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EL SEGUNDO HERALD October 27, 2016 Page 19 Herald’s Halloween Coloring Contest! Color the provided Halloween Kitty picture, and turn it in at the El Segundo Herald’s booth at the Halloween Frolic! Each age group has a 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prize! Winning pictures will be featured in the following weeks edition of the El Segundo Herald. Age groups are: 5 years old & under, 6-8 years old, 9-11 years old. Name ____________________________________ Age _____ What is your costume? _______________________________ Phone Number ____________________________ Email ____________________________________ Please print clearly, so we can be sure to reach you. Bring your coloring submission to our booth at the Halloween Frolic. Our booth will be on the corner of Holly and Main (in front of Industrial Lock & Key). Prize winners will be contacted by Herald staff members. Thank you for participating and Happy Halloween!

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