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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - May 4, 2017 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................8 Classifieds............................3 Community Briefs...............3 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals....................... 2, 4, 6-7 Sports....................................2 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 65˚/58˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 63˚/52˚ Sunday Showers 60˚/53˚ 17th Annual Blueprint for Workplace Success Job Fair More than 960 high school and college students, including some from Hawthorne campuses, attended the 17th Annual Blueprint for Success Job Fair on April 27 at the Carson Community Center. Of the group, 235 students received job offers on-the-spot and 280 more were invited back for second interviews. (Photo credit: Jemely Dorado)  Sacramento’s Plan to Fix Roads is Expensive. What’s in It for Us? By Rob McCarthy Drivers will also notice a new DMV fee You’ve probably heard by now that California to register a vehicle. This transportation has a new road repair plan that will spend improvement fee is projected to raise $16.3 $53 billion. That’s right … 53 billion… to fix billion for the revenue-sharing between city streets, major traffic arteries, highways, Sacramento and local governments. freeways and transportation projects throughout Facing higher fuel taxes and DMV costs, the state. The 10-year plan will be financed South Bay residents are probably asking, what’s with higher fuel and car registration taxes that in it for us? For starters, potholes on major will be passed along to drivers and businesses traffic arteries like Pacific Coast Highway, starting in November. Hawthorne Boulevard and Imperial Avenue Getting the State Assembly and Senate to would get fixed sooner because Los Angeles approve a tax bill of this size wasn’t easy. County and South Bay cities will have a Governor Jerry Brown and Democratic leaders reliable source of revenue for the next decade. in Sacramento scrambled in the days leading Start dates on regional transportation projects up to the April 6 vote to persuade lawmakers would likely be moved up once Sacramento in both parties to act now, rather than push off road repairs when they would be more costly. “If you don’t do it now, it gets more expensive next year and the year after,” Brown said at a Capitol rally last month. Some opposition came from taxpayer groups that questioned whether taxpayers could trust Sacramento and local government not to waste the money--and the chance to make long overdue repairs to California’s aging system of roads and bridges. The state already collects nearly $5 billion a year in fuel taxes, and the roads are ranked the second-worst in the nation, according to published reports. The naysayers warned the plan is too costly and risky. The plan holds politicians and public works officials accountable for how the tax money is spent, and is expected to raise $53 billion over a decade. The state’s excise gasoline tax will increase by 12.2 cents per gallon and generate $24 billion, with 50 percent of that amount going to cities and counties for local projects. They’ll also split a 20-cent hike in the diesel fuel tax and add another $7.3 billion. releases the money, according to local officials. Los Angeles County will be the largest recipient of the new tax dollars with $5 billion over the next decade. Transportation projects that need urgent attention include pavement resurfacing and repairs throughout the area; gutter, curb and sidewalk repairs in Lennox and Del Aire; and signal upgrades at El Segundo Boulevard and the 405 freeway, and at Centinela Avenue at Lucille Street. South Bay cities will receives millions of dollars in new revenue, with restrictions on how city leaders spend it. The state Transportation See Fix Roads page 8 Free Digital Delivery Herald Publications is now offering to send you a link to your favorite community newspaper every Thursday morning! The emails will also include a list of upcoming local events. Just email us at: and tell us which local community newspaper you’d like. Simple as that and free!!!

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