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January 28, 2016 Page 5 Wowser Schnauzers I’m doing great with healing and adjusting well to the challenges. I’m 16 pounds of sweetness and I get along splendidly with other dogs. I’m truly hoping that 2016 will be the year I find the forever family who will love me and want me to share their lives. If you are interested in Neo, please email for more information. 2016 didn’t start out as the best year for a dog named Campbell (that’s me) but I know that things are now going to be awesome. My previous owners dumped me at a LA county shelter the day after New Years and never even said good-by. I was such a matted mess that the shelter workers had me listed as a “Westie mix”. In reality I am a 2-year old, male, Miniature Schnauzer mix with a lovely natural tail. Due to my appearance and the fact that I was pretty timid, there wasn’t much interest in adopting me. The MSFR folks spotted me when they came to rescue another dog and decided to give this pathetic looking fellow a chance. After living with my foster family for a couple of days, I became curious and decided to make friends with them. The best part is that I realized that I really like living indoors and being part of a family. Since I have spent most of my life living outdoors, I do need some leash training and a little help in the housebreaking department. My legs may be a bit shorter than a purebred Schnauzer but my head and face, which will look at your adoringly, is all Schnauzer. I’m 12 pounds of love and affection that is looking for a family to call my own. If you are interested Campbell Halo in Campbell, please email for more information. I’m hoping that 2016 will be less stressful for me than the previous year. My name is Halo and I’m a 9-year old, purebred, female Miniature Schnauzer looking for a forever home. My previous owner developed a serious health issue and had to move to San Francisco for treatment and couldn’t take me along. Although I understand why Bubbles is healed and all smiles! Neo Happy Tails Hooray for Bubbles and her new family. She is the little “Schnoodle” gal that was rescued last October from a LA county shelter. Bubbles had a terrible case of demodex mange that we treated for several months. She’s healed and looking beautiful with a glistening white coat. Her new family includes MSFR 2011 alumni Indie, formerly known as blossom. They are living in Santa Monica and looking forward to having many happy adventures. • We are looking for volunteers to help with our pet adoption fairs which are held every Saturday at the Petco located at 537 N. Pacific Coast Highway Redondo Beach 90277, from noon-3: 30 p.m. If you are interested in volunteering and can commit to at least one Saturday a month, please contact us at You can also visit all of our Miniature Schnauzers & Friends rescues at the adoption fair or check out our website, If you have any questions about a particular dog’s availability you can email us at Schnauzers! Bet you can’t adopt just one! Neo means “new” and if anyone is looking for a new life in 2016, it’s me! I’m a 2-year old, male, purebred Miniature Schnauzer whose life so far has been less than happy. I spent Christmas alone, lost and wandering the streets. Apparently while alone, I was hit by a car causing extensive injury to my right front leg. My memory is a bit fuzzy but it’s most likely the reason that my leg was “degloved”. That’s an injury when the skin is abraded down to the bone. Unfortunately, even after heroic attempts to save my leg the shelter Vet decided that it was not viable and it had to be amputated. A couple of days later I was rescued from the LA county shelter and I’ve been recuperating with the MSFR folks. Everyone says that physically Swanee I had to remain in the South Bay, it still was a heartbreaking good-bye. A family member had been caring for me but reached out to MSFR for help when I developed a health issue. One trip to the Vet and they found I’ve had bladder stones. They are pesky little things and first we tried to dissolve them by prescription diet. When that didn’t work the Vet performed surgery to remove the stones and ta-da they’re gone. Although I’m currently asymptomatic and feeling fine, my blood work revealed that I have some elevated liver values and could be borderline Cushings. I’m a 25 pound senior who has lots of love to give and I adore my people. I know that I’d be the perfect companion for someone who wants a loyal and affectionate friend, could it be you? If you are interested in Halo please email for more information. My friends call me Swanee and I am just one of three little old men who were rescued from a LA county shelter last week. I’m probably a tad older than 10 years of age and like all folks who are seniors I have a few physical issues. I had some cataracts, which left me blind in one eye, I’m missing a few teeth and I have a heart murmur. That said I’m also a super sweet, well-mannered, gentle, little Spaniel mix. You can’t really tell by my picture because they shaved me but I have gorgeous, fluffy golden fur. If you just check out my tail in the picture you can see for yourself how fluffy it is. Although I get along with other dogs, my favorite past time is just being held and hanging out with my family. My perfect home would be with an older person who would appreciate a calm and sweet companion. I would also be a great addition to a family with a little extra room in their hearts and home for a needy soul.   If interested in Swanee email • Be kind. Save a life. Support animal rescue.

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