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Hawthorne Press Tribune Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - February 11, 2016 Lawndale High School Falls in Overtime Lawndale High’s Aaron Estrada gets past Santa Monica High School defenders in last week’s Ocean League boys’ soccer action. The Vikings outlasted the Cardinals 3-2 in overtime. Photo by Joe Snyder Valentine Selected For Council Seat, English Named Mayor Pro Tem as Council Moves Forward By Derrick Deane Vargas’ idea of each council member naming regularly scheduled Tuesday meeting to name After more than a month of struggling to their top two candidates. The common Councilwoman Angie Reyes English as the come to a decision on who would occupy denominator from that process was Valentine. new Mayor Pro Tem. their vacated seat, the Hawthorne City Council While Michelin objected to the idea of Vargas put forth the nomination which took bold steps to avoid a special election introducing a new process “mid-stream,” was seconded by Valentine. Michelin was this summer. he ultimately came around and participated. not in attendance during the vote, which was Former Mayor Pro Tem Olivia Valentine Michelin was the one member who did not unanimous. was chosen by a 3-1 vote to occupy the select Valentine for the vacant seat stating that Vargas and English took time to tout the new empty seat which was vacated when Alex she had voted on the previous city budgets that futsal fields that were funded by Chevrolet, Vargas defeated former mayor Chris Brown has since caused the city much financial strain. the L.A. Galaxy, and Manchester United. in November’s election. Meanwhile, Valentine, who finished fourth “Evidence of the city of Hawthorne turning It wasn’t smooth sailing in the early going in the general election last November behind in a different direction immediately after though. The council convened for a special candidate Katrina Manning, said that she this council was seated was the futsal field. meeting last Thursday in hopes of filling the was grateful for the opportunity to rejoin Chevrolet invested a lot of money to the seat. Following the same eight-round format the council. project,” Vargas said. that they had implemented since the process “I want to thank my council colleagues The mayor also took a moment to tout began, the council members breezed through for having faith in me,” Valentine said after Space X and the growth of the company as five rounds of nominations before Vargas paused she had taken her seat with the rest of the they finished construction and opened up a the process to offer an alternate solution. council. “I want to see us work together in new parking structure on Crenshaw Blvd. “It’s not working and we’re not focusing in a unified way. I want to see us bring the “That’s a big deal,” Vargas said. “That just on a candidate here,” Vargas said after the fifth council together, bring the city together and tells us how much Space X has grown and how round of nominations. “My proposal is that move Hawthorne forward. No more of the much they have invested in our community we seriously look at our top two candidates in-fighting, no more of the factionalism, let’s and decided to stay here because the city of and we’ll look to see if there is a common move the city forward.” Hawthorne has been business friendly.” denominator amongst the four of us.” Vargas took a moment to address the Speaking of being business friendly, bringing Councilman Nilo Michelin was the only numerous residents who had come before revenue into the city is going to be a key council member who expressed reservations the council and stated that they wished for facet in turning the financial situation around about the change in the nomination process. the council to honor the election results and and in his closing statements, Vargas touted “You were the one who wanted to do it in place the third highest vote getter, Katrina that businesses were coming to Hawthorne. this order and to change it midstream would Manning, into the vacant seat. He cited a Starbucks and a Blaze Pizza that be a little unorthodox,” Michelin said. “Let’s “The City Council converged about a month were opening up soon in the city and teased play out this process. I think it’s a great idea ago to discuss a procedure. We are in full that there were many more announcements and let’s entertain it for Friday.” compliance. This is a decision that has been to come. Had the Council not come to a majority given to the council body to fill the seat, not “It’s not business as usual. Today’s meeting decision by the end of Thursday’s meeting, the residents,” Vargas said. “The residents is evidence of that. We came here to do they would have been forced to meet again the voted for two positions. If they had voted business, not to bicker or go after each other, next day to avoid a special election. Fortunately for a third position, as a contingency, people that’s the old ways,” Vargas said. “Pretty soon for the city, it didn’t come to that. might have viewed that election different.” you’ll see more than the Starbucks and the After completing the eight rounds of futilely With the candidate selection process Blaze Pizza coming up, and that will assure nominating candidates, the council moved to behind them, the council met prior to their you that we’re going in the right direction.” • Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................3 Food.......................................5 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................... 4, 7 Looking Up...........................2 Pets........................................8 Police Reports.....................3 Sports....................................6 Seniors..................................7 Weekend Forecast Friday Sunny 80˚/56˚ Saturday Sunny 78˚/57˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 85˚/60˚ The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne

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