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EL SEGUNDO HERALD February 23, 2017 Page 17 A Soccer Story from page 9 ACE-certified fitness trainer for over 25 years and thought my current knowledge and abilities would get the job done right. I wasn’t looking to simply walk again or just fulfill activities of daily living. As a former competitive amateur bodybuilder, powerlifter, multiple-sport participant and one who lives a very active lifestyle, Photo of Joe with medal and trophy. King Cup 2017 Team Victory pose. I was setting my recovery aspirations much higher--performance! Less than one year later, I was back on the field conditioning myself to hopefully compete in one of the largest men’s adult league amateur soccer tournaments in the United States held in Las Vegas--the King Cup 2015. Four weeks into live game speed play and driving to shoot on goal, three defenders collided with me in the penalty box and took my left knee out in the process. There I was again, lying face-down on the turf pitch, smelling the foul rubber black pellets as reality was painfully swelling in my throbbing knee. I spent the next three days on the couch immobile, leg elevated, swapping out bags of ice. Yes, I’ve had many a friend and family member suggest I give the game up and I seriously contemplated that depressing idea, but I came to an entirely different conclusion. Arnold Schwarzenegger said it best, “I’ll be back!” After the swelling finally subsided, I did a self-analysis of my knee. I had anterior, posterior, medial and lateral damage, but I thought my menisci were intact. I figured I would evaluate every two weeks to see if I improved in any area of pain free range of motion, joint stability and/or muscular strength. If not, then I would seek out professional help and services. Thankfully, albeit some weeks only by millimeters, I made consistently slow but positive progress. One year later, after completing my rehab protocol and weight room activity to acceptable levels, the next four to six months I would be focusing on athletic field work conditioning. So, after a year-and-a-half since the left knee injury and two-and-a-half years since the right ankle rupture, I really felt I was ready to play again and the King Cup Tournament was quickly approaching in January of 2017. I signed up with a team and in three days played in six soccer games to win the over-40 division, King Cup Championships. Talk about a complete turnaround in emotions, I went from the depressing thoughts of never playing again to achieving victory and jubilation of soccer success. Looking at the team photos past and present… At age 18 Pioneer League champs and then 30 years later... at age 48, King Cup champs--but notice coincidentally that I am kneeling in the same postural position in the same front row in the same lower right corner. I thought I would share such a positive ending story with my community and send a hopeful message to all. Don’t ever give up on achieving your goals! • Lady Eagles from page 9 arm, Stevens has speed, Guzman reads the ball off the bat well, and Little has a little of each. Catching will be split between senior Nena Hylander and junior lefty Katherine Kakauske. Both are extremely athletic and each gives the lineup something different. Pitching may be the strongest area for the Lady Eagles. Monique Benjamin is a three starter and will most likely be the number one, but her sister Gaby is one to watch too. Others looking to see time in the circle are Kaili Reitano and Julia Chavez. The Lady Eagles have a daunting schedule as always. They’ll be entered in the El Segundo Tournament, the West Torrance Tournament and the Savannah Tournament besides facing Valencia, North Torrance and Peninsula in non-league action. El Segundo will most likely be battling Santa Monica for the Ocean League title. Revenge will be on Santa Monica’s mind while the Lady Eagles will try to prove they are the team to beat. Assisting McCann will be Jay Gonzales, who returns working with the outfielders and is the team’s conditioning coach. Mike Dolan joins the team and is a welcome addition who brings his coaching experience and knowledge. The season is still two weeks away when El Segundo hosts Valencia on Saturday, March 11. The team will be an exciting one to watch, so mark your calendars and support these winners. • Kaila Reitano will be one of the middle infielders for the Lady Eagles. Monique Benjamin could be one of the top pitchers in the South Bay.

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