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Hawthorne 02_28_13

February 28, 2013 Page 3 Council to Stop Separate Wiseburn Considers Election for City Mayor Technology Plan By Nancy Peters resolutions, ordinances, policies, procedures By Dylan Little texts, but as technology adoption increases For 90 years, Hawthorne has conducted and/or budget matters must have a majority The Wiseburn School Board heard a one throughout the state, publishers would have government run by an elected City Council. vote in order to become law. The Mayor device per student plan from Chris Jones, an incentive to add more technology-reliant Those five individuals are tasked with may not act on his/her own in regard to Director of Curriculum, Instruction and features like video clips or worksheets. the duties and responsibilities of passing government issues or interact with the Technology for the District. Jones’ plan “The potential of what a digital textbook- legislation, running the City’s business and employees of the City in making any would eventually lead the way for every -beyond just reading, flipping pages in a supervising a City Manager and City Attorney. decisions affecting the City. Wiseburn student to have a tablet or laptop digital format--is, is being able to flip the These five individuals may run for the The Mayor is basically the Chief Executive both in class and at home. page, follow the link, have an interactive office of elected City Council member by (Elected) Officer of the “board,” or in this The Wiseburn School District’s tentative video, have an embedded worksheet that can filing the appropriate paperwork and having case the City. But as with any board of plan to attain a one-to-one ratio of students be sent to the teacher without any written their name appear on a ballot, or may be directors, the Mayor is not authorized, by to high-tech devices (like iPads, laptops or paper,” said Jones. appointed by the seated Council and/or Mayor law, to act without a majority vote. The netbooks) is far from set in stone. Board The trial plan would have students in a when a vacancy requires an appointment to City Manager and City Attorney report to members were wary of the half-million few Dana classes use an iPad each day, the position so that five members are always the full City Council--not just to an elected dollars in expenses it would incur, although along with having teachers experiment with in place. There is no time limit on Council mayor, regardless of how that mayor is they did seem open to a limited trial run using netbooks and other devices. Jones reelections. Each time a member is elected, elected. No more than two members of an at Dana Middle School, which would take said the goal was to find the best device to it is for a four-year term. elected City Council may meet together advantage of outside grants to help teachers fit the needs of teachers and not just to put The position of Mayor of Hawthorne without violating the Brown Act. So, if create their own training methods using the the latest and most expensive gadget into has been a separate election for more than the Mayor and a City Council member devices in the classroom. students’ hands. “This isn’t about getting 40 years, with a term of two years and are together at an event and an additional The primary motivation for the one-to-one iPads into the classroom,” said Jones. “iPads elections held every other year that is an odd member of the Council shows up, they technology plan is the upcoming changes to might be one of the devices we choose if it number year . The election of the Mayor may not discuss any City matters without the California standards assessments. In the works for what we want to accomplish in automatically makes the winner a member convening an official meeting. future, students won’t be filling out bubble- the classroom.” of the City Council. In the last 40 years, Elected mayors are usually popular in answer sheets, but answering in writing The last major district-wide technology there have been several elected mayors who figures. Reelection over a long period of via a computer. Because of this change, expenditure was in 2002. The upgrades served for several terms, with one for as time can give a person a sense of believing many districts want to increase the role of brought expanded Internet access and the many as 18 years consecutively. that their position is a step above or to the technology and Jones warns that Wiseburn capability for more connected devices. The election of the Mayor in many cities side of the other Council members. Mayors could miss the boat. However to implement a one-to-one system, in the South Bay in not in the hands of the represent the City at many events, both “It’s a long process. If we’re going to figure Jones expects that the District’s IT backbone constituents, but left to the seated Council locally, state-wide and even on a national this out, we need to start if we aren’t going will need some additional upgrades. Part to select one of their own to serve in that level. But a mayor separately elected is not to be left behind,” said of the reason is that the capacity for a one-year or two-year term. a prerequisite of being the “Mayor” of any Jones. “Which leads possibilities for education Most cities will elect either two or three municipality. A mayor elected by peers on us to the question, “The potential of what a digital online have greatly Council members every two years. Many the City Council may find more leverage ‘Are we behind right textbook–beyond just reading, flipping expanded since 2002, times, electing the Mayor in addition to the with those elected peers to get an idea put now?’ I would say no. pages in a digital format–is, is being when streaming video rest of the Council is more expensive because into action. On the other hand, one elected I don’t think many able to flip the page, follow the link, websites (like YouTube) it adds extra lines on the ballot and more by the people does not necessarily mean the school districts have have an interactive video, have an where nearly unheard of information on the mailed ballot booklet. opposite, that there is no leverage with the fully embraced or embedded worksheet that can be sent at the time. Recently, the Hawthorne City Council City Council members--but it is possible, gone toward a one-to- to the teacher without any “We started this back voted 3-2 to change the way the Mayor is although not always probable. one program, but it is written paper.” in 2002--why didn’t we elected here by choosing to have a ballot In Hawthorne, electing a mayor separately what I’d say 90 to 100 just do this then? Well measure in November 2013 that, if passed, may no longer be serving a purpose. The percent of districts are looking at.” quite frankly, the technology just wasn’t even will eliminate the people making the choice. voters will make the decision on November The new standards test isn’t the only reason close to there yet,” said Jones. “Technology The Council members will instead choose 5, 2013 if the future mayors of Hawthorne the District hopes to put an electronic device is finally really catching up to where the a presiding officer, or Mayor, from among will be elected by them, the people of in the hands of every student. Jones also dreams we had back then--that it would themselves, effective November 2015. Hawthorne. Ironically, on that same day they believes the District should increase the role actually save time or reduce paper cost--we The position of Mayor officially has no could also be electing the last separately of technology in the classroom to engage are finally at that point. We are seeing the greater weight than any other elected official. elected Mayor of Hawthorne. In any case, it more students. Unlike previous generations, technology is better and at a lower cost.” That person, whether selected by colleagues will still be up to the people of Hawthorne kids currently in K-8 education have been While Wiseburn prides itself on being ahead or by the people in the electorate, is the to make the final decision. exposed to computers and other tech devices of the curve when it comes to technology, presiding officer of all Council meetings It was a significant decision for the City for nearly their whole lives. By incorporating it isn’t the first district to implement a one- and acts as the Chair for the Housing and Council to vote to put this measure on these devices into their education Jones says to-one technology plan. Manhattan Beach Parking Authority and Successor Agency the ballot. When that election day comes, they not only learn valuable workplace skills Unified School District has given 1,400 of to the Redevelopment Agency. The Mayor the people of Hawthorne will be making for a digital era, but are more interested in its students an iPad. Jones has observed is authorized to sign City legislation, but a decision that will affect Hawthorne learning. “Our students that we have right that “bleeding edge” program and crafted when casting a vote at a Council meeting government for many years to come. They now in our schools grew up … with their his “leading edge” proposal to build on or any agency meeting, that vote holds could choose to elect the next, but last, parents’ iPhone,” said Jones. “That was not the successes and hopefully minimize the the same weight as all the other members. elected Mayor of Hawthorne. They will the case certainly when I grew up. We need difficulties. The mayor of any municipality is the also make a decision to change the face to find ways to engage our kids.” “Frankly I prefer the leading edge,” said head of the government, but that person of local politics. And, ultimately, they may Jones is optimistic about the future of digital Jones. “Manhattan Beach’s experience elected or designated in that role can not be making a decision that will result in a textbooks, which might be a major way of taught us a whole lot of things to do, but make any decisions for the city government more cohesive City Council to govern the increasing student engagement. Currently a it also taught us a whole lot of things not autonomously. All rules, regulations, City of Good Neighbors. • few publishers have digital versions of their to do.” • Classifieds What is the key submitted in writing by mail, fax or email. 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Hawthorne 02_28_13
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