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Page 2 April 7, 2016 EL SEGUNDO HERALD OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE WINE&DINE WORK&PLAY ALONG THE ROSECRANS CORRIDOR IN EL SEGUNDO/MANHATTAN BEACH • Amenity Rich Location • Convenient Access to Metro Rail System, 405 & 105 Freeways • 10 minutes to LAX • Professional Property Management on Site • It’s Not Just a Location; It’s a Lifestyle! CONTINENTAL PARK A project of C O N T I N E N TA L D E V E L O P M E N T C O R P O R AT I O N 2041 Rosecrans Av e . , E l S e g u n d o , C A 9 0 2 4 5 www. c o n t i n e n t a l d e v e l o p m e n t . c o m For Leasing Information, call 310.640.1520 Letters New Leadership At St. Anthony School Thank you for the 24Mar2016 article, “New Leadership, St. Anthony School, Families Seek Alternatives”, by Cristian Vasquez. Although a small institution St. Anthony School became a fine pre, elementary and middle school - the result of enthusiastic administrators, teachers, staff and families embracing Judea-Christian values throughout. It’s important to emphasize since Parish Pastor, Father Robert Victoria, arrived eight years ago conflicts in management emerged - the school-community’s collaborative inclusive merit-base style versus pastor’s dismissive, authoritative cronyism style. Families’ discontent isn’t exclusively for the new principal, rather the cumulative mismanagement of Victoria. Last Summer Victoria appointed his personal friend, Sylvia Kawjaree, to principal without consideration of qualifications nor peer review. Kawjaree is merely the pastor’s conduit making the ultimate responsibility for school failings directly attributable to Victoria. Kawjaree is a symptom, not the cause. Pastor and principal were amply cautioned pious aloof management wouldn’t succeed. As an immediate result of Victoria’s mandates, and principal’s implementations thereof, families began leaving. Suddenly, our flourishing school-community was jeopardized as valued teachers, staff and families left. Still more families seek alternatives for next year, including legacy families like ours. The archdiocese won’t intervene stating only «They’ll have to work things out on their own.» Victoria, Kawjaree and Deacon Bob Miller of the archdiocese threatened to expel our son were I to further raise concerns. But nothing will improve without leadership of humility, character and integrity. Victoria and Kawjaree should both resign so St. Anthony can restore their exceptional school. – Edward Grant C.A.V.E. people Why is it the C.A.V.E. people always come out in droves during elections? These are the Citizens Against Virtually Everything. I find it comical how the same three or four people always write negative letters to the editor, particularly Mike Robbins and Marianne Fong (who are the same person). These are the same people who slam candidates for taking a stand and trying to make a difference in our town. The same people who think everything should be free. The same people who don’t want anything to ever get better in El Segundo. As a young woman living in El Segundo I want this city to be the best it can be. I am voting for the two candidates which will represent me best. Those are Drew Boyles and Marie Fellhauer. They are the most dynamic, reasonable, and qualified candidates on the ballot.
 – Jenica Brigham Stood Out Among Others I am a homeowner and have children who attend El Segundo schools.  I have been following this election very closely because I care about the direction of our city.  I have listened to both public candidate forums, and studied all the issues at hand.  From what I’ve seen, there is one candidate who has stood out among the others due to her intellect, humility, knowledge of the issues, and vision.   Marie Fellhauer is exactly what El Segundo needs.  She had provided a breath of fresh air on the council for the last 4 years and she has demonstrated clear leadership. She sincerely cares about El Segundo and the future of our beloved city. She has my vote for sure. – Ryan Quinnan Gouging Hotels To my dismay, I see the City Council has come back to us yet again with the immoral proposition of gouging hotel customers for the crime of not being us. The argument in favor is based on the bromide “every one else is doing it.” Anything higher than the sales tax rate is just plain wrong and I hope we have the collective wisdom to vote it down again. Instead of gouging visitors, we could always vote out the incumbents to keep any one from accumulating two terms and their associated health insurance for life benefit. This could save substantial funds for lifetime health care insurance of “retired” council members. – Kip Haggerty No Big Deal I do not understand how any resident of El Segundo can be against the increase in the transient occupancy tax (TOT). This tax is paid by visitors to our area who are mostly business people and tourists .The tax is usually paid by the company for which a business person works, and tourists probably don’t care about what the TOT rate is.. The tax increase on a $200 room would be $8.00 per night. So at that room rate a visiting tourist would pay $224.00 per night at 12% rather than $216.00 per night at 8%. I say, big deal. If they want to pay only $220.00 per night at 10% they can go stay in Manhattan Beach. Personally I never know what the TOT is when I book a hotel room when traveling ESPD Shoulder Patch By Eric Ramos The El Segundo Police Departments shoulder patch is a unique piece of the uniform that police employees and volunteers wear on a daily basis, but don’t take for granted. The shoulder patch portrays many attributes associated with the City of El Segundo. The airplane represents the proximity to the Los Angeles International Airport. The smoke stacks depict the Chevron El Segundo Refinery, which was established in 1911. The refinery was Chevron’s second on the West Coast, hence the name: El Segundo. The house reflects the importance of the residential community and its support for strong family values. The water represents the Pacific Ocean to illustrate the fine beach and temperate Southern California climate. Chief of Police Mitch Tavera said he wears the patch with great pride and dignity. It gives respect and acknowledgement to the officers who died in the line of duty. “It’s important to honor those before us,” Tavera said. “The patch lets you know what El Segundo is about in a unique, visual way.” In recruitment, the ESPD use the uniform, not just the patch. “We believe in honor, work ethic, bravery and a commitment to the citizens and the community,” Tavera said. Most importantly, the gold stars represent the four El Segundo Police Officers who have given their lives in the line of duty. Officers like Lieutenant Raymond Garcia are proud of the patch. Garcia said it’s unique for the City of El Segundo. The patch means something. “The patch signifies I belong to a family,” Garcia said. “We have an added responsibility. We are representing every person in the city.” Each one of the four stars on the patch and on the City Seal represent an El Segundo Police Officer who has lost his life in the line of duty. July 22, 1957, at the intersection of Rosecrans Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard, El Segundo Police Officers Richard Phillips and Milton Curtis observed a car run the red light. Officer Curtis and Officer Phillips pursued the vehicle until the suspect pulled over near Pacific Avenue, a semi-rural road fringed with trees, fields and a large oil refinery. One of the two additional officers asked if everything was “okay here?” Officer Phillips was standing in front of the suspect while Officer Curtis questioned him. “We’re fine,” Curtis said as he waved a citation in the air he had obviously written. “No problem. Just a red light violation.” Unbeknownst to the officers, the car was, in fact, stolen and the suspect had just raped a teenage girl after holding two couples at gunpoint about five miles from their current location. Satisfied that Officers Phillips and Curtis had the situation under control, the second patrol car left the scene. Within a minute and a half later the suspect produced a firearm and shot Officer Phillips several times in the back as he walked back toward his squad car. In the midst of the commotion, Officer Phillips was able to return fire. One bullet struck the suspect in the back, the second and third hit the suspect’s See ESPD Shoulder Patch, page 12 See Letters, page 6

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