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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - February 2, 2017 Green Elementary Hosts Workshops to Increase Parent Engagement The recent Parent Math Meet-Up groups at Green Elementary School enlightened parents about fractions. (Photo Courtesy of Lawndale Elementary School District) The idea to provide these workshops for teachers was born in the summer when similar professional development efforts were hosted for everyone in the district to join. Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................2 Classifieds............................4 Community Briefs...............3 Film.........................................5 Finance..................................7 Hawthorne Happenings....3 Legals............................... 4, 6 Pets........................................8 Seniors..................................7 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Rain 60˚/52˚ Saturday Mostly Sunny 63˚/52˚ Sunday Mostly Sunny 62˚/52˚ Board Approves Workshops for School Sites throughout District By Cristian Vasquez emotional well-being. Members of the Hawthorne School The idea to provide these workshops for Board unanimously approved an agreement teachers was born in the summer when between the Richstone Family Center and similar professional development efforts were the Hawthorne School District to receive hosted for everyone in the district to join. professional development services. Through Upon conclusion, the decision was to host a series of one-hour trauma and wellness separate workshops, also centered on the workshops, Richstone Family Center will concept of trauma and loss, for psychologists, work directly with staff throughout schools deans and counselors. in the district. Each workshop is tailored to “Everybody is unique and we have to try train staff on how to focus on behavioral and peel that onion so that we can get to issues in order to properly intervene and the root of the issues,” Dr. Smith said. “The provide the support needed to help any student may be disruptive in the classroom, but student living through a crisis. that may be because something is happening “The reality is it that the teachers need to build the relationships with these students, so we reached out to Richstone to see if they would be willing to tailor the workshops so that they [teachers] got an overview of the trauma and loss, but that would also help develop the relationship with the students in the classroom,” Hawthorne School District Director of Pupil Personnel Services Dr. outside of the classroom that we don’t know Sonya Smith said. “The bottom line is that about. So bringing that training to the people we need the student in the classroom ready over the summer was a way to help them to learn. When they are stressed about going understand some of the different dynamics home, or not having a home, they will not that might be affecting our students who be ready to receive the academics.” might have experienced some sort of loss.” Workshops will train staff members on Incorporated in 1974 as non-profit social “specific preventative interactions” that services agency, Richstone Family Center was will help ease “the intensity of trauma and one of the first six treatment and prevention emotional episodes,” which the staff report program facilities in the state dedicated to states will help to enhance the relationships addressing child abuse. Through a grant between students and staff while encouraging provided by the State of California in 1977, a problem-solving approach in the future. the Richstone Family Center became a Through this change in behavior, it is expected comprehensive agency capable of providing that students with behavioral problems services to an estimated 70 families. Since triggered by a life crisis will be capable of 1980, the center has seen its staff grow achieving higher academic accomplishments from six to 135 along with the number of and attain a more balanced social and programs it offers and the cities assisted. Among those localities are the City of Hawthorne (the center’s home), the greater South Bay area, and the southwest corner of Los Angeles County, including six different school districts. “They [Richstone] were kind of a natural fit--not only because we have worked with them--but as a counseling agency for some of our families, they are also the ones who manage some of our afterschool programs,” Dr. Smith said. Hawthorne School District’s commitment to approaching behavioral issues with empathy and compassion is a departure from the traditional disciplinary approach that would only focus on reprimanding the student for disruptive behavior. Furthermore, the District is dedicated to ending the practice of isolating students from classmates and the classroom as the only disciplinary action. These workshops are available for all schools within Hawthorne School District. Some principals have responded favorably to past classroom management workshops and there is optimism that the response for these workshops will be positive among all the schools. “We want to help break down those barriers and help them understand that it’s about relationship-building and getting to know the child and what is going on at home, and learn where they are struggling, whether it be academic or behavioral,” Dr. Smith said. “If someone is not reading at their grade level, we provide intervention. If they are not behaving the way that the school expects, we need to provide intervention. It’s the same thing with their social and emotional well-being. If there is a gap, we need to respond to find a way to try and fill that.” •

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