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Page 12 January 19, 2017 EL SEGUNDO HERALD City Council from front page The Plunge or the new aquatics center at the Wiseburn High School site. Responding to the good news, Councilmember Mike Dugan described Lundquist as “probably the most generous developer” in the state if not the entire country. Mayor Suzanne Fuentes added that Lundquist is “living proof that angels walk among us.” Also wearing his hat as Chair of the nonprofit PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES ThE PUBLIShINg COST IS $75 fOr mOrE dETaILEd INfOrmaTION CaLL 310-322-1830 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2016308241 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as 1.) TORRANCE REDONDO/ PRAIRIE 76 GAS STATION, 4000 REDONDO BEACH BLVD., TORRANCE, CA 90504, LA COUNTY. 2.) 23215 CARLOW BLVD., TORRANCE, CA 90504. Registered Owner(s): JAMSHAID IQBAL, 23215 CARLOW RAOD, TORRANCE, CA 90504.This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Signed: JAMSHAID IQBAL, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on DECEMBER 20, 2016. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on DECEMBER 20, 2021. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to DECEMBER 20, 2021. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). TORRANCE TRIBUNE: Pub. 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 1/19/2017 HT-1568 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2016307660 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as RGM AND ASSOCIATES, 1036 THICKET DRIVE, CARSON, CA 90746, LA COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): REBECA GONZALEZ, 1036 THICKET DRIVE, CARSON, CA 90746. This business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 10/2016. Signed: REBECA GONZALEZ, CEO. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on DECEMBER 20, 2016. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on DECEMBER 20, 2021. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to DECEMBER 20, 2021. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 1/19/2017 H-1569 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2016290889 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as 1.) CHEF KATE’S KITCHEN, 3748 W. EL SEGUNDO UNIT B, HAWTHORNE, CA 90250, LA COUNTY. 2.) 402 CONCORD ST, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245. Registered Owner(s): 1.) SANTOS ROBINSON ENT, 402 CONCORD ST. EL SEGUNSO, CA 75075. 2.) ROMEO SANTOS JR., 402 CONCORD ST, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245. 3.) KRISTA D. ROBINSON, 1904 GLENWICK, PLANO TX, 75075. This business is being conducted by A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 11/2016. Signed: ROMEO SANTOS JR, PARTNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on DECEMBER 1, 2016. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on DECEMBER 1, 2021. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to DECEMBER 1, 2021. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). HAWTHORNE PRESS TRIBUNE: Pub. 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 1/19/2017 HH-1570 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2016290891 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as 1.) SNOWY WHITE COIN LAUNDRY, 3748 W EL SEGUNDO UNIT A, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245, LA COUNTY. 2.) 402 CONCORD ST, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245. Registered Owner(s): 1.) ROMEO SANTOS JR, 402 CONCORD ST., EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245. 2.) KRISTA ROBISON, 1904 GLENWICK, PLAINO, TX 75075. This business is being conducted by A GENERAL PARTNERSHIP. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/2016. Signed: ROMEO SANTOS JR, PARTNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on DECEMBER 1, 2016. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on DECEMBER 1, 2021. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to DECEMBER 1, 2021. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. 12/29, 1/5, 1/12, 1/19/2017 H-1571 PUBLISH YOUR PUBLIC NOTICES HERE ABANDONMENTS: $125.00 ABC NOTICES: $125.00 DBA (Fictitious Business Name): $75.00 NAME CHANGE: $125.00 Other type of notice? Contact us and we can give you a price. For DBA’s email us at: dba@heraldpu All other legal notices email us at: Any questions? Call us at 310-322-1830 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017005833 COMMUNITIES COUNT The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ELIZABETH’S WORLD OF ART GLASS, 655 WEST MAPLE AVENUE, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245- 2006, LA COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): ELIZABETH CLARA RUSSELL, 655 WEST MAPLE AVENUE, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245-2006. This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 12/2016. Signed: ELIZABETH CLARA RUSSELL, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 9, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on January 9, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to January 9, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2/2017 H-1572 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017004821 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as TCJ AND ASSOCIATES, 4001 INGLEWOOD BLVD BLDG 101 UNIT 708, REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278, LA COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): ATHENIA PARKER, 4001 INGLEWOOD BLVD BLDG 101 UNIT 708, REDONDO BEACH, CA 90278, CA. This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Signed: ATHENIA PARKER, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 6, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on January 6, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to January 6, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2/2017 H-1573 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017005322 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as ALL SEASONS CATERING, 20927 AMIE AVE APT 17, TORRANCE, CA 90503, LA COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): OSBORN LARAY FOWLER, 20927 AMIE AVE APT 17, TORRANCE, CA 90503, CA. This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/2017. Signed: OSBORN LARAY FOWLER, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 9, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on January 9, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to January 9, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). TORRANCE TRIBUNE: Pub. 1/12, 1/19, 1/26, 2/2/2017 HT-1574 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017008466 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as 1.) LOVE N LIGHT MAMA, 113 S AVIATION BLVD, MANHATTAN BEACH, CA 90266, LA COUNTY. 2.) LOVE N LIGHT LEARNING. Registered Owner(s): MANDARIN KAR LING SO, 113 S AVIATION BLVD, MANHATTAN BEACH, CA 90266. This business is being conducted by an INDIVIDUAL. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/2017. Signed: MANDARIN KAR LING SO, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 11, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on January 11, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to January 11, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). El Segundo Herald: Pub. 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9/2017 H-1575 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017000787 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as MARISCOS LA FIESTA, 15020 HAWTHORNE BLVD STE E, LAWNDALE, CA 90260, LA COUNTY. AI #ON: 3972721. Registered Owner(s): R T FOOD GROUP INC, 15020 HAWTHORNE BLVD STE E, LAWNDALE, CA 90260, CA. This business is being conducted by A CORPORATION. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: N/A. Signed: R T FOOD GROUP INC, ISMAEL RAMIREZ, PRESIDENT. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 3, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on January 3, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to January 3, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). LAWNDALE TRIBUNE: Pub. 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9/2017 HL-1576 Fictitious Business Name Statement 2017003085 The following person(s) is (are) doing business as GANACHE A TROIS, 2049 W 236 PLACE, TORRANCE, CA 90501, LA COUNTY. Registered Owner(s): SANDRA I ALVAREZ GARCIA, 2049 W 236 PLACE, TORRANCE, CA 90501.This business is being conducted by an Individual. The registrant commenced to transact business under the fictitious business name or names listed above on: 01/2017. Signed: SANDRA I ALVAREZ GARCIA, OWNER. This statement was filed with the County Recorder of Los Angeles County on January 5, 2017. NOTICE: This Fictitious Name Statement expires on January 5, 2022. A new Fictitious Business Name Statement must be filed prior to January 5, 2022. The filing of this statement does not of itself authorize the use in this state of a Fictitious Business Name in violation of the rights of another under Federal, State, or Common Law (See Section 14400 ET SEQ., Business and Professions Code). TORRANCE TRIBUNE: Pub. 1/19, 1/26, 2/2, 2/9/2017 HT-1577 NOTICE OF ORDINANCE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ORDINANCE NO. 1545 AN INTERIM ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO EXTENDING THE MORATORIUM ON PERMIT ISSUANCE FOR MARIJUANA-RELATED LAND USES WITHIN THE CITY TO ALLOW SUFFICIENT TIME FOR THE CITY TO CONSIDER AMENDING TITLE 15 OF THE EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE AND APPROVING A REPORT REGARDING THE STATUS OF THE MORATORIUM SUMMARY OF ADOPTED INTERIM ORDINANCE On November 15, 2016 the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1543 imposing a 45-day moratorium on all marijuanarelated land uses, as defined, during which time no permit or license of any kind could be issued for a marijuana-related land use. The purpose of the moratorium was to allow reasonable time for the City of El Segundo to consider whether to formulate and adopt zoning standards and regulations governing marijuanarelated land uses, or whether to prohibit such uses in their entirety. Ordinance No. 1545 extends the moratorium period by an additional ten months and fifteen days. Accordingly, the moratorium on marijuana-related land uses will now expire at midnight on November 14, 2017, unless further extended. El Segundo Herald Pub. 1/19/17 H-25443 South Bay Sports, Health & Recreation, Lundquist reported that the group had collected pledges equaling “about 60 percent” of the $6 million fundraising goal going towards the aquatics center construction bill. He singled out sponsors Kinecta Federal Credit Union, Los Angeles Lakers, County of Los Angeles Fourth District, Skechers, Chevron, Mar Ventures, Toyota and CDC—while also urging other businesses and community members to contribute to the cause. “Although we have made great strides, we still have millions of dollars to go,” Lundquist said, adding that those who donate $1,000 or more will have their names permanently affixed to a fundraising wall. On a related note, Acting Public Works Director Ken Berkman said it looks like the price tag for the aquatics center will come in at the $12.5 million estimate presented at the last Council meeting. Wiseburn Unified School District expects to award the construction contract next week. In other actions, the Council granted a request by McDonald’s to convert an existing single-lane drive-thru at 101 S. Sepulveda Boulevard to two lanes. Planning and Building Safety Director Sam Lee said staff believes the change will improve congestion in the parking lot since the current configuration causes cars to back up into spaces. The Council also agreed to increase membership on the recently established Technology Committee from five to seven individuals. In addition to providing more knowledge and resources, the move will allow the group to create subcommittees of three without violating provisions of the Brown act. Discussion about the salary range for the future Information Services Director continued on Tuesday, but the Council delayed making a final decision despite receiving more detailed data on compensation for similar positions in the private sector (to complement statistics on pay in like-sized cities and in comparison to other El Segundo department heads). Councilmember Dugan felt staff did not take into account “span of control” (technically the number of subordinates under a director’s lead, though other factors play into that) when setting the recommended ranges. At its next meeting, the Council will receive additional information on head counts and total compensation. Revenue Manager Juliana Demers reported that the City will conduct a transient occupancy tax (TOT) compliance audit starting next month—as a way to streamline the monthly reporting process for hotel operators. The last such audit occurred in 2010 and netted the City an additional $87,000-plus by identifying various gross receipts that had not been reported. The City will conduct outreach through the El Segundo Chamber and hotel community, with the goal of “building relationships while ensuring compliance.” The Council authorized the City Manager’s request to retain former Human Resources Director Martha Dijkstra (who retired last month) on a “very limited, as-needed hourly basis” to provide continuity in ongoing labor negotiations as well as input to her successor (who starts on February 6). Dijkstra will likely work three to four hours a week for up to four months at a maximum total cost to the City of $8,000. See City Council, page 14

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