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Page 12 March 10, 2016 EL SEGUNDO HERALD Candidate Q & A from page 5 painting PAINTERS PLUS IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES LOWEST PRICES • GUARANTEED QUALITY 5 YEAR FREE MAINTENANCE SERVING THE BEACH CITIES CALL DON 310-798-0450 Like Us INTERIOR • EXTERIOR FOR OVER 20 YEARS on Facebook within our public safety agencies. I will leverage technology to improve El Segundo’s ability to deter and respond to crime. I have honed these smart business tactics consulting many Fortune 500 companies. As Chairman of the Economic Development Advisory Council, I have served in a unique position to ensure we continue to have an influx of revenue, since it is business-related income which funds over 95% of our most critical city services. Marie Fellhauer: I actively work with other officials from our region to advocate in Sacramento for public safety issues. With the passing of AB 109 (prison realignment) and Proposition 47, it’s undisputable that the Los Angeles region has more criminals on our streets who are victimizing our communities. El Segundo needs more police officers and firefighters. With the growth of our east side businesses and the influx of nearly 80 thousand people into our city each day, I will fight to have a larger public safety (police and fire) contingency so that our residents are (and feel) safe. Dave Atkinson: The truth is crime is on the rise because legislators passed AB109 and voters passed Prop 47, letting thousands of so called petty criminals out of jails and prisons. The City Council has given the approval of several openings in our Police Department. Some officers have retired and others chose to leave. My choice is to keep our city safe but also keep all the other functions of the city solvent. The best way to cut down on crime is by all of us staying alert and involved. We must keep our eyes and ears open and report anything suspicious.  #3 What should the City’s commitment to schools be and should it restore funding to ESUSD? Carol Pirsztuk: According to the survey I recently conducted with the residents, the three primary reasons why people live in El Segundo are the great schools, the safe environment, and the wonderful sense of community.  Additionally, handyman HOME & APARTMENT CONTRACTOR QUALITY at Handyman Prices. We cover everything from A-Z. CA ST LIS# 786081 / Licensed & Insured flooring KIRK FLOORING (310) 322-6099 Fax (310) 322-6899 lic# 648106 333 Indiana Street, El Segundo YOUR AD HERE carpet vinyl wood there is a direct correlation between the schools performance and the city’s property values and tax revenue.  Thus, it is important that the city invests in the schools.   However, that investment does not necessarily require a financial commitment.  Through partnership and collaboration, the city and the schools could stimulate creative ideas and establish connections translating into support and funding opportunities. Don Brann: The City has no obligation to fund the school district. These are independent public agencies with separate revenue sources. The City must support its employees, operations, infrastructure and focus on service to its customers--residents, visitors, businesses, etc.--first and foremost. The City needs to meet its obligations and take care of its business. Having said that, cities with high quality schools, like those in El Segundo, are sought after by families and property values increase. Traditionally, the City has been very generous to the School District with both cash and in kind services such as school library clerks’ salaries Drew Boyles: I am fortunate to have the support and shared wisdom of many educators, current and former School Board Members and school administrators. The School Board and the City Council must work together to ensure El Segundo continues to innovate and offer top-notch education.  Education and good parenting shape our future generations and our workforce: the world deserves well-educated, open-minded and prepared humanitarians, and the community of El Segundo can and should provide BILL’S that. I believe we should explore every viable opportunity to strengthen our partnership and invest more in our schools. Marie Fellhauer: It’s undoubtedly crucial MAINTENANCE handyman TOUCHSTONE PAINTING • PLASTERING HANDYMAN Reasonably Priced – Referrals Upon Request for our community to maintain a strong 310-517-9677 partnership between the City and our School District. I have the support and endorsement from School Board members who understand this. I’m committed to working with them to ensure our children have access to the very best facilities. We should continue our partnership with the library system and develop a stronger partnership with the plunge to ensure all of our children learn to swim through school programs. I don’t believe, however, that the City should restore funding cash to ESUSD. We have separate funding streams governed by two separate bodies. Dave Atkinson: Our community needs to continue to work with the School Board to define issues that impact our children’s education. We need to stay focused not only on general education, but also arts, music, and physical fitness. Maintaining high transfer rates to colleges and universities is also critical. We need to keep El Segundo financially solvent, safe, and prosperous so we are able to retain the current quality of education we enjoy.  Fortunately, the Imperial School site just sold for $23,000,000 which should enable them to continue teaching our students to learn and grow.   #4 What should be done to revitalize Smoky Hollow and address parking concerns there? Carol Pirsztuk: On March 8, 2016, the city has scheduled a Smoky Hollow Specific Plan workshop.  The information gathered from this workshop should provide the city with the opportunity to take the next steps in deriving a vision plan for the area.  In regards to parking, the Downtown Subcommittee, which I am a member of, recently determined the following.  By adding directional parking signs along Main Street, enhancing the parking signage at both the parking structure and the parking lot adjacent to the fire station on Grand and enforcing current parking restrictions in the downtown area, parking concerns should be reduced.  Don Brann: Smoky Hollow is a unique treasure serving as a funky incubator for start up creative design endeavors. With “Silicon Beach” arriving in El Segundo, Smoky Hollow can serve to house the satellite businesses that will shadow the location of the large technology firms in Elevon and re-purposed buildings in a similar role that this area played in conjunction with the defense and aerospace giants. El Segundo business is transitioning into new technology creative channels. The City needs to incorporate more parking into Smoky Hollow to support new firms, but should not do an “extreme makeover” of the area. Drew Boyles: As a commercial property owner in Smoky Hollow, I have unique insight into the parking challenges. We continue to attract more creative and technology businesses with greater employee counts and densities. The city should develop idle land for public and employee parking.  We should restrict parking of commercial vehicles, including the trucks of businesses like my own. We should restrict street parking to shorter timeframes, encouraging employees to park outside Smoky Hollow or to bike to work. We should work with landowners and businesses to understand their technology, broadband and other important infrastructural needs. Marie Fellhauer: With the changing climate in our business economy and less demand for industrial uses, the City should focus efforts on rezoning Smoky Hollow to allow for office space and other uses within the current light industrial zone. The unique industrial building stock is ideal for what the new era of business is looking for; Creative Office Space. A relatively inexpensive solution to create more parking is through the use of one-way streets and angled stalls. The Urban Land Institute’s study projected that Smoky Hollow could become a vital hub for high tech start-ups and mid size companies. 24 Dave Atkinson:Hour Service The revitalization of Smoky Hollow is very Since 1990 much • Lic underway # 770059 • C-42 now.C-36 C- We 34 C20 have A seen numerous new businesses open there the past few years with many more on the way. The parking situation will always be on going as our city streets are narrow, restricting certain parking possibilities. My thought is to look at the vacant areas to see if we can construct additional parking facilities. We should also look into shuttling employees to and from their work sites. • PLUS LIC # 726089 Bill Henrichon Cell: 310-890-7531 Office: 310-542-3470 2011 2012 2013 Serving the South Bay for 25 years Follow Us on Twitter @heraldpub FREE ESTIMATES plumbing Phone/Text 310.738.7094 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Sewer Video • Hydrojetting • Bonded • Insured CA LIC. #980971 30 Year Business and Resident in the South Bay Email to reserve your space gardening EL SEGUNDO GARDENER Licensed/Bonded All E.S. Crew, Lawn Service Clean Ups, Tree Trim, Sprinklers, Handyman, etc. handyman AL’S REPAIRS & REMODELING Everything from small repairs to large additions. Also Patios • Decks • Fences Commercial Properties Welcome Serving Southbay 29 Years • Many References painting Frederick’s Painting oF el segundo Interior & Exterior NO Job too Small Free Estimates Call Fred 310-910-4841 LIC #948597 painting PAINTING by FRANCO OWNER & OPERATOR INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Residential and Commercial Handyman Services: dry wall • fencing • tile • roof repair • electric pressure washer • termite repair YOUR AD HERE C e r t i f i e d a n d L i c e n s e d P r o f e s s i o n a l s painting PAINTERS PLUS INTERIOR • EXTERIOR PLUS IMPROVEMENTS • REPAIRS FREE ESTIMATES LOWEST PRICES • GUARANTEED QUALITY 5 YEAR FREE MAINTENANCE SERVING THE BEACH CITIES FOR OVER 20 YEARS CALL DON 310-798-0450 LIC # 726089 painting Email to reserve your space plumbing 24 Hour Service Since 1990 • Lic # 770059 • C-42 C-36 C-34 C20 A Full Service Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Sewer Video Inspection • Rooter Service • Copper Repipes 310-543-2001 Free Estimates PLUMBING, HEATING & COOLING RICH’S PAINTING Specializing in exterior Quality interior work Reliable • Reasonable Rates 310-640-9465 Free Estimates • 310-408-0564 www. handyman BILL’S HOME & APARTMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR QUALITY at Handyman Prices. We cover everything from A-Z. Bill Henrichon Cell: 310-890-7531 Office: 310-542-3470 CA ST LIS# 786081 / Licensed & Insured 2011 2012 2013 Serving the South Bay for 25 years FREE ESTIMATES plumbing Phone/Text 310.738.7094 23 YEARS EXPERIENCE Sewer Video • Hydrojetting • Bonded • Insured YOUR CA LIC. #980971 AD HERE 310-376-6938 Bonded • Full Liability & Workers Compensation Insurance • Lic.# 954843 handyman TOUCHSTONE PAINTING • PLASTERING HANDYMAN Reasonably Priced – Referrals Upon Request 310-517-9677 30 Year Business and Resident in the South Bay CALL BRIAN 310-493-7811 310-322-7396 Lic# 100085424 flooring KIRK FLOORING YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space YOUR AD HERE gardening EL SEGUNDO GARDENER Licensed/Bonded Email to reserve your space All E.S. Crew, Lawn Service Clean Ups, Tree Trim, Sprinklers, Handyman, etc. CALL BRIAN 310-493-7811 310-322-7396 Lic# 100085424 carpet vinyl wood (310) 322-6099 Fax (310) 322-6899 lic# 648106 333 Indiana Street, El Segundo painting Frederick’s Painting oF el segundo Interior & Exterior NO Job too Small Free Estimates Call Fred 310-910-4841 LIC #948597 handyman painting AL’S REPAIRS & REMODELING Everything from small repairs to large additions. Also Patios • Decks • Fences Commercial Properties Welcome Serving Southbay 29 Years • Many References Free Estimates • 310-408-0564 www. PAINTING by FRANCO OWNER & OPERATOR INTERIOR & EXTERIOR PAINTING Residential and Commercial Handyman Services: dry wall • fencing • tile • roof repair • electric pressure washer • termite repair 310-376-6938 Bonded • Full Liability & Workers Compensation Insurance • Lic.# 954843 YOUR AD HERE Email to reserve your space Email to reserve your space painting plumbing Full Service Plumbing • Heating • Cooling Sewer Video Inspection • Rooter Service • Copper Repipes 310-543-2001 Free Estimates PLUMBING, HEATING & COOLING RICH’S PAINTING Specializing in exterior Quality interior work Reliable • Reasonable Rates 310-640-9465 OVER 40 THOUSAND PAPERS DELIVERED WITHIN MILES OF YOUR HOME OR BUSINESS.

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