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Hawthorne Press Tribune The Weekly Newspaper of Hawthorne Herald Publications - Inglewood, Hawthorne, Lawndale, El Segundo, Torrance & Manhattan Beach Community Newspapers Since 1911 - Circulation 30,000 - Readership 60,000 (310) 322-1830 - June 18, 2015 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.......................4 Classifieds............................2 Community Briefs...............2 Film Review..........................4 Finance..................................3 Food.......................................8 Legals............................2, 6-7 Letters...................................4 Looking Up...........................5 Police Reports.....................6 Seniors..................................7 Sports....................................5 Weekend Forecast Friday Partly Cloudy 73˚/63˚ Saturday Partly Cloudy 75˚/64˚ Sunday Partly Cloudy 77˚/64˚ Lennox Athletics Win the Tournament of Champions The Lennox Athletics won the Carl Magee, Jr. Memorial District 37 Senior Little League Baseball Tournament of Champions with a 10-4 win over their rival Titans Saturday at Jim Thorpe Park in Hawthorne.   Residents Support College-Bound Seniors By Derrick Deane As the smell of fluffy pancakes, hearty eggs and sausage and aromatic grits wafted through the courtyard at Olivet Lutheran Church last Saturday morning, residents from Hawthorne and surrounding neighborhoods came out to support the annual pancake breakfast fundraiser. Headed up by the Holly Park Home Owner’s Association, the fundraiser raises money for an annual scholarship that is awarded to graduating high school seniors in the Holly Park community to help pay for college. “The great thing about this scholarship is that whoever wins it will often come back after college and help out the community,” Katrina Manning, president of the Holly Park Home Owner’s Association and organizer of the event said. “It’s a revolving cycle to get from the community and then to give back to the community.” Council members turned out for the event along with Mayor Chris Brown and they all donated to the cause from their stipend. “We won’t know the actual total until later this month because the council members donate from their stipends which they get at the start of each fiscal cycle,” Manning said. The next fiscal cycle begins around July 1st. The scholarship winners will be announced at the upcoming Day in the Park event on July 11 and the winners will also be on hand at a city council and Home Owners Association general meetings around that same time. “We want the community to know what we’re doing,” Manning said of the multiple presentations. “The buy-in is once the community sees what we’re doing they have the opportunity to contribute and to support our efforts.” The number of scholarships that can be given out varies on how much is donated at the breakfast and there was good indication that the turnout was very good this year. “We often raise about $1,000 to $2,000 each year,” Manning said. “Even though tickets are five dollars per person, a lot of people will buy a bunch of tickets to the event because they’re donating to the cause. We’ve been doing this for several years now, so people also come out to support the community.” This year, the goals were set even higher with the hopes of awarding more students with scholarships. “Our goal this year was high,” Manning said. “We’re always trying to bring in more people, trying to raise more money because the more money we raise, the more scholarships we can give. Generally, we give out two, but we’d like to give out three. It really just depends on how much money we raise.” While the donation goals are set high, the group also has to factor in operating costs that can take a bite out of the funds that have been raised. “We have to make sure that we stick to a certain budget,” Manning said. “We would love to give out more than a couple of scholarships, especially in these economic times when kids are bogged down in debt. Our scholarship will at least allow them to pay for their books.” While the fundraising is a key component to the event, it wouldn’t be successful without good food, and in particular good pancakes. For the past five years, Manning has taken on the responsibility of cooking up her “fluffy” pancakes for attendees. This year, with so much to oversee, she passed on the important duty to her husband, Ron. “I have to say my favorite pancakes are mine, because I consider myself the pancake queen, so something was a little off with the pancakes this year. They weren’t as fluffy as they normally are,” Manning joked while laughing. All Ron could do to defend his cooking skills was say that the mix for this year’s pancakes wasn’t for the fluffy kind. Manning is quick to point out though that her husband makes the best omelets and that they rival those found in fancy restaurants. Regardless of how the pancakes turned out, the event was deemed a success after raising more than $700 with much of the food was gone by the noon clean-up time. At the moment, Manning said it is likely that one scholarship will be given out since the number of applicants is low. Students who are interested in applying for the scholarship may do so by downloading the application from the Holly Park Home Owners Association website at The deadline for applications is July 6. Winners will be presented with a giant novelty check along with, of course, the actual money from the scholarship and will make an appearance at a July city council meeting to be congratulated by the city. “Last year, we didn’t let the winners keep the giant check because there were so many events and we didn’t want them to lose it so we held on to it,” Manning said. Of course, if winners want to hold on to their novelty check as a keepsake, they’re certainly welcome. “I guess, afterwards, if they want it as a souvenir, they can have it, but really they just want the real check,” Manning added with a laugh. • “once the community sees what we’re doing they have the opportunity to contribute and to support our efforts”

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