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Hawthorne Press Tribune Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - March 10, 2016 Baseball Season in Full Swing Lawndale’s Issac Galen slides safely into second base after he hits a double in Saturday’s El Segundo Tournament baseball game against Westchester. The Cardinals edged the Comets 3-2. Photo by Joe Snyder Council Approves Plans for Renovation Along Hawthorne Boulevard By Derrick Deane with the business owners to implement different “We did provide the EIR to the state which Downtown Hawthorne may be getting a parts of the plan,” Anderson said. was also provided to the Public Commission, revitalized look soon. Plans for a ground level Interim City Manager Arnie Shadbehr added but we did not receive any comment from office and retail spaces, second level restaurants that all development would be funded by private them,” Oshima said who added that removing and a theater and an upper level residential area money from businesses interested in inhabiting the railroad was not a part of the analysis. was proposed and approved by the City Council, the office spaces. On the topic of trains, English also addressed Tuesday night. “A lot of these businesses are holding on by the potential of the Metro Rail running from “All the successful malls, you see the activity a thread and a lot of them closed down because Inglewood, through Hawthorne and ending in of people walking in to the shops. The Hawthorne they didn’t get the information or help regarding Torrance. Mall previously was just a solid wall, you funding opportunities,” English said in hoping The rail plans were not included in the initial couldn’t see what was going on inside,” mayor that the city would be able to add input in the plans before the Los Angeles Rams agreed to Alex Vargas said, hoping to get a better idea of development process of adding new businesses move in to a new stadium in Inglewood on what the foot traffic impact would look like. along Hawthorne Boulevard. Prairie Avenue. The preliminary plans were drawn up by the Planners said they heard a lot of positive “In regards to the Inglewood projects, as architecture firm, MIG, which took nearly two feedback adding that this isn’t a plan to change a neighboring community, you will have an and a half years to draw up the vision for the the entire boulevard but rather an incremental opportunity to review their analysis and EIR downtown area in Hawthorne. change. and provide the city’s comments,” Oshima said. “We’re trying to take the old Hawthorne Mall “The plan addresses both sides of it in Vargas asked the developers about the potential model and perforate it so that people can look attracting large businesses but also helping small parking issues that might occur. The parking in and see what is going on to it,” Benjamin businesses grow by letting them know what spaces presented to the city were drawn up Anderson, the project architect and R&A Design kind of information and assistance is out there according to code and that, “there is no need co-founder said. “[It] includes a pedestrian park for them,” John Oshima, a representative from for people to park outside of the site.” on two sides along with potential sidewalk cafes.” GRC Associates who oversaw the environmental Vargas brought the onus back on to the Vargas was also concerned if the plans were impact report (EIR), said. Council that it is ultimately up to them to reach conducive to the nightlife in Hawthorne as well English also addressed concerns regarding out to businesses and get them to want to open as if the office space was designed for a large where the start and end points were in the business in the city. company or for smaller ones. project. Councilwoman Olivia Valentine also “One of the things to make this whole thing “We are actively looking to see what the expressed the same concerns. successful is to tap in economic the development market is looking for. There is nothing like this After the EIR and subsequent analysis is turned part of the general plan which makes our city in Los Angeles right now, “Anderson said, who in, the city’s relationship with the architects business friendly like training and so on,” Vargas added that this is a real advantage to companies would end. The project would then pass over said. “Everything is lining up for us and I’m that might consider moving their employs into to an economic coordinator, someone who is really excited for us.” the same residential area. dedicated to the development of the project. While the meeting began on a somber note The plans are still in a very preliminary stage, “Yes it would be ideal to have a dedicated with Vargas informing the audience of the nut the development is ready to go and eager person, but in the absence of that, you have a death of Councilman Haidar Awad’s cousin, to being the process. dedicated department that is already working on Hashim Ali Awad, who died in a car accident Mayor Pro Tem Angie Reyes English was the project,” Planning Director Gregg McClain last week, it concluded with City Clerk Norb curious to know about the feedback from the said. “The thrust of this project is to get some Huber providing an update on the city’s plans existing stores along Hawthorne Boulevard and jobs going – construction and getting retail for their upcoming centennial celebration which if the Council would be working with the new areas to be development. There is potential for include a potential air show in 2018. businesses that would come in. the Civic Center or the mall to lead the way.” “There have been people who have come “On one hand, the plan is a vision for the English also addressed the concerns over up to me who have asked to be a part of the future, but there is also a call for the Economic the fact that the railroad runs through the city, committee and something positive that is funded Development coordinator who proactively works citing the pollution and traffic impacts. outside of the city’s budget,” Huber said. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................6 Classifieds............................2 Film Review..........................2 Food.......................................4 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................3 Seniors..................................2 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday PM Rain 65˚/51˚ Saturday Sunny 63˚/51˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 64˚/55˚ The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne

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