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Page 6 April 7, 2016 EL SEGUNDO HERALD Police Reports Letters from page 2 until I get the bill, and I really don’t care if it’s 8% or 12%.  Vote Yes on Measure B. – John Johnson Scared of Change and Progress? I just read the most recent letters to the editor and I was motivated by the residents, who choose to use this forum to make vicious attacks without any real facts.  It is ironic that less than two weeks before the election all of the venom finds print.  There must be something going on behind the scene.  It seems to me a group of people who must share a common theme have banded together and are lashing out.  They must be scared of something.  I think that something is change and progression.  I think Mayor Fuentes is scared and I think her publicly sending out an “urgent gram” endorsing a candidate is desperate (this is a fact, the mailer came to my house).  Clearly she is scared of certain candidates getting elected.  This election is about the direction of El Segundo.  The old guard wants nothing to change.  Those of us who love this city are looking for fresh ideas, a safe city, a vibrant city, and strong economic development.   I want people on the council who are looking out for the best interests of our residents and are not afraid to speak their mind.  Listen to the candidate forums and read all of the Herald published questions.  Two candidates stand out.  I am voting for Marie Fellhauer and Drew Boyles. – Stacy Oki Pensions or Potholes? So the presidents of the El Segundo Police PAC and the El Segundo Fire Fighters PAC (political action committees) have join forces and financial resources, around $19,000 so far, to tell you who should be the next representatives of the City El Segundo and what tax measures (B) we should impose on others. Approximately 12 members of the police department and not one single firefighter live in our city. In fact over 60% of the entire fire department don’t even live in Los Angeles County, some traveling 50, 75, 100 miles, one way, to El Segundo. Why are they so involved in El Segundo politics? They want council members elected who will continue their raises, special compensation, and pensions. To them a 30 to 40 thousand investment will return twenty fold to their unions, they also are spending thousands to manipulate you into voting yes on Measure B so the city can collect millions from visitors to our city. The unions claim these millions won’t go to them and they wouldn’t lie, it will go into the “general fund”, but payroll and pensions have to be paid before potholes and volleyballs, guess where the new millions will go first. During political campaigning you can tell the truth, half-truth or flat out lies and by law you won’t be held accountable. It’s play for play, don’t be swayed by pretty flyers and proposed promises, it’s our city, vote for what’s best for our city. – Marc Rener RV Parking Suggestion In a recent issue of the El Segundo Herald one of the candidates for city council mentions town hall meetings, community based committees and surveys to address the eyesore of RV parking in our neighborhoods. I feel none of this is warranted. There is a very simple solution - require a permit for overnight parking of any RV. Right now any vehicle can park for three days in the same spot without being ticketed. This just creates a game of cat and mouse for people who live in these RV’s. I have personally watched as the same RV has moved in circles every couple of days around one block for the past two months. Requiring a permit would mean that any RV parked overnight could be ticketed without the three-day wait. I feel this would do more to discourage people living on our streets than any committee or survey. You don’t even have to charge for the permit. The permit would be issued upon proof of residency so only El Segundo resident could pull a permit be it for themselves or others on their behalf. If a family or friend is visiting, any resident could get them a permit for the time they would need. For those without proof of El Segundo residency a permit could not be applied for. It’s not that I am unsympathetic to the homeless but anybody with a roof over their head, a living room, dining room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom (be it on wheels) is not what I would consider homeless. Please don’t let us become the next Venice. Tom Ezzo Why the Vigorous and Expensive Campaign? Why, may I ask, are the Police and Fire personal conducting such a vigorous and expensive campaign to unseat the two El Segundo Council incumbents? Could it be that in negotiations for a new contract they won’t cave in to their union demands? Do not the most of us, citizens of El Segundo, feel that Police and Fire’s total compensation packages are already more than reasonable? Is it not now more than they were promised at the start? Dave Atkinson knows the history and has a businessman’s vision for the future of the City of El Segundo. We entrust our special little treasure, El Segundo, to our City Council. Should the money and effort of the Police and Fire, mostly non citizens of our town, influence the election of our City Council? – Fred Gherardi , (40 year resident of El Segundo) Vote for Marie Fellhauer In last week’s Herald, letters from Robbins/ Fong and Debbie Hayman amounted to a smear campaign. Note that Hayman is married to Lou Kutil, Don Brann’s campaign manager. The letters were negative and misleading so I’d like to share the reasons I’m voting for Marie Fellhauer. Marie is not a tax and spend politician. She has worked to balance our City’s budget by fighting to reign in our unsustainable pension system. Marie is working to increase El Segundo’s share of the property tax levy, something no one else on Council is doing. Marie supports responsible economic development. When Top Golf was first proposed, Marie didn’t rush to support or oppose. She flew to Houston on her own dime to see Top Golf for herself. Marie does not blindly support tax hikes but does support Measure B where every penny will stay local. As a lifelong resident, Marie understands the complicated dynamics of El Segundo. We can be a business friendly City without going broke. There was no “Shakedown of Chevron.” Marie helped negotiate a fair tax deal with Chevron that is more in line with what other refineries pay. The ToT has been significantly lower than surrounding areas for decades. It’s time to fix that too. If Brann is elected, he will replace Jacobson in the voting block with Fuentes and Dugan and the status quo will remain. If you want a strong advocate to lead El Segundo into the future, vote for Marie Fellhauer. – Beth Schodorf Who Does This Benefit Most? Regarding our building code, some history is useful.  When implemented, the economy was booming and houses were being demolished and replaced at a rapid pace.  These houses, built and sold on spec, filled lots from easement to easement, with massive walls that eliminated light and air from their neighbors.   In some cases, you can see the exact same house in different locations.  I served on the Council at the time, and the discussion was initiated by citizens concerned with mansionization and the changing character of our city.  We held forums with realtors, builders, and residents.  It was a long process, full of compromises.  Is the code perfect?  Nothing is.  But a few points:  There is an uptick of building in our city.  Much of it driven by our residents.   Is there as much spec building as Manhattan Beach?  A better question is, “should there be?”  I was struck by Councilwoman Fellhauer’s comment: “Government’s job isn’t to tell people what their homes should look like”.  Actually, the government sets many standards on our homes.  You can’t build a five story house, or too close to your neighbor.   Let’s remember that our housing stock is a precious resource, not just a business Monday, March 28, 2016 One male adult was arrested at 0034 hours from California Street and Imperial Highway for one outstanding ESPD misdemeanor warrant. Found Property report was taken at 1210 hours from the 400 block of Loma Vista Street. A bicycle was found. A rape report was taken at 1353 hours from the 300 block of Main Street. Traffic accident (with injuries) occurred at 1515 hours from Maryland Street and Pine Avenue, vehicle versus vehicle. An identity theft report was taken at 1806 hours from the 900 block of Main Street. Unknown suspect(s) used the victim’s personal information in an attempt to obtain credit. Tuesday, March 29, 2016 Found property report was taken at 0832 hours from the 2500 block of East El Segundo Boulevard. A Victoria Secret handbag was found. An identity theft report was taken at 0842 hours from the 500 block of Arena Street. Unknown suspect(s) used the victim’s personal information to make fraudulent credit purchases. A forgery report was taken at 1200 hours from the 800 block of North Sepulveda Boulevard. The suspect stole checks from the mail and deposited them into his account. Misdemeanor hit and run report was taken at 1352 hours from the 300 block of Main Street. Grand theft (property) occurred at 1552 hours from the 300 block of North Sepulveda Boulevard. Unknown suspect(s) stole the victim’s cellular phone. A forgery report was taken at 2048 hours from the 500 block of North Sepulveda Boulevard. The suspect used counterfeit U.S currency to purchase a cellular phone from the victim. Wednesday, March 30, 2016 Warrants- One male adult was arrested at 0152 hours from Mariposa Avenue and Nash Street for two outstanding ESPD misdemeanor warrants. A vandalism report was taken at 1723 hours from the 1900 block of East Mariposa Avenue. Unknown suspect(s) keyed/scratched the victim’s vehicle. Misdemeanor hit and run occurred at 1745 hours from Main Street and Sycamore Avenue, vehicle versus vehicle. Burglary (commercial) report was taken at 1728 hours from the 700 block of South Sepulveda Boulevard. A vandalism report was taken at 2236 hours from the 800 block of East Pine Avenue. Unknown suspect(s) broke a ceramic pot. Thursday, March 31, 2016 One male adult was arrested at 0113 hours from LAPD 77th Division for one outstanding ESPD felony warrant. Friday, April 1, 2016 Warrant- one male adult was arrested at 0322 hours from the Redondo Beach Police Department for one outstanding ESPD misdemeanor warrant. Burglary (commercial) occurred between 03/31/16 and 04/01/16 in the 2200 block of East Rosecrans Avenue. A business was broken into and ten laptop computers were stolen. One female adult was arrested at 1355 hours from the 300 block of Main Street for felony vandalism and one IPD traffic warrant. Saturday, April 2, 2016 Lost property report was taken at 0754 hours from the 400 block of Richmond Street. A vehicle license plate was reported missing. Dead body report was taken at 0836 hours from the 100 block of East Oak Avenue. A female adult was found deceased. One male adult was arrested at 2220 hours from the Redondo Beach Police Department for one outstanding ESPD misdemeanor warrant. Sunday, April 3, 2016 One female adult was arrested at 0035 hours from the 400 block of West Imperial Avenue for domestic violence. • See Letters, page 14

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