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Page 16 July 16, 2015 EL SEGUNDO HERALD Police Reports from page 8 Special Olympics from front page Dockweiler Youth Center for a private dinner. The program will also include a Baywatch spray, music, and photo opportunities with the lifeguards within the Circle of Inclusion (the multi-colored logo that represents the acceptance of all people with intellectual disabilities). The public is welcome after the meal between 6 and 8. “The lifeguards are falling all over themselves to volunteer,” said Los Angeles County Lifeguard Association executive board member Arthur Verge, who was pleased by the willingness of so many personnel to help out. Organizers hope to also coordinate a Coast Guard practice rescue operation. The visit will culminate on Friday, July 24 with an early (7:30 a.m.) breakfast at McDonald’s before the group leaves for a private send-off presentation at the Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center that will feature a montage/slide show of the various beach city (including El Segundo) Host Town activities and an appearance by the Laker Girls. Coordinating the various events and securing funding entailed a lengthy, complicated effort that spanned several months but ultimately came together rapidly over the last few weeks through the work of a volunteer committee. As of this writing, the effort was still more than $15,000 short of the required funds--about $30,000 in all--to cover the costs of lodging, food, transportation and other incidentals (which in El Segundo’s case includes banners along Main Street, “swag” bags for each athlete, t-shirts for the volunteers and other items) that a Host Town must subsidize, but organizers remained confident about pulling in the additional monies. The list of major sponsors was not complete as of press time, but organizers indicated they will provide a full rundown in the coming weeks. Earlier fundraising events at The Lakes at El Segundo, The Tavern on Main, Moto Art and Library Park helped the cause, with additional programs scheduled on Friday, July 17 at Second City Bistro (a jazz dinner featuring the Jesse Bradley Trio from 7 to 10 during which 20 percent of tabs with coupons presented will be donated) and Saturday, July 18 at the Purple Orchid (live music from surf band CHUM, with 20 percent of all sales between 3 and 7 donated). Meanwhile, individuals and businesses can still make direct donations online at host-town/elsegundo, or sign up to volunteer by emailing As for the athletes themselves, the vast majority are between the ages of 15 and 30, with the youngest in the El Segundo delegation an 11-year-old and the oldest 48—though there is no set age limit. They will represent their countries in the sports of aquatics, athletics/ track & field, badminton, basketball, bocce, football/soccer, golf, gymnastics (artistic/ rhythmic), and table tennis. Of the total El Segundo visitors, 43 are from Barbados (an English-speaking country) with 26 from Macedonia. The athletes make up 80 percent of the group, with one coach or staff member per every four athletes. The 2015 Special Olympics World Games will run between July 25 and August 7, with 7,000 athletes and 3,000 coaches from 177 countries participating. Opening ceremonies will take place at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (the site of the 1932 and 1984 Olympic Games) with a number of Southland venues hosting various events. With more than 30,000 volunteers and a half a million spectators expected, the Special Olympic World Games will be the largest sporting event of its kind in the world this year and will even exceed the 1984 Olympics in scope. “This benefits not only the athletes, but brings awareness to all of us that people with mental and physical difficulties can overcome adversity,” said El Segundo City Councilmember Dave Atkinson. “We are proud to be a Host Town and hope the community comes out in large numbers during the events to support these amazing athletes. It’ll be an experience none of us will ever forget.” • Lakers from page 6 D’Angelo Russell. Russell has already proven at Ohio State and to a certain extent so far in the Lakers Summer League that he can get his teammates the basketball. Over time, he may become a prolific scorer as well, but Russell is already proving that he has what it takes to make players around him better. “It’s going to be fun,” he said smiling. “We can have a pretty scary backcourt.” Russell’s backcourt mate is another youngster, Jordan Clarkson. In his first two summer league games, Clarkson compiled a total of 42 points. At age 23, Clarkson and a 19-year-old Russell will form one of the youngest yet one of the potentially scariest and most explosive backcourts in the league if all plays out how it is supposed to. Throw a healthy Julius Randle and Kobe Bryant into the mix and the Lakers could be on to something. Health, of course, is the key with this team, but with the nucleus that is forming on the court in Los Angeles, you can see the cause for excitement surrounding the Lakers. “I don’t see why we don’t contend for a playoff spot,” Kupchak said. “But our young players have to grow beyond their years, and we have to stay healthy.” Along with Clarkson, Russell, and Randle, there are various other young players to watch on the Lakers as well. Most notably, Robert Upshaw, Larry Nance Jr., and Anthony Brown. Upshaw could really turn out to be something special if he keeps his head on straight, but to add to the youngsters, the Lakers have also brought in Roy Hibbert, the reigning NBA Sixth Man of the year Lou Williams, and Brandon Bass. Those moves aren’t getting the Lakers a championship, but they are great, smaller moves made on shortterm contracts that will help to develop the younger players on the team. Next season, Kobe’s contract will come off the books and the Lakers will once again have all of the money in the world to (attempt) to spend on the free-agent market. No one ever said that the Lakers were going to be championship contenders overnight. The process of rebuilding is always a long and drawn-out process, the hope was just that the Lakers could do it in a more timely fashion than other teams. This year is a year for the youngsters on the Lakers to come out and prove themselves to the rest of the league. Don’t expect a championship, simply expect some fun and exciting play from a new, young group of core talent. If this year’s Lakers can prove that they can play in the NBA, expect to get the rest of the league’s attention. Once that happens, players will flock to Los Angeles in free-agency like they used to and in a year or two, the Los Angeles Lakers will be back on top of the Western Conference vying for more championship trophies to add to the shelf. • taken at 1709 hours from the 100 block of South Sepulveda Boulevard Traffic accident (no injuries) occurred at 1752 hours from El Segundo Boulevard and Sepulveda Boulevard, vehicle versus vehicle. Friday, July 10, 2015 One male adult was arrested at 0220 hours from Center Street and Palm Avenue for possession of drug paraphernalia and one LASD misdemeanor warrant One male adult was arrested at 0340 hours from the 200 block of West Franklin Avenue for possession of a controlled substance Forgery report was taken at 0836 hours from the 1700 block of East Grand Avenue. Unknown suspect(s) used the victim’s checking account Injury report was taken at 1010 hours from the 300 block of Whiting Street. A male adult sustained a head injury Attempted burglary (vehicle) report was taken at 1108 hour from the 700 block of Bungalow Drive. Unknown suspect(s) attempted to steal third row seats Identity theft report was taken at 1215 hours from the 400 block of Lomita Street. Unknown suspect(s) used the victim’s personal information to file taxes Criminal threats report was taken at 1432 hours from the 100 block of South Sepulveda Boulevard. Known suspect threatened to hurt the victim One female adult was arrested at 1440 hours from the city of Inglewood for identity theft Traffic accident (with injuries) occurred at 1850 hours from Hughes Way and Sepulveda Boulevard, vehicle versus vehicle     Traffic accident (no injuries) occurred at 2150 hours from Grand Avenue and Kansas Street, vehicle versus fire hydrant Battery report was taken at 2201 hours from the 1100 block of East Acacia Avenue. Known suspect punched the victim in the face Saturday, July 11, 2015 Injury report was taken at 0134 hours from the 600 block of North Sepulveda Boulevard. A male adult was injured while jumping a fence Found property report was taken at 1129 hours from the 200 block of West Sycamore Avenue. A purse was found Burglary (vehicle) report was taken at 1909 hours from the 400 block of Concord Street. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window of a vehicle to gain entry Burglary (commercial) report was taken at 2121 hours from the 1100 block of East Mariposa Avenue. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window of a business to gain entry Burglary (vehicle) report was taken at 0008 hours from the 500 block of Lomita Street. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window of a vehicle to gain entry Burglary (vehicle) report was taken at 0049 hours from the 400 block of Sierra Street. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window of a vehicle to gain entry Sunday, July 12, 2015 Burglary (commercial) report was taken at 0852 hours from the 1100 block of East El Segundo Boulevard. Unknown suspect(s) took miscellaneous computer items Burglary (vehicle) report was taken at 0924 hours from the 100 block of Nevada Street. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window of a vehicle to gain entry Shoplifting report was taken at 1354 hours from the 700 block of South Sepulveda Boulevard. Unknown suspect(s) stole miscellaneous items from a business Burglary (commercial) report was taken at 1757 hours from the 200 block of Nevada Street. Unknown suspect(s) broke a window to a business to gain entry Burglary (residential) report was taken at 2253 hours from the 100 block of East Oak Avenue. Unknown suspect(s) took tires from a carport • PUBLIC NOTICES Order to Show Cause for Change of Name Case No. VS027497 Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Petition of: Desiree Lauriano for Change of Name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Desiree Lauriano filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Desiree Lauriano to Desiree Marie Hernandez The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing: Date: 9/9/15, Time: 1:30pm, Dept.: C The address of the court is 12720 Norwalk Blvd Norwalk CA 90650 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: El Segundo Herald Date: JUL 09 2015 MARGARET MILLER BERNAL, JUDGE Judge of the Superior Court El Segundo Herald Pub. 7/16, 7/23, 7/30, 8/6/15 H-24782 NOTICE OF URGENCY ORDINANCE ADOPTION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ORDINANCE NO. 1508 AN URGENCY ORDINANCE ENACTING WATER CONSERVATION MEASURES AND REQUIREMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH EMERGENCY REGULATIONS PROMULGATED BY THE CALIFORNIA STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD. SUMMARY OF ADOPTED URGENCY ORDINANCE: Amending ESMC Chapter 10-5 to inact permanent water conservation measures and requirements. The urgency ordinance is intended to comply with Governor Brown’s Executive Order B-29-15 declaring a drought and emergency regulations promulgated by the California State Water Resources Control Board. The urgency ordinance continues and modifies existing potable water use prohibitions, adds new potable water use prohibitions, adds water rationing requirements, and adds penalties. Compliance with the urgency ordinance would be mandatory, unless the use of water is required by a state or federal permit, or otherwise exempt. ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE: MAYOR FUENTES, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBSON, COUNIL MEMBER ATKINSON, COUNCIL MEMBER FELLHAUER, COUNCIL MEMBER DUGAN – 5/0 El Segundo Herald Pub. 7/16/15 H-24783

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