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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - February 18, 2016 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................3 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................2, 6-7 Looking Up...........................4 Police Reports.....................3 Seniors..................................7 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 66˚/50˚ Saturday Sunny 72˚/52˚ Sunday Sunny 79˚/55˚ Proud To Be A Monarch On Feb. 3, Morningside High School in Inglewood held a National Letter of Intent Day signing party in honor of  two of their own, Adarrus Wilson and Charles Akanno.  These young men were offered full football scholarships by prestigious universities from around the country. In front of teachers, coaches, parents, alumni and classmates, Wilson signed with San Jose State and Akanno is on his way to the University of Idaho. Photo by Antoinette Wilson Hawthorne Renews Internship Agreement with Cal State University Dominguez Hills By Cristian Vasquez that is current with CCTC standards for Members of the Hawthorne School Board English Learner Pre-service Preparation, as approved an internship agreement between well as making support training and orientation California State University Dominguez Hills available to university supervisors. unanimously during its Feb. 10 meeting. “University Supervisors will observe and CSUDH offers a multiple subject and single evaluate interns at least three times during a subject internship with the Hawthorne School semester, for two semesters, and allocate time District. The Hawthorne School District works with each intern after each visit to discuss with CSUDH to support interns during their the observation,” states the staff report. “The credentialing program, while they teach in California Teacher Performance Expectations the classroom. form the basis for these discussions and “University Internship Programs are designed evaluations. 
Direct University Supervisors to be partnerships between institutions of to meet and consult with employer-provided higher education and public school districts to on-site support providers as needed. Collect meet the growing need for qualified teachers,” employer-provided support documentation.” states the board agenda. “Both the districts and the institution must certify that interns do not displace certificated employees in participating districts.” At the moment, the district is not hiring interns, yet the internship agreement accelerates the process of registering credential candidates into the CSUDH Intern Program. The agreement also stipulates that the salary of interns will not be reduced in order to pay for supervision. The university confirms that the Part of the Hawthorne School District’s service of interns meets all instructional needs responsibilities include assigning a support for the multiple subject, single subject, and provider for each intern, preferably on-site, Education Specialist teachers, which includes at the grade level of the inter and in their bilingual authorization, in the district. subject area. Providing orientations and training The terms of the agreement make CSUDH for on-site support providers, defining and is responsible for providing supervision, facilitating the implementation of the terms administration, as well as implementing every of employment of the support provider are component of the program, which includes also the responsibility of the district. filing for intern credentials with the California “[The] University and the School District Commission on Teacher Credentialing [CCTC]. together must provide a total of 189 hours The university is also responsible for making annually of support for the intern, 45 hours available a Pre-service Preparation Program of which will be dedicated to ELL support,” states the board agenda. “School-site based support will include content-specific coaching, and co-planning to address included special needs students and English Learners.” Employer-provided mentors will be required to meet the minimum qualifications of having a valid corresponding clear or life credential, three years of successful teaching experience and EL authorization [only if responsible for providing a specified EL support]. As opportunities for interns to attend “district-sponsored workshops, staff development, new-teacher orientations, and grade level or department meetings related to curriculum, planning, instruction, and/ or assessment,” they will be evaluated to document growth and development. A district contact will serve as the liaison to the CSUDH co-chairs of the Division of Teacher Education in order to coordinate and evaluate the program. The district designee is also be responsible for placing interns in teaching positions for which they are qualified; that includes giving the interns a full range of responsibilities of full-time teachers. “This Agreement will become effective as of the date last written below and continue for a period of 5 years unless terminated by either party after giving the other party 30 days written notice of the intent to terminate,” states the board agenda. “If the School District terminates this Agreement, it will permit any student working at the School District at the time of termination to complete his/her work. At the 5 year termination date the agreement can be renewed once it has been reviewed, updated as applicable and executed by the appropriate parties.” • “University Internship Programs are designed to be partnerships between institutions of higher education and public school districts to meet the growing need for qualified teachers”

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