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Page 12 December 29, 2016 EL SEGUNDO HERALD Visit us online: C e r t i f i e d a n d L i c e n s e d P r o f e s s i o n a l s plumbing & heating painting PAINTERS PLUS INTERIOR • EXTERIOR PLUS IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES LOWEST PRICES • GUARANTEED QUALITY 5 YEAR FREE MAINTENANCE SERVING THE BEACH CITIES FOR OVER 20 YEARS CALL DON 310-798-0450 LIC # 726089 handyman BILL’S HOME & APARTMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR QUALITY at Handyman Prices. We cover everything from A-Z. Bill Henrichon Cell: 310-890-7531 Office: 310-542-3470 Henrichon & Associates Inc. CA ST LIC# 1011547 / Licensed & Insured 2011 2012 2013 Serving the South Bay for 25 years FREE ESTIMATES concrete LINDAHL CONCRETE, INC. Specializing in all Residential Concrete • Driveways • Patios • Pool Decks • Stone • Pavers • Stamping Call Casey or Carl - Lic. 531387 310-326-6626 Casey Lindahl founder of Lindahl Concrete Inc. WE ACCEPT CREDIT CARDS WWW.LINDAHLCONCRETE.COM RICH’S PAINTING Specializing in exterior Quality interior work Reliable • Reasonable Rates 310-640-9465 Frederick’s Painting oF el segundo MELVIN’S PLUMBING, HEATING & AC REPAIRS 13% Off !! Since 1976! 24 Hrs/7 Days Service in 30 minutes! • Installations of bath tubs, toilets, vanities, shower pans, bathroom remodels. • Heaters, gas lines, broken pipes, repipes, drains, unclogged. • Price start at $59+ through clean-out, over 400 ft. of cable • We go on the roof, trenchless sewer, in-street sewer replacement. • Workers compensation & liability insured! • Commercial/Industrial Apartments/ Homes • Installations of grease traps Free Estimates! Trucks are in your area now. • Water heater installations, 50 gal. $946, 40 gal $846. roofing NICK’S ROOFING SERVICE Small jobs OK! 310-697-9147 CA License # 1009097 roofing Old Fashioned Values... 50 Years and Counting. New Roofs and Repairs 24 Hour Service Since 1990 • Lic # 770059 • C-42 C-36 C-34 C20 A plumbing Phone/Text handyman TOUCHSTONE Reasonably Priced – Referrals Upon Request 310-517-9677 OVER 40 THOUSAND PAPERS DELIVERED WITHIN MILES OF YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS. Over 40 thousand papers delivered within miles of your home or business. Stamping Pool Decks painting Interior & Exterior NO Job too Small Free Estimates Call Fred 310-910-4841 LIC #948597 310-322-4129 CA St. Lic. #558797, Bonded, Insured plumbing Full Service Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Sewer Video Inspection • Rooter Service • Copper Repipes 310-543-2001 Free Estimates PLUMBING, HEATING & COOLING 310.738.7094 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Sewer Video • Hydrojetting • Bonded • Insured CA LIC. #980971 plumbing FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS We offer Senior Discounts • We match any pricing • Open 24/7 • Free Estimates License # 537357 1-310-782-1978 310.671.8851 • 310.640.2010 310.533.4028 • 323.759.6176 Lic #745-669 painting CERTIFIED BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL (B&P) ADS SIX MONTHS – $450 • ONE YEAR – $800 We will create your B&P ad for you, at no additional cost. For information or rates, call 310-529-3227. Interested parties email: PICK YOUR NEWSPAPER! All Six (or Pick And Choose) For One Price! Herald Publications newspapers: El Segundo Herald, Hawthorne Press Tribune, Inglewood Daily News, Lawndale Tribune, Manhattan Beach Sun and Torrance Tribune. We take Visa and MasterCard. Please always include your phone number with your submission. Payment must be received before ad is published. YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space flooring KIRK FLOORING carpet vinyl wood (310) 322-6099 Fax (310) 322-6899 lic# 648106 333 Indiana Street, El Segundo PAINTING • PLASTERING HANDYMAN 30 Year Business and Resident in the South Bay PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Thursday, January 12, 2016 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers 350 Main Street El Segundo, California TAKE NOTICE that the El Segundo PLANNING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated above on the following: SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. EA-1170 and Administrative Use Permit AUP No. 16-13. Location: 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard Applicant: Cost Plus World Market, Inc. c/o Jane Baughman Property Owner(s): Federal Realty Investment Trust The applicant requests the approval of an Administrative Use Permit to allow Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) License Type 21 (on-site sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for off-site consumption) and Type 86 (Instructional Tasting) within their existing store. The 18,205 square-foot market (Cost Plus World Market) is located at an existing commercial shopping center (Plaza El Segundo) at 720 South Sepulveda Boulevard in the Commercial Center (C-4) Zone. As approved, the hours of operation for off-site alcohol sales are limited to 9:00am-9:30pm Monday-Saturday and 10:00am-7:00pm Sundays, and 7:00am- 11:00pm daily during the holiday season (from Thanksgiving to New Year’s). Per conditions by ABC, instructional tasting events will be limited to operating between 10:00am-9:00pm daily. The project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities). The project is a negligible expansion of the planned-for operation of an existing use involving alcohol sales and tastings. The property is in an urbanized and developed area where it has adequate access and all public services and facilities are available. Therefore, the project is not anticipated to have any significant impacts with regard to traffic, noise, air quality or water quality. Files for the above-mentioned proposal are available for public review Monday through Thursday between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in the Planning Division, Department of the Planning and Building Safety, located at 350 Main Street, El Segundo. Any person may give testimony at the public hearing at the time and place indicated above. Please contact Russell Toler, Contract Planning Technician, in the City Planning Division at (310) 524-2371, for further information. Note that any appeal of a decision made following a public hearing may be limited to the issues raised by evidence submitted before or during that public hearing. Mailing Date: December 22, 2016 Publication Date: December 22, 2016 Posting Date: December 22, 2016 El Segundo Herald Pub. 12/29/16 H-25424 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: January 12, 2017 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers 350 Main Street El Segundo, California TAKE NOTICE that the El Segundo PLANNING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated above on the following: SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. EA-1064, and Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 14-01 Address: R-1 Zoned property citywide Applicant: City of El Segundo The zone text amendment proposes to make changes to El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) article 15-4A, the current development standards that regulate setbacks, lot coverage, structure size, and second story modulation on properties in the R-1 (Single-Family Residential) Zone. The proposed amendments include deleting the “modulation” requirements in ESMC § 15-4A-6, and replacing it with a formula based on Floor Area Ratio; increasing the allowable Floor Area Ratio; and a general “clean up” of article 15-4A to eliminate redundancies and provide clearer requirements and standards. Additionally, proposed amendments include changes to existing definitions and adding new definitions. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et. seq. (“CEQA”), the State’s CEQA Guidelines, California Code of Regulation, Title 14, Section 15000 et. seq., and the City’s Local CEQA Guidelines, the proposed project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 because it consists only of minor revisions and clarifications to existing zoning regulations and procedures related thereto and will not have the effect of deleting or substantially changing any regulatory standards or findings required therefor. The proposed Ordinance is an action that does not have the potential to cause significant effects on the environment, but rather will help reduce the impact of second stories in residential zone property on the environment. Accordingly, the proposed Ordinance constitutes a Class 1 (existing facilities), Class 3 (new construction or conversion of small structures), and Class 4 (minor alteration to land) categorical exemptions. Files for the above-mentioned proposal are available for public review Monday through Thursday between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in the Planning Division, Department of Planning and Building Safety, located at 350 Main Street, El Segundo. Any person may give testimony at the public hearing at the time and place indicated above. For additional information, please contact Principal Planner Eduardo Schonborn in the City Planning Division at (310) 524-2312, or via email at eschonborn@ Note that any appeal of a decision made following a public hearing may be limited to the issues raised by evidence submitted before or during that public hearing. Gregg McClain, Planning Manager El Segundo Herald Pub. 12/29/16 H-25425 PUBLISH YOUR PUBLIC NOTICES HERE ABANDONMENTS: $125.00 ABC NOTICES: $125.00 DBA (Fictitious Business Name): $75.00 NAME CHANGE: $125.00 Other type of notice? Contact us and we can give you a price. For DBA’s email us at: dba@heraldpu All other legal notices email us at: Any questions? Call us at 310-322-1830 COMMUNITIES COUNT

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