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The Weekly Newspaper of El Segundo Herald Publications - El Segundo, Torrance, Manhattan Beach, Hawthorne, Lawndale, & Inglewood Community Newspapers Since 1911 - (310) 322-1830 - Vol. 106, No. 5 - February 2, 2017 Inside This Issue Certified & Licensed Professionals.....................18 Classifieds............................4 Crossword/Sudoku.............4 Entertainment......................6 Legals............................ 16,17 Obituaries.............................3 Pets......................................19 Police Reports.....................3 Real Estate................8-13,20 ESYFC Pee Wee Squad Earns JAMZ National Championship Honors The El Segundo Football Youth Cheer Pee Wee Cheer Squad celebrates winning the JAMZ 2017 Youth National Championship in Las Vegas. Pictured Bottom Row (left to right): Haley Perez, Chloë Crabtree, Melissa Brandlin, Kylie O’Connor, Chloe Newman, Kate Santos, and Angie Hume. Top Row (left to right): Sasha Ramirez, Coach Tiffani, Coach Sonja, and California Dahlstrom. Photo and Content Provided by ESFYC Pee Wee Coach Tiffani Tonso. For story see page 6. • Sports......................... 5,15,18 Police Department Reports 18 Weekend Forecast Percent Crime Increase in 2016 By Brian Simon Part 1 crimes rose by 18 percent in the community in 2016 compared to the previous year, according to data recently released by the El Segundo Police Department. The report breaks down 784 total offenses, of which larceny (theft of personal property) makes up 472 of the total. That category increased 10 percent versus 2015. However, the most significant jump by crime type was in motor vehicle thefts, which swelled by 52 percent (73 total incidents). Aggravated assaults (23 total) surged 35 percent, with burglaries (186) up 27 percent. Rounding out the list were 23 robberies, three arson cases, and four rapes. El Segundo reported no homicides last year. Police Chief Mitch Tavera continued to attribute much of the increase in El Segundo as well as the region as a whole to the adverse effects from legislation such as Prop. 47 (which drastically reduced the number of crimes that used to be classified as felonies) and AB 109 (which released prisoners early from County jails due to overcrowding and put them back on the streets with minimal supervision). He also expressed concern about the recently passed Prop. 57 that increases parole opportunities for “non-violent” criminals. “The intent of the measure may have been to reduce prison overcrowding, but the language was unclear and could lead to the release of hundreds of still-dangerous felons—since the list of offenses considered non-violent crimes encompasses assault with a deadly weapon, first degree burglary, human trafficking involving a sex act with minors, and rape of an unconscious person,” Tavera said. Among the steps the department has taken to address the issue is to go to a patrol-centric program and increase special details to impact crime trends. As part of a reorganization in the last few months, Tavera pulled some personnel away from outside special assignments to get them back on the El Segundo streets and boost the uniformed presence. “Last year we arrested 182 suspects as a result of our details in comparison to 126 the prior year,” the Chief said, adding that about 90 percent See Crime Increase, page 15 Planning Commission Votes to Allow Live Music and More Staff for Rubens Distillery By Liz Spear During its meeting last Thursday night, the El Segundo Planning Commission unanimously approved the addition of live entertainment and a few more staff members for Rubens Distillery and Brewery Tasting Room in Smoky Hollow. Citing no objections from the El Segundo Police Department as well as Rubens’ cooperation with a neighboring business to allay parking issues, the commissioners voted 4-0, with Commissioner Scot Nicol absent, to approve the owner’s request for a modification to his current use permit. Rubens opened six months ago with a permit that did not allow live entertainment and placed limitations on the numbers of staff due to parking constraints in the area. During Thursday night’s six-month review, no one came forward to voice any objections to the business’ request to add staff and live entertainment. However, to ensure all is going well with the new modifications, the commissioners also added a six-month review. The review Thursday night before the Planning Commission indicated the owner wanted to add live music for “ambience,” according to City staff. Said Rubens Owner Robert Rubens II, “I appreciate the time and the review on this matter and just wanted to make a few comments without reiterating what was already said regarding the request for the lift on those two conditions. For the live music, it is a See Planning Commission, page 7 Friday Showers 59˚/53˚ Saturday AM Clouds/ PM Sun 63˚/51˚ Sunday AM Clouds/ PM Sun 61˚/52˚

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