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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - February 26, 2015 As Southern California has been enjoying another warm winter, the drought continues on (according to the National Weather Service, only 1.25 inches of rainfall were recorded at LAX in January). Sustainable yards like this one in Hawthorne keep the water use to a minimum. Photo by Peter Thornton, Darby Park to Receive New Fitness Equipment By Cristian Vasquez body conducts a twisting motion from left to Upon the recommendation of the Parks, right, which causes the waist and upper body Recreation and Library Services Department, to stretch while aiding the individual in the the Inglewood City Council voted to award a “recovering lost agility” states the staff report. contract to Carolino Construction Corporation Another one of the stations will include to complete the Darby Park Fitness Equipment the two-person vertical press, which allows Project. park patrons to sit at a station, grab on to two The agreed upon contract between the City of Inglewood and Carolino Construction Corporation is in the amount of $46,250 with an approved contingency fund worth $3,000, all to be paid for via a grant fund. Inglewood’s Darby Park is located at 3400 W. Arbor Vitae. The 14-acre park, which sits just east of Hollywood Park and the iconic Forum, is home to several baseball fields, tennis courts and basketball courts. It is also handles placed at chest level and push up. host to a skateboarding area as well as long This exercise strengthens shoulder and arm stretches of walking and jogging paths. muscles. The fitness stations will also include On Oct. 16, 2014 the City of Inglewood equipment that will allow for cardiovascular was granted Los Angeles County Proposition exercises. A excess funds. The new source of monies A third fitness station will include a twoperson were to be used to upgrade the heating and cross-country ski where the two people cooling system in the Martin Luther King mound equipment in a standing position and Recreation Center, while also installing new facing each other. Each person grabs a set outdoor exercise equipment and fitness stations of handles and places their feet on ski-like throughout Darby Park. The upgrade-process platform, at which point limbs are moved back of the heating and cooling system in the and forth emulating a skiing motion. The staff recreation center was completed during the report indicates that this exercise strengthens leg month of December 2014. muscles, improves cardiovascular endurance, “Staff is now prepared to move forward helps recover lost agility and is also considered with the installation of six fitness stations, a social activity exercise. which will be adjacent to the MLK Recreation In similar fashion to the two-person crosscountry Center in Darby Park,” states the staff report ski, a different fitness station will host presented to the council. Carolino Construction Corporation was chosen as the lowest, responsible bidder and will install a four-person twisting station. This fitness station allows a person to stand or sit as they face a place to hold on to with their hands. As the person holds on, the lower the single elliptical. This machine is mounded similar to the two-person cross-country ski but the ski-like platform moves in a circular motion from behind, submitting the body the same motion as if it were running, but without the impact on the joints. This exercises is also described by the staff report as good for strengthening leg muscles and improving cardiovascular endurance. The last two fitness stations to be installed include a recumbent bike, which strengthens calves, hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes while increasing cardiovascular endurance. A rowing machine will also be added to the park, which is also attributed to increasing cardiovascular endurance as well as strengthening back muscles, shoulders, arm muscles and abdominal muscles. Carolino Construction Corporation was also selected to complete the project due to its previous history with the city, as it not long ago completed the Vincent Park Lighting Upgrade Project, as well as the Darby Park Lighting Upgrade Project. Based on the agreement, all work related to the project is to be completed 30 days after the notice to proceed has been issued. City To Host Free Donation Drop Of, Document Shreding On Saturday, March 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. the City of Inglewood will host a free donation drop off and document-shredding event in front of Inglewood High School, located on the corner of Grevillea Avenue and Manchester Boulevard. The drop off and shredding event is only free to Inglewood residents and they must provide an identification card to prove residency within the city. This drive through drop off limits each car to only three boxes or three bags for document shredding. Donation items being accepted include: gently used clothing, shoes, household appliances, computers, cell phones, televisions and any other electronic devices. For more information, persons interested can call the city’s public works department at (310) 412-5333. • Inside This Issue Briefs.....................................2 Classifieds............................3 Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Food.......................................8 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................4, 6-7 Obituaries.............................2 Police Reports.....................3 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast South Bay Maintains Sustainable Yards Friday Partly Cloudy 64˚/54˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 62˚/49˚ Sunday PM Showers 60˚/48˚ “Staff is now prepared to move forward with the installation of six fitness stations, which will be adjacent to the MLK Recreation Center in Darby Park,”

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