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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - April 27, 2017 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................3 Community Briefs...............4 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Pets........................................5 Police Reports.....................6 Seniors..................................8 Sports....................................4 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 77˚/61˚ Saturday Sunny 79˚/59˚ Sunday Sunny 78˚/59˚ South Bay STEM Students Are Hosted by Local Medical Center Palos Verdes Intermediate School STEM (science, technology, engineering and technology) students learned about laparascopic and robotic surgery while participating in simulation exercises during a recent field trip to Torrance Memorial Medical Center. Laparascopic surgery technique pictured above.  (Photo credit: Christina House) City Council Moves Forward With Zoning Amendments By Derrick Deane “When we have these types of entities that The final Hawthorne City Council meeting ultimately want to make Hawthorne their home, of the month saw the group move forward with I want to make sure that they’re also providing previously discussed zone amendments while a benefit to the community and not just building a new building for the Historical Society was just because.” unveiled and there was much praise for the One building that did make it through the recent Service Provider Fair. refurbishment will now be the new home for Planning Director John Ramirez said, “We’re the Hawthorne Historical Society. The former looking to strengthen the development standards dancehall at Jim Thorpe Park will be the new to increase the quality of development projects home for the society, which showcases numerous that we bring before [the City Council] for images from the city’s past and offers a chance consideration. We’re looking to get higher for residents and visitors to immerse themselves quality architectural designs that are going to in the rich history of Hawthorne. literally be a part of our environment for many “We look forward to setting up the museum,” generations.” City Clerk Norb Huber said in his closing Ramirez continued, “Any development project that doesn’t have a current building permit or any project that hasn’t moved in substantial progress would be subject to it. However for projects that are further along in the process, we wouldn’t require them to comply with this particular code amendment because they’ve already moved forward in good faith.” One of the main focuses of the amendment centered on the revitalization of declining commercial and industrial areas through new development and building rehabilitation. That goal seemingly opened the door for developers to pitch plans to the Planning Commission and City Council for new structures, but both groups have remained guarded in advancing with new development and the new amendment allows for stricter zoning requirements. “I know that the Council has tried in making efforts to bring businesses, to bring development, to bring a sense of economic stability to our city--not just for today, but for the future--and community benefit is very important to me,” Councilmember Angie Reyes English said. statements thanking the Council. “It’s going to take us a while, but we want to say thank you to our City Manager. Without his leadership and guidance, we wouldn’t have the opportunity that we have.” “It’s going to be a nice little place for us to show off the history of Hawthorne,” Huber added, saying that the group is looking to have a grand opening sometime in the summer. Meanwhile, one of the resonating moments from the previous City Council meeting came at the conclusion when Mayor Alex Vargas and Mayor Pro Tem Hadir Awad called out Councilman See City Council page 8 Free Digital Delivery Herald Publications is now offering to send you a link to your favorite community newspaper every Thursday morning! The emails will also include a list of upcoming local events. Just email us at: and tell us which local community newspaper you’d like. Simple as that and free!!!

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