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Page 6 June 8, 2017 EL SEGUNDO HERALD Politically Speaking One Man’s Opinion Another Man’s Opinion UC System, Bumper Stickers and the Deep State Leakers By Duane Plank So now that I am into week two of this soon-to-be incredibly well-read column, full disclosure: Am penning this truncated treasure trove of political musings as I keep an eye on the Sunday evening debut of Megyn Kelly’s return to TV. Interviewing that Putin Rasputin, who apparently engineered the Trump victory last November. Or so says Hillary, as she continues her incredibly sad loser’s blaspheme tour that recently visited Rancho Palos Verdes. Prior to the astounding Trump victory in November, I was driving around in a vehicle with a Bernie Sanders sticker on the back bumper. Feeling the Bern. Got a few negative comments from my right wing friends. Well, turns out I was driving my kid’s car, who is a proud UCSB grad, and may have been indoctrinated into the Bolshoi that the UC alt left instructors foist onto their charges. The same UC system that was recently caught squirreling away about $175 million in “rainy-day” funds as they raised the tuition rates—again--on beleaguered students and parents. And are using slush funds for exorbitant salaries and perks, and lavish parties. Was proud to see that son Phil became interested in the politics of the last election. He decided to support Sanders, who was cheated out of any chance to win the nomination by the Hillary old-liners who were running/ruining the party. He wanted to borrow my vintage mini-van to travel to and from a few concert soirees last summer. We switched rides and I ended up with his Honda, with the busted driver’s Give Investigators Time to Clear or Reveal Wrongdoing from Trump’s Campaign By Cristian Vasquez There is no lack of will from Democrats to investigate President Donald Trump and his campaign for alleged collusion with Russia during the election. The calls from Democrats for the FBI to bring down President Trump are as loud as Republican praise was for the same agency exposing “crooked Hillary” during the campaign. Yet, seven months later it’s troubling to see that the man who took offense to being called a Russian puppet is now under investigation for possible collusion with the Russians during the election. Trump supporters have and will continue to call any investigation a witch hunt based more on partisan bickering and anger over the election. Some Democrat leaders will settle for nothing less than impeachment of President Trump. While it’s too early to impeach anyone for anything, as Americans we should support the FBI’s investigation. Before getting bombarded with the “what laws has the President broken?” rhetoric, well, that’s for the investigation to determine. Criminal acts, particularly in politics, aren’t revealed overnight. Whether we support President Trump or not, his behavior has given plenty of reason to support an investigation. For starters, during the campaign the President couldn’t speak highly enough of then FBI Director James Comey. Yet, once in office he fires the man leading the department that is investigating communications between the President’s campaign and a foreign power. It’s very possible that there was no connection between our current president’s campaign and a foreign power, but firing the man leading that investigation should cause suspicion. Furthermore, for a man who claimed without proof that three million people voted illegally, and who has appointed Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach to lead an investigation, why is he so opposed to the FBI looking into his campaign’s activities? If we are to believe that the President is truthfully concerned about the integrity of our elections, then he needs to allow the FBI to complete its investigation. By all means the President has the executive power to stop an investigation, but doing so only adds to some already questionable behavior. It doesn’t help that son-in-law Jared Kushner omitted meeting with Russians on his security clearance forms (perjury). The “it slipped his mind” excuse doesn’t hold water, since meeting with foreign dignitaries isn’t on par with not remembering to turn off the stove. Hiding something? Maybe the FBI will find out. Whether President Trump or his campaign committed a crime, it is not the President’s place to determine an absence of wrongdoing. Those conclusions must be the result of a fair and transparent investigation by a third party--in this case the FBI. Let’s not forget that President Richard Nixon never admitted that he never did anything wrong; we all know how that ended. I hope President Trump hasn’t committed a crime, and that the rumors of collusion are just that, but his behavior (firing Comey and sharing classified info with Russians the next day) make it difficult to not wonder what he’s hiding. • side window and the Sanders bumper sticker. Got the mini-van back not too long ago and, lo and behold, some lefty up north had stolen my car registration sticker! But not the Bernie sticker. Phil just emailed me today saying that another registration sticker had been stolen off a car in his possession. Oh, the humanity of the lefties up there in Santa Barbara. Alright, I shall get to it. The Deep State leakers in Washington continue to roil and disrupt the Trump presidency. It appears that multitudes of the embedded freeloader government holdovers from the Obama administration are hell-bent on causing chaos. And they are doing a pretty good job of that, if you happen to watch any of the mainstream media coverage. Mr. Obama adroitly stays away from the fray, at least on the surface. He has been filling his post-presidency time hacking away on world-wide golf courses, probably not playing with the troubled Tiger Woods, and collecting $400K by making bloviating speeches to fawning rich folks. Like the money-grabbing blusterings Hillary made to the Goldman-Sachs folks that she denied making. Interesting to see that the old lefty, and not funny at all (or ever) Kathy Griffin is being excoriated because of her post of a picture holding a severed head of Mr. Trump. Funny! This has-been loser gal appears to work once a year, boring any of you still awake on New Year’s Eve around midnight with her inane pitter-patter with CNN’s Andy Cooper. And now she was canned from that gig. Too bad, so sad. • Spinach, Grape Tomato And Cheddar Frittata Ingredients • 2 tablespoons olive oil • 6 ounces baby spinach • 1 cup grape tomatoes, sliced in half • 8 Eggland’s Best eggs (large) • 1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese • salt & pepper to taste • 1/4 cup milk Preparation 1. Preheat oven to 350 F. 2. Whisk eggs and milk together until smooth. 3. Heat cast iron or oven-safe skillet over mediumhigh heat. Add olive oil and saute spinach until wilted and then add half of the grape tomatoes. 4. Pour eggs slowly into pan. 5. Sprinkle cheese over eggs and spread remaining grape tomatoes evenly over the egg mixture. 6. Season with salt and pepper. 7. Place skillet to oven and bake for 20-30 minutes or until eggs are cooked through and golden brown. 8. Remove skillet from oven and let rest for a few minutes. 9. Cut into wedges and serve warm.

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