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Page 12 March 31, 2016 EL SEGUNDO HERALD PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLISH YOUR PUBLIC NOTICES HERE ABANDONMENTS: $125.00 ABC NOTICES: $125.00 DBA (Fictitious Business Name): $75.00 NAME CHANGE: $125.00 Other type of notice? Contact us and we can give you a price. For DBA’s email us at: dba@heraldpu All other legal notices email us at: Any questions? Call us at 310-322-1830 COMMUNITIES COUNT The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it! Richard Bach ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. LS027704 Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles Petition of: Brittany M. Ball for Change of Name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Brittany M. Ball filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Peyton Samuel Gilley to Peyton Samuel Ball The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing: Date: 4-22-16, Time: 8:30 AM, Dept.: W, Room: 610 The address of the court is 6230 Sylmar Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91401 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: El Segundo Herald Date: March 11, 2016 HUEY P. COTTON Judge of the Superior Court El Segundo Herald Pub. 3/17, 3/24, 3/31, 4/7/2016 H-25017 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. TS016357 Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES Petition of: Arnold Lester Zapata for Change of Name TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner Arnold Lester Zapata filed a petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows: Arnold Lester Zapata to Arnold Lester Franco The Court orders that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing: Date: May 2, 2016, Time: 8:30 AM Dept.: B The address of the court is 200 West Compton Blvd. Compton, CA 90220 A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: El Segundo Herald Date: 3/1/16 BRIAN S. CURREY Judge of the Superior Court El Segundo Herald Pub. 3/24, 3/31, 4/7, 4/14/2016. H-25029 NOTICE INVITING SEALED BIDS FOR THE SEWER MAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AT ILLINOIS, INDIANA, PINE, AND MARIPOSA IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PROJECT NO.: PW 16-01 The City of El Segundo is accepting sealed bids in the City Clerk’s office, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California 90245, until 11:00 a.m. on: TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2016 at which time they will be publicly opened. Bids will not be accepted after that time. As described in the Bidding Documents, the bids are for a public works project (“Project”) which consists of SEWER MAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT at Illinois, Indiana, Pine, and Mariposa and related work as shown on the plans on file with the City’s Public Works Department. The project locations are 1) Illinois Street from Holly Avenue to Mariposa Avenue 2) Indiana Street from Holly Avenue to Mariposa Avenue, 3) Pine Street from Illinois Street to Indiana Street, and 4) Mariposa Avenue from 626 Mariposa Avenue to Lomita Street. Construction shall include but not be limited to the removal of 8-inch VCP, the installation of 8-inch and 10-inch VCP, pipe support, pipe encasement, surveying as necessary, temporary sewer bypass installation, re-connection of laterals, the protection in place of other utilities, shoring, backfilling, compacting, street resurfacing, and traffic control. Work on the Project must be performed in strict conformity with Specifications No. PW 16-01 as adopted by the El Segundo City Council on March 15, 2016, which is filed with the Public Works Department. Copies of the Plans, Specifications, Contract Documents and Engineer’s estimate are available from the Engineering Division of the Public Works Department, City of El Segundo, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, California, 90245. Plans and Specifications are alternately available electronically via project_request_contact_form.asp A pre-bid meeting is scheduled for Monday, April 4, 2016 at 10:00 AM, at the Southwest corner of Holly Avenue and Illinois Street in El Segundo, CA 90245. Bidders’ attendance at this meeting is mandatory. Questions regarding the bid shall be submitted by 6:00 pm on Wednesday, April 6, 2016 to works/project_request_contact_form.asp. The terms and conditions for bidding on the Project are described in the attached Bidding Instructions. This project requires payment of State prevailing rates of wages for Los Angeles County. The contractor must post copies of the prevailing schedule at each job site. Copies of these rates of wages are available from the State of California Department of Industrial Relations Prevailing Wage Unit, Telephone No. (415) 703-4774. The website for this agency is currently located at www. The contractor to whom the contract is awarded must assist in locating, qualifying, hiring and increasing the skills of minority group employees and applicants for employment, as set forth in Executive Order 11246 and 11375. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice will incorporate the provisions of the State Labor Code. Compliance with the prevailing rates of wages and apprenticeship employment standards established by the State Director of Industrial Relations will be required. Affirmative action to ensure against discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion will also be required. The City of El Segundo hereby affirmatively ensures that minority business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this notice and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or religion in any consideration leading to the award of contract. Note that the Project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the California Department of Industrial Relations. Pursuant to California law, the City must find bids failing to comply with all applicable Labor Code requirements including, without limitation, Labor Code §§ 1725.5 and 1771.4, to be non-responsive. Five percent (5%) will be deducted from each progress payment and retained by the City. The remainder less the amount of all previous payments will be paid to the Contractor. Pursuant to Public Contracts Code (“PCC”) § 22300, the Contractor may substitute securities for retention monies held by the City or request that the City place such monies into an escrow account. The Contractor is notified, pursuant to PCC § 22300, any such election will be at the Contractor own expense and will include costs incurred by the City to accommodate the Contractor’s request. In entering into a Public Works contract, or a subcontract, to supply goods, services, or materials pursuant to a public works contract, the Contractor, or Sub-Contractor, offers and agrees to assign to the awarding body all rights, title and interest in, and to, all causes of action it may have under Section 4 of the Clayton Act (15 U.S.C. Section 15) or under the Cartwright Act (Chapter 2 [commencing with Section 16700] of Part 2 of Division 7 of the Business and Professions Code), arising from purchases of goods, services, or materials pursuant to the public works contract or the subcontract. This assignment shall be made and become effective at the time the awarding body tenders final payment to the Contractor, without further acknowledgment by the parties. Bids must be prepared on the approved Proposal forms in conformance with the Instructions to Bidders and submitted to the City Clerk, 350 Main Street, City of El Segundo, in a sealed envelope plainly marked on the outside: “SEALED BIDS FOR PROJECT NO.: PW 16-01 SEWER MAIN IMPROVEMENT PROJECT IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DO NOT OPEN WITH REGULAR MAIL” The bid must be accompanied by a bid bond, made payable to the City of El Segundo for an amount no less than ten percent (10%) of the amount bid for the base contract. No bid will be accepted from a Contractor who has not been licensed in accordance with the provisions of the State Business and Professions Code. For these projects, those acceptable classes of license shall be “A.” The successful Contractor and his Sub-Contractors will be required to possess the correct license for their project classifications, and valid City Business Licenses from the City of El Segundo. The City of El Segundo reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularity, and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety (90) calendar days. Any contract entered into pursuant to this notice shall become effective or enforceable against the City of El Segundo only when the formal written contract has been duly executed by the appropriate officer(s) of the City of El Segundo. DATED this 24th day of March, 2016. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA Tracy Weaver, City Clerk El Segundo Herald Pub. 3/24, 3/31/16 H-25027 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF: TIMOTHY E. DOMANN CASE NO. BP172123 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the WILL or estate, or both of TIMOTHY E. DOMANN. A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by KATHLEEN A. DOMANN in the Superior Court of California, County of LOS ANGELES. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that KATHLEEN A. DOMANN be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act with limited authority. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held in this court as follows: 05/09/16 at 8:30AM in Dept. 9 located at 111 N. HILL ST., LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the decedent, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within the later of either (1) four months from the date of first issuance of letters to a general personal representative, as defined in section 58(b) of the California Probate Code, or (2) 60 days from the date of mailing or personal delivery to you of a notice under section 9052 of the California Probate Code. Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE- 154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner SIBYLLE GREBE JESSICA Y. SUNG CONOVER & GREBE, LLP 3424 W CARSON ST #320 TORRANCE CA 90503 3/31, 4/7, 4/14/16 CNS-2861160# EL SEGUNDO HERALD El Segundo Herald Pub. 3/31, 4/7, 4/14/16. H-25030 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Thursday, April 14, 2016 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers 350 Main Street El Segundo, California TAKE NOTICE that the El Segundo PLANNING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated above on the following: Environmental Assessment No. EA-1136 and Subdivision No. SUB 15-12 (Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 73879) Address: 135-139 Virginia Street and 412 West Franklin Avenue Applicant: Lyle Maul Property Owner: Virginia ES10, LLC c/o Lyle Maul The Planning and Building Safety Department received an application for an Environmental Assessment (EA- 1136) and a Subdivision No. SUB 15-12 (Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 73879) for two parcels to construct one 10-unit condominium development at 135-139 Virginia and 412 West Franklin Avenue. The subdivision is to reconfigure three lots into two parcels, and to subdivide the parcels into condominium air space rights. The proposed 10-unit residential condominium development is proposed on two lots, 8,136 square feet and 9,730 square feet respectively, with 5 units and 12 semi-subterranean parking spaces on each lot. The project site consists of three lots developed with two-family and multi-family uses. The site currently contains a total of six structures on the site ranging in size from 748 square feet to 1,664 square feet. The project site is located in the Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Zone on the block bounded by Franklin Avenue to the north, El Segundo Boulevard to the south, Whiting Street to the west, and Virginia Street to the east. The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations §15332 as a Class 32 categorical exemption (infill development). The project consists of constructing four buildings on two parcels in the Multi-Family Residential (R-3) Zone. The project will result in a net increase of one additional residential unit. The project is proposed to be built on a site of not more than five acres and is substantially surrounded by urban uses. Furthermore, the site has no value as a habitat for endangered, rare, of threatened species. There are adequate utilities and public services to serve the project. The project is consistent with the City’s General Plan and Zoning Code, and is not anticipated to have any significant impacts with regard to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. Files for the above-mentioned proposal are available for public review Monday through Thursdays between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in the Planning Division, Department of the Planning and Building Safety, located at 350 Main Street, El Segundo. Any person may give testimony at the public hearing at the time and place indicated above. Please contact Raneika Brooks, Assistant Planner, in the City Planning Division at (310) 524-2343, for further information. Note that any appeal of a decision made following a public hearing may be limited to the issues raised by evidence submitted before or during that public hearing. Sam Lee, Director Planningand Building Safety Department; and, Secretary to the Planning Commission City of El Segundo Mailing Date: March 31, 2016 P u b l i c a t i o n D a t e :March31,2016 Posting Date: March 31, 2016 P:\Planning & Building Safety\0 Planning - Old\PROJECTS (Planning)\1126-1150\ EA-1126\Planning Commission\EA-1136 SUB 15-12_135 - 139 Virginia Street Draft NPH - FINAL.docx El Segundo Herald Pub. 3/31/16 H-25034 NOTICE OF INTENT TO RECEIVE AND FILE DIRECTOR’S DETERMINATION ON ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. 1145 AND ADMINISTRATIVE USE PERMIT AUP NO. 16-02 DATE: Thursday, April 14th, 2016 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers 350 Main Street El Segundo, California TAKE NOTICE that the City of El Segundo Planning Commission will consider the determination of the Director of Planning and Building Safety on the following: Environmental Assessment No. EA-1145 and Administrative Use Permit No. AUP 16- 02 An Administrative Use Permit to allow the placement and construction of two 15-foot tall multi-tenant monument signs and the fastening of six seven-foot tall address numbers to columns of an existing colonade for the office center at 300-400 Continental Boulevard. Address: 300-400 Continental Boulevard Applicant: Richard Benson of Scott | AG Property Owner: Divco West. An application for an Environmental Assessment and Administrative Use Permit to allow placement and construction of two internally and externally illuminated multitenant monument signs greater than six feet in height for Continental Grand Plaza at 300/400 Continental Boulevard. The proposed monument signs will not exceed the maximum permitted height of 20 feet and the maximum permitted sign area of 150 square feet. The monument signs are to be located within the landscaped setback areas along the east side of Continental Boulevard: on its corner with Grand Avenue and the other approximately 400 feet up Continental Boulevard. In addition, the applicant will fasten six seven-foot tall, one-inch thick address numbers to columns of an existing colonade within the front landscaped setback area, which will serve both decorative and informative purposes. The subject property is located in the Corporate Office (CO) Zone. The project site is located on the northeast corner of the intersection of Continental Boulevard and Grand Avenue in El Segundo. The proposed project is exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15311(a), as a Class 11 categorical exemption (on-premise sign). Planning staff has reviewed the application and the Director made the necessary findings to grant the Administrative Use Permit. The file for the above-mentioned proposal is available for public review, Monday through Thursday, between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in the Planning and Building Safety Department, located at 350 Main Street, El Segundo. All persons may give testimony at the public hearing at the time and place indicated above. Please contact Contract Planning Technician Russell Toler in the City Planning Division at (310) 524-2371 for further information. Note that any appeal of a decision made following a public hearing may be limited to the issues raised by evidence submitted before or during that public hearing. Sam Lee, Planning and Building Safety Department Director; and, Secretary to the Planning Commission City of El Segundo Mailing Date: March 31st, 2016 Publication Date: March 31st, 2016 Posting Date: March 31st, 2016 P:\Planning & Building Safety\0 Planning - Old\PROJECTS (Planning)\1126-1150\ EA-1145\AUP 16-02\Notices\NPH PAULS EDITS.docx El Segundo Herald Pub. 3/31/16 H-25035 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING DATE: Thursday, April 14, 2016 TIME: 5:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers 350 Main Street El Segundo, California TAKE NOTICE that the El Segundo PLANNING COMMISSION will hold a public hearing at the time and place indicated above on the following: SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment No. EA-1134, Conditional Use Permit CUP No. 15-07, and Administrative Use Permit AUP No. 15-04 Address: 727 N. Douglas St. Applicant: Petros Benekos Property Owner: Petros Benkos The Planning Division received an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA-1134, Conditional Use Permit CUP No. 15-07, and Administrative Use Permit AUP No. 15- 04 for alcohol service in a new restaurant and outdoor dining area associated with the restaurant. The proposed project involves alcohol service within the indoor dining, bar, and outdoor patio areas of the restaurant. The total outdoor patio area is approximately 665 square feet. Outdoor dining requires approval of a CUP application and the on-site sale and consumption of alcohol requires the approval of an AUP. The project site is located in the Corporate Campus Specific Plan (CCSP) Zone within the Elevon Project bounded by Maple Avenue to the north, Campus Drive to the south, Douglas Street to the east, and Campus Square West Nash to the west. The proposed project is categorically exempt from the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to 14 California Code of Regulations § 15301 as a Class 1 categorical exemption (Existing Facilities). The project includes the approval of permits to allow the sale of general alcohol (beer, wine, and distilled spirits) at a proposed restaurant and for outdoor dining. Minor tenant improvements are proposed for the proposed restaurant and outdoor dining patio. The project is not anticipated to have any significant impacts with regard to traffic, noise, air quality, or water quality. Only minor exterior changes to the previously-approved building are proposed. The project involves no expansion of use, because the restaurant use was previously-approved as part of the approval of the Elevon Project and is a permitted use under the Corporate Campus Specific Plan. Files for the above-mentioned proposal are available for public review Monday through Thursdays between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. in the Planning Division, Department of the Planning and Building Safety, located at 350 Main Street, El Segundo. Any person may give testimony at the public hearing at the time and place indicated above. Please contact Louis Morales, Contract Planner, in the City Planning Division at (310) 524- 2351, for further information. Note that any appeal of a decision made following a public hearing may be limited to the issues raised by evidence submitted before or during that public hearing. Sam Lee, Director Planning and Building Safety Department; and, Secretary to the Planning Commission City of El Segundo Mailing Date: March 31, 2016 Publication Date: March 31, 2016 Posting Date: March 31, 2016 P:\Planning & Building Safety\0 Planning - Old\PROJECTS (Planning)\1126-1150\ EA-1134\EA-1134 CUP 16-02 AUP 15-04 727 Douglas.PCNPH.doc El Segundo Herald Pub. 3/31/16 H-25036 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ORDINANCE NO. 1518 Ordinance No. 1518 adds a new Chapter 13B in Title 15 (Zoning Code) of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) regarding Medical Cannabis Cultivation and Distribution. Chapter 13B establishes definitions for the following terms: “Cannabis,” “Commercial cannabis activity,” “Cultivation,” “Delivery,” “Dispensary” and “medical marijuana dispensary,” “Medical marijuana collective,” “medical cannabis,” “medical cannabis product,” and “cannabis product.” In addition, Chapter 13B explicitly prohibits commercial cannabis activities, cultivation of medical cannabis, delivery of medical cannabis, medical marijuana dispensaries (whether fixed or mobile in nature), and medical marijuana collectives in all zones and all specific plan areas in the City of El Segundo. Chapter 13B further states that no use permit, variance, building permit, or any other entitlement, license, or permit, whether ministerial or discretionary, can be issued or approved for any commercial cannabis activity, cultivation of medical cannabis, delivery of medical cannabis, medical marijuana dispensary (whether fixed or mobile in nature), or medical marijuana collective in the City, and it is unlawful for any person to establish or conduct such activities in the City. ADOPTED BY UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE: MAYOR FUENTES, MAYOR PRO TEM JACOBSON, COUNIL MEMBER ATKINSON, COUNCIL MEMBER FELLHAUER, COUNCIL MEMBER DUGAN – 5/0 El Segundo Herald Pub. 3/31/16 H-25042

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