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Hawthorne Press Tribune Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - March 19, 2015 The City of Hawthorne State of the City address and luncheon was held on March 13 at the Hawthorne Memorial Center. Presented by the Hawthorne Chamber of Commerce, the keynote speaker was Mayor Chris Brown who also showed a visual presentation of the many improvements taking place in the city to the full house of attendees that included many dignitaries from neighboring cities. “Hawthorne is coming back,” said Mayor Brown, thanking the Hawthorne chamber, his city colleagues and business owners and constituents who made it possible for the city to be “operating in the black for the first time in six years.” Pictured with City of Hawthorne Mayor Chris Brown is Star Van Buren from the Small Business Development Center at El Camino College that was one of the luncheon sponsors. Photos provided by the Small Business Development Center at El Camino College. Inglewood Police Department to Receive New Uniforms, Safety Equipment By Cristian Vasquez retail business for its police department’s public Ladera Heights. The Inglewood City Council approved a safety uniforms and equipment. Surrounding Through its Senior Nutrition Program, purchase order with Galls Uniforms in the cities with their own police department base the city is able to provide meals to four amount of $42,500, which will be allocated to their public safety purchases on the wording senior centers, conduct at-home deliveries to the purchase of uniforms and safety equipment of that purchase agreement established by the “frail and home-bound” seniors citizens. In for the police department’s personnel. City of Los Angeles. December 2014 the city’s Parks, Recreation Approved in the agreement was the additional While these purchases will be covered by the and Library Services Department presented a purchase of helmets from Galls Uniforms general fund, last year the Inglewood Police request for funding based on a survey from for $20,000. The city is also slated to make Department received the Urban Area Initiative AAA “regarding additional nutrition funding payment on past dues invoices to Gall Uniforms grant in the amount of $228,500. Part of those to support unmet needs for meals, equipment for past uniform and safety purchases in the funds were assigned to purchase personal and supplies for SNP services” indicates the amount of $60,000. protective gear for department personnel staff report. W Based on a Memorandum of Understanding such as hazmat suits, armor and helmets. “The senior population is continuing to [MOU] for general bi-weekly employees, police The department requested that the second grow rapidly, especially the segment age 85 officers, civilian police and police management purchase agreement be made by the city for and older,” indicates the staff report. “More “the City must provide employees with the the purchase of helmets, in order to be in and more seniors are unable to prepare their uniforms and safety equipment required to compliance with the above mentioned grant. meals and are experiencing severe financial perform their assignments upon hire,” indicates During the 2014 Fiscal Year the police straits. As a result, they have insufficient the staff report. The staff report identifies department had a purchase order in the money for food.” civilian police personnel as custody officers, amount of $60,000 and has since received On Feb. 15, the council received the records technicians, property offices and public the corresponding invoices, which must be notice that the request was approved and that safety dispatchers. paid as soon as possible. nutritional supplemental grant funding would Among the items included in the department’s Budget Amended to Include be awarded. The funding to be awarded is safety equipment are: holsters, duty belts, Senior Nutrition Program always based on the number of meals being helmets, ballistic vets and “other standard Members of the council agreed to amend provided and reported in the AAA Get Care issued equipment.” However, the city adopted the budget to reflect receipt of the Nutritional System. The city will receive $57,035 in grant a “blanket purchase” in order to make sure Supplemental Funds, as well as reaching an funds for the meals and home delivery costs. that all of the required items and equipment agreement with Tender Loving Care Catering “The Nutritional Supplemental Funds will were obtained in a more time-efficient manner. [TLC] to increase the maximum contract by help the City’s SNP services by providing Upon approval of the blanket purchase, the $40,656 in order to provide more meals for funding to purchase approximately 13,906 department’s employees will be allowed the city’s senior nutrition program. additional home delivered meals for seniors to make purchases from Galls Uniforms, a The City of Inglewood has received grant and a steam table for food service,” states California-based company, and it will also funds through AAA from the Older Americans the staff report. signify that the police department will receive Act Grant Act of 1965. Through titles B However, as a condition of the funds, the a significant discounted rate on most products. and C the city is able to operate its nutrition city is expected to spend the funds by June The neighboring City of Los Angeles has program for seniors living in Inglewood and 30, which marks the end of the AAA’s 2014- itself established a purchase order with the neighboring City of Hawthorne, Lennox and 2015 Fiscal Year. • Inside This Issue Briefs.....................................3 Classifieds............................3 Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Finance..................................3 Food.......................................8 Hawthorne Happenings....2 Legals............................4, 6-7 Looking Up...........................7 Obituaries.............................2 Seniors..................................4 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Brown Attends State of the City Address Friday Sunny 73˚/59˚ Saturday Sunny 72˚/58 Sunday Partly Cloudy 72˚/57 The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne

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