said. “They are working and working-class communities should have the right to attend all the meetings hosted by the City Council.” Through the ENA a 36-month negotiating period has been established and mandates that the developer enter a funding agreement for any necessary environmental review subject to the California Environmental Quality Act, in addition to putting forth a $1.5 million non-refundable deposit that will fund administrative costs and expenses incurred by public entities. The ENA also requires that certain information and documents be submitted within specified times to the City and all collective public entities for review and approval. “What we did today was basically open up the avenue of negotiation with the group that will see if a deal gets done,” District No. 3 Councilman Eloy Morales, Jr. said. “We are going to do all of our part, and the Mayor has actually done a real good job of leading us down this path. The one thing that is clear is that we as a city are prepared to make that next step happen.” With the ENA established, each parcel will have to be specifically identified and will fall in either of the following categories: real property owned by the City (City parcels), real parcels owned by the successor agency (agency parcels), real property owned by third parties (potential participating parcels), which the City may consider acquiring. While there were comments of doubt and opposition to the Council’s actions, Mayor Butts was quick to remind everyone in attendance of the City’s evolution since being elected to office. The Mayor highlighted infrastructure improvements such as a more effective treetrimming schedule, the repaving of roadways, and sidewalk repairs. He even praised the police department for its sixth consecutive year of a drop in recorded crimes. “The Forum, remember when in 2014, a lot of people sitting in this room would say ‘nobody comes to Inglewood?’ It is the number one concert venue in the state of California, number two in the country and number four in the world,” Butts said. “When we started talking about the NFL, a lot of people in this room said the NFL would never come to Inglewood and that they were using you as leverage against St. Louis. A year-and-a -half ago, the Rams and the NFL committed to coming to Inglewood--and on January 17 of this year, the Chargers committed and now here we sit.” With two NFL franchises, a revamped Forum and the possibility of an NBA team calling Inglewood home, the Mayor and Council shared their optimism about the City’s financial future. “If you don’t bring people from other locations into your city, then what you are saying is that you are going to tolerate a level of mediocrity in your services,” Butts said. “When people come and they bring their credit cards, debit cards and cash and spend it here, they pay for your police services and for your trimmed trees. They pay for your infrastructure.” • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................8 Classifieds............................2 Community Briefs...............2 Film Review..........................2 Food.......................................8 Legals................................ 6-7 Pets........................................4 Police Reports.....................2 Sports....................................3 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 74˚/62˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 74˚/63˚ Sunday Sunny 78˚/64˚ Free Digital Delivery Herald Publications is now offering to send you a link to your favorite community newspaper every Friday! The emails will also include a list of upcoming local events. Just email us at: and tell us which local community newspaper you’d like. Simple as that and free!!!

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