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Hawthorne Press Tribune Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - February 25, 2016 Students and Teachers Participate in Family Financial Literacy Joining Hawthorne School Board Member, Alex Monteiro, Hawthorne School District Superintendent, Dr. Helen Morgan, Hawthorne Middle School Principal, Rudy Salas, Chevron External Affairs Manager, Lily Craig, Board Chair, Stephen Smith and Joshua Mitton of California Council on Economic Education (CCEE) are some of the students and teachers that participated in the three hour session on Family Financial Literacy. Photo provided by Chevron Hawthorne Tackles Zoning and Money Matters, Plans for 100th Year Anniversary By Derrick Deane Zoning was also a big topic as the Council Money matters and zoning issues were the discussed a proposed amendment that would focus of discussion at Tuesday’s regularly allow lots that are larger than 7,000 square scheduled City Council meeting. The Council feet to be split into subdivision and sold by addressed a zoning amendment as well a the property owner. potential sale of the Civic Center site. “What we end up getting with the amendment Mayor Vargas opened the meeting by is owners instead of renters, which is a huge clarifying the closed session agenda item deal with the city because 75 percent of the units regarding the sale of the Civic Center site. right now are rental units,” Planning Director “The purpose of the meeting is to discuss Gregg McClain said. “That’s completely flipped with the staff the proposals including the price upside down of what it should be. This would and terms of sale of the Civic Center site. The help to very slightly redress that problem.” City Council does not have the authority to Councilman Hadir Awad stated that the goal sell the property in the closed session,” Vargas of the Council is to increase ownership in the said. “The only way the City Council can city so that property values would increase. sell the Civic Center site is to have the legal “We’re trying to make Hawthorne less documents approved by the City Council in commuter based and more ownership based,” open session. The closed session was just to Awad said. “If we are able to subdivide begin a negotiation process that may lead to duplexes where you can sell both units, now the sale of the property.” you’re creating more ownership in the city. Meanwhile, residents addressed their concerns You’re not increasing the density, because it’s about proposed high density housing and condos the same density now. Instead of renting and between 118th and 120th streets and near the selling one, now you can sell both and we’re Hawthorne Mall redevelopment. creating more property tax for the city and The Council is scheduled to meet on March we’re creating more ownership in the city.” 8 to address the mall development in a public The Council ended up split on the amendment forum. with Mayor Vargas, Councilman Awad, and Speaking of money matters, the Council Councilwoman Olivia Valentine voting in favor also approved to refinance outstanding pension while Mayor Pro Tem Angie Reyes English obligation bonds that were approved back voted against it. Councilman Nilo Michelin in 2001. The refinancing would not have an abstained from voting on the amendment. impact on the city’s general fund. In closing, City Clerk Norb Huber proposed “When we are refinancing, it will come a new committee that would be funded outside out of the refinancing credit that we receive,” of the city’s general fund that would look Interim City Manager Arnie Shadbehr said. “The forward Hawthorne’s 100 year anniversary resolution allows the city to move forward with in 2022. designated underwriters and bond counsel in “This committee, Hawthorne 2022, is meant the process of seeking the city’s overall credit to coordinate way in advance what we’re going rating through Standard and Poor’s.” to do for our 100th anniversary,” Huber said. “We’re trying to do this without any public funds and to serve and celebrate the city.” Huber said that several business corporations have expressed an interest in being a part of the committee in helping plan the events that would be involved with the city’s anniversary. “We’re just looking to promote the city with help from the Chamber of Commerce and from businesses, large and small,” Huber said. “I’m excited about the possibilities.” Vargas expressed interest in the committee saying that he would love to bring back a parade and a car show, among other things, come back to the city. “One of the things that is going to be a challenge is money,” Vargas said, to which Huber quickly replied, “We can talk about the impossibilities or we can talk about approaching businesses in Hawthorne.” After the Council unanimously approved the creation of the committee, Vargas added that, “I’m willing to support you and be there with you in organizing some of these events.” The meeting closed with the appointment of City Attorney Russell Miyahara as the city’s property management negotiator with respect to the sale of 4.2 acres bound by 126th Street, Hawthorne Boulevard, West El Segundo Boulevard and Grevillea Avenue, otherwise known as the Civic Center site. Miyahara would be the chief negotiator in regards to the price and terms and conditions of selling the property to the potential buyer Ali Awad, a relative of Councilman Awad. In 2008, Awad had attempted to purchase a vacant lot with no plans of developing it. He instead sought to use it as a tax deduction and investment. Awad owns Repossess Auto located in Hawthorne. • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................2 Community Briefs...............3 Finance..................................3 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals................................ 6-7 Looking Up...........................4 Pets........................................8 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Mostly Sunny 72˚/55˚ Saturday Mostly Sunny 70˚/56˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 74˚/56˚ The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne

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