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Page 14 September 10, 2015 EL SEGUNDO HERALD School Board from front page administrators in the District. He said that The Communications Resources for Schools The long-range facilities master plan the most important fact was that research has agreement will provide the District with guidance will include a facilities needs assessment, shown that students should miss no more than in the area of District-wide internal and with the final report incorporating cost nine days of instruction, per school year, to external communications. Whitney-Hall will estimates for recommended repairs at each allow them to “be engaged, be successful, and consult with the instructors at Richmond Street District site. The request for proposals will be on-track towards graduation. Absences can Elementary and the campuses Arts program. be advertised for two weeks, with the most be a sign that students are losing interest in She is expected to attend teacher meetings, qualified applicants scheduled to interview school, struggling with homework, struggling and attend art classes, and co-ordinate site with designated District staff. The plan calls with academics, or possibly facing some kind events, as well as fulfill other art-related for recommendations and possible contract of behavioral issue, such as bullying.” functions. Powell will work with the Center approval to be brought before the Board at By sixth grade, he said, “absenteeism is Street Elementary instructors and students, and the October 27 Board meeting. one of the three top signs that a student will fulfill a similar position to the position Superintendent Moore then highlighted may drop-out of high school. Attendance Whitney-Hall will have at Richmond Street, is an important life-skill that will help your providing guidance in Arts-related events, and child graduate from college, and, of course, helping to coordinate campus events. keep a job.” Consultant Von Flue will return this He concluded with thoughts on what parents school-year to teach a weekly Art class for and District representatives can do to make the students at Arena High. Von Flue will school attendance a priority, including not instruct students in both the morning and scheduling medical and dental appointments afternoon time frames. during the school day, and for parents to Next up on the agenda during the quickly reach out to school faculty and administrators paced 40-minute meeting were the action if there is an outside issue, or an on-campus items. Among the ten action items that issue, that may be causing excessive absences. were approved by the Board: approval of a Following Rabiei’s presentation, student resolution in support of School Attendance representative Lexi Griffin made her report, Awareness month; the approval to issue detailing events at the High School as the a request for proposal for a long-range students returned from the Labor Day hiatus facilities master plan; approval of another and plunged into the first full month of the resolution involving the District’s spending 2015/16 school year. “Gann Limits”, and the approval of tentative Consent agenda items followed, with nine agreements for the 2015-16 fiscal year items being consented to by the Board. between the District, and the El Segundo Among the agenda items consented to were Teacher’s Association, the California School an agreement with Communications Resources Employees’ Association, and the group labeled for Schools; and consultant agreements with “non-represented employees,” which Dawn Whitney-Hall, Kenneth Powell, and includes Classified management, Certificated Neal Von Flue. management, and the Superintendent. upcoming events on the District’s informational calendar, including last evening’s Back-to-School Night at the High School. Board member reports were next on the agenda, followed by Moore’s Superintendent’s report. Vice-president Jim Garza, filling in for President Jeanie Nishime, who was unable to attend because of “bereavement issues”, then adjourned the meeting after brief oral communications from the audience. The next regularly scheduled meeting is on the calendar for Tuesday evening, September 22nd. • C e r t i f i e d a n d L i c e n s e d P r o f e s s i o n a l s KEEP IT LOCAL NEW LOWER RATES! 26 weeks (6 months) is only $400 52 weeks (1 year) is only $750 If you have any questions call us at 310-322-1830. HOW TO PAY: CHECKS, CASH OR CREDIT CARDS. Include Visa or M/C number along with billing address, security code, expiration date, email address and phone number. PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE AD IS PUBLISHED! YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space handyman BILL’S HOME & APARTMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR QUALITY at Handyman Prices. 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